Ben Smith is known as The Fittest Man on the Earth. He earned this title in 2015, after winning the CrossFit Games – one of many awards he’s earned during his accomplished career in CrossFit. Growing up, Ben wanted to become a professional baseball player. While at first, this seemed like a high possibility, an odd turn of events during college prevented Ben from realizing his dreams. However, this didn’t matter for Ben, as he soon found a new competitive outlet – CrossFit Games. Across his career in CrossFit Games, Ben has appeared on the stage four times, placing third in 2011 and 2013, second in 2016, and first in 2015. Except for his first CrossFit Games, he’s never placed outside of the top 10.

In this article, we will talk about all that Ben Smith does in his day to make his life much more healthy. Thus we have accumulated all the information about his workout plan, his diet chart, and the kind of supplements that he takes. This article also contains all the additional information related to Ben Smith and his fitness journey.
Ben Smith Statistics
- Birth Year: 1990 (age 31)
- Birth Date: May 16
- Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
- Weight: 195 lb (88 kg)
Ben Smith Awards and Achievements
CrossFit Competitions
YEARDIVISIONOVERALL RANK (WORLDWIDE)RANK (BY REGION)OVERALL RANK (BY STATE)OVERALL RANK (BY COUNTRY)2018Men40th2nd Mid Atlantic1st Virginia22nd2017Men42nd1st Mid Atlantic1st Virginia23rd United States2016Individual Men65th2nd Mid Atlantic1st Virginia39th United States2015Individual Men3rd1st Mid Atlantic1st VirginiaThe 3rd United States2014Individual Men3rd1st Mid Atlantic——2013Individual Men11th1st Mid Atlantic——2012Individual Men24th3rd Mid Atlantic——
YEAROVERALL RANKDIVISIONREGIONAL NAME20161stIndividual MenAtlantic Regional20154thIndividual MenAtlantic Regional20141stIndividual MenMid Atlantic20131stIndividual MenMid Atlantic20121stIndividual MenMid Atlantic
YEAROVERALL RANKDIVISION20162ndIndividual Men20151stIndividual Men20147thIndividual Men20133rdIndividual Men201211thIndividual Men
Team Series
YEAROVERALL RANKTEAM NAMEMEMBERS20161stTeam Reebok ReunitedStacie Tovar, Emily Bridgers, Scott Panchik20151stTeam Reebok ClassicsPaul Tremblay, Emily Bridgers, Stacie Tovar20141stTeam Reebok EastEmily Bridgers, Stacie Tovar, Scott Panchik
Lift Off
YEAROVERALL RANKSNATCHCLEAN + JERKWORKOUT20154th38th (300 lb)36th (370 lb)8th (441 reps)
Benchmark Statistics
- Squat – 480 lbs
- Clean and Jerk – 335 lbs
- Snatch – 300 lbs
- Deadlift – 530 lbs
- Fight Gone Bad – 520
- Max Pull-ups – 76
- Fran – 2:25
- Grace – 1:51
- Helen – 7:19
- Filthy 50 – 16:17
- Sprint 400m – 0:58
- Run 5k – 20:20
Ben Smith Workout Routine
When he was a child, Ben Smith was very much into baseball but was introduced to CrossFit by his father who knew that he could improve his performance on baseball by being trained in CrossFit. In his words, “I played baseball growing up, and my dream was to be a Major League Baseball player. CrossFit fit the training I needed to be strong, fast, and have endurance on the field. My dad was in the military and introduced me to it.”One night, Ben did a ‘Cindy’ CrossFit workout in his room. He was extremely exhausted after that and laid on the floor. It was at this moment when he felt fascinated with it and his passion began to grow. He explains his experience by saying, “At the end of the 20 minutes, I was lying on the floor, breathing really heavily and I thought, ‘This is awesome!’ After that, I read and read, following the website and researched whatever I could online about the sport.”He trained CrossFitfit for roughly a year and could notice huge differences in his body. For example, his physique improved 10 times and has become stronger, leaner, and even more explosive than before.

He then entered Lafayette College, expecting to enroll himself in a professional baseball team and start his profession there. Sadly, his ideas didn’t grow to success. After completing one semester, he had to transfer school which prevented him to get admission to the baseball team that he really wanted. It was at this point when he made up his mind to join CrossFit instead. He explains by saying, “I transferred schools after one semester to Old Dominion University in Virginia, right near home. Turns out by that time I couldn’t try out for the baseball team, so I started getting into CrossFit.”Ben Smith first entered the CrossFit games when it was the year 2007 and when he read about it. Then after two years, his thoughts turned into reality. He took part in the first contest in 2009 in Mid-Atlantic Regional in Virginia Beach, which was held right next to the street where Ben lived. In his words, “I figured why not go for it, give it a shot and try to compete with these guys at the Games. Going into the last Regional event, I was in 9th place.”Ben finished up by winning 1st place, which fitted him for the Games. He said; “It was 21-15-9 squat snatch at 95lbs and chest-to-bar pull-ups. That was hard for a lot of people in 2009.” Ben made his CrossFit Games debut in 2009. He started the game as the youngest contestant, at only 19 years of age. Ben said; “The first year, I competed just for fun.” Since 2009, Ben has played in CrossFit Games every year. He won third place in 2011 and 2013, second in 2016, and first in 2015 – growing to be the ‘Fittest Man on the Earth.’Since then the record that Ben Smith holds in CