Born in New York to the Dominican parents, he shifted back to the Dominican Republic when he was still a toddler of four years old. Later on, he moved back to America, living in Miami. A-rod confessed to employing steroids for three years while joined the team, Texas Rangers, due to “pressure to perform.” Nonetheless, he insists that he no longer uses steroids, the person he acknowledged was his steroid delivery guy was last spotted within in 2011. In 2007, Alex Rodriguez confirmed a contract with the team, New York Yankees, addressing it as the most profitable engagement in MLB history. The agreement merited over 275 million dollars for 10 years.
Anyhow, Alex Rodriguez is one of the greatest living baseball players of all time. He won the MVP award thrice in his lifetime in the years,2003, 2005, and 2007. He won the Hank Aaron award four times in the years, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2007. In addition to this, he also won a Gold Glove award twice in the years 2002 and 2003. He began his profession with the Seattle Mariners, signed a contract with the Texas Rangers, before shifting his team to the New York Yankees. A-rod, as he is quite popularly known amongst his fans, is the youngest athlete to ever hit 500 home runs. The whopping 14-time all-star titled player has only won the World Series once in the year, 2009.
Talking about his fitness regime, he has designed his workout to provide him with the strength, energy, and durability that can be used for his playing routines too. When he is not busy hitting the home runs for his baseball team, he is often spotted working out with a couple of friends or his girlfriend in the gym.Here's a detailed study about the Alex Rodriguez workout routine:
Alex Rodriguez Workout Routine
The athlete cum businessman starts his day pretty early at 6 am. Now that he is a dad, he drives his two daughters to school at 7 am, which is his first task fo the morning. He uses this time to teach them a little about money-making skills and economic lessons. After his task his fines, he likes to get a workout. After dropping them off, “the first thing I like to do is get a workout in to get my mind going a bit, get my body going,” he says. Life is not about eating and working out for him. He rushes to his office after his workout. After exercising, “I make all my calls, do a bunch of emails and then I usually get to the office every day around 12 [noon],” says Rodriguez.'s how Alex begins his day which is quite busy. His workouts are scheduled according to his days.The Alex Rodriguez Workout is an aggregate of sprinting, baseball drills, and at least 3 days of hitting the gym where he does some heavyweight body lifting exercises. Besides this, his regular exercises are doing 300 crunches a day and 30 minutes on a stationary bike. While Alex Rodriguez doesn't like to run for a very long distance, he instead chooses to go for short bursts of sprints that impersonate running the principles or fielding of a grounder. Another key to Alex Rodriguez's workout is that he prefers to vary his workouts on a very regular basis.
He explains his workout, saying,
"On Mondays, it's a series of 440-, 220-, and 110-yard sprints, never more than a mile at a time. When you run long distances, you start getting slower. On Tuesdays, it's sandpit workout and stair sprints. On Wednesdays, it is 18 straight 110-yard dahses. On Thursdays, it is an uphill run. On Friday we do some high-speed plyometric movements to build muscles. On the weekends it is spinning class or batting cage."
Moving on to the splits of the workout that Alex Rodriguez would probably do in the gym during his entire week:
Monday Alex Rodriguez Workout
- A series of 440, 220, and 110-yard sprints
- 30 minutes on a stationary bike
- 300 abdominal crunches
- Incline Bench Press– 5 sets, Reps: 21, 14,7, 7, 7
- Cable Crossover- 3 sets, Reps 21
- Dumbbell Bench Press– 5 Sets, Reps: 21, 14, 7, 7, 7
- Barbell Bicep Curl– 2 sets of 15
- Reverse EZ-Bar Curl- 2 sets of 21
- Alternating Dumbbell Curl– 2 sets of 15 for each arm
- Cable Curl- 1 set of 15
- Hammer Curl- 1 set of 15
- Hammer-Strength Grip Machine- 3 sets of 21
- Dumbbell Wrist Curl- 3 sets of 21
- Core Strength Machine- 2 sets of 50
- Gymnastics Ring Hang- 1 set of 21
- Slings- 1 set of 21
- Decline Crunch (w/25-pound plate)- 2 sets of 21
Tuesday Alex Rodriguez Workout
- Sandpit workout
- Stair Sprints
- 30 minutes on a stationary bike
- 300 abdominal crunches
DRILLSBaseball skills, drills, batting, fielding, running
Wednesday Alex Rodriguez Workout
- 18 straight 110-yard dashes.
- 30 minutes on a stationary bike
- 300 abdominal crunches
- Barbell Squat– 10 sets, Reps: 50, 30, 21, 14, 7, 7, 14, 21, 30, 50
- Leg Extension- 3 sets of 15
- One-Legged Deadlift- 3 sets of 15
- Leg Press Machine: 3 sets of 21
- Lying Curl- 3 sets of 15
Thursday Alex Rodriguez Workout
- Uphill runs
- 30 minutes on a stationary bike
- 300 abdominal crunches
DRILLSBaseball skills, drills, batting, fielding, running
Friday Alex Rodriguez Workout
- High-speed plyometric movements
- 30 minutes on a stationary bike
- 300 abdominal crunches
- Back Extension (w/25-pound plate)- 3 sets of 21
- Reverse Back Extension- 1 set of 77
- Wide-Grip Pulldown to Front- 3 sets of 10
- One-Arm Dumbbell Row- 3 sets of 15
- Dumbbell Pullover- 2 sets of 21
- Power Clean (lightweight) – 1 set of 50
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise- 2 sets of 21
- Upright Row- 2 sets of 15
- Dumbbell Shrug- 2 sets of 15
- Bent-Over Cable Lateral Raise- 2 sets of 21
- Close-Grip Bench Press- 2 sets of 15
- Triceps Pressdown– 2 sets of 15
- Dumbell Kickback- 2 sets of 15
Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez Couple Workout
Currently, Alex Rodriguez is seen doing some hardcore workout with his girlfriend and fiance, Jeniffer Lopez. Ever heard the saying that the couples who workout together stick together? Guess, they are made for each other! They post a lot of couple workouts on their respective social media handles too.
In a video on his Instagram, Alex captioned, “2018, here we come,” where Rodriguez shared a montage of what a standard workout session seems like for the energetic couple, and it’s definitely no joke when you see them.They do dynamic movements like running up bleacher steps, doing barbell squats, jumping rope, planking, doing burpees, and much more that activates their heartbeat and makes their blood pumping. Although most of their workouts are pretty much the same, there are some movements that are different for both of them and which targets different muscle groups. For instance, while A-Rod does pullups to work on his back muscle, J-Lo does some squats to concentrate on her glutes. This is the classic model of how a couple's workout should be where you can keep some exercises common, while still personalize to fit your individual needs.That's all about Alex Rodriguez's workout routine. Looking at what he eats to fuel his system up with energy.
Alex Rodriguez Diet Plan
When questioned about what Alex eats in a day, A-rod says that he chooses to consume a very "clean" diet. He likes to eat egg whites, oatmeal, chicken breast, brown rice, fish, and steak which are some of his staples. He tries to stay away from things like butter, sugar, flour, and oil as much as possible. He makes sure he is eating everything fresh and organic and nothing processed ever goes on his plate. reveals like he likes to stick to the same meals each day and changes his diet plans occasionally. For example, he says that for breakfast, “I’m a pretty boring guy. I’m very routine-oriented … so for me, it’s egg whites, oatmeal, coffee and sometimes I do a little fruit,” he says.He also attempts to supplement his plate with little steamed vegetables especially during his dinners. Alex Rodriguez reveals his secret to fight the fatigue because of his hectic working schedule. He says, "If I am feeling low on energy, I always have a sweet potato." Well, that seemed quite easy!That's all about Alex Rodriguez's workout routine and his diet plan to fuel him through his super hectic day. Diet of the champions!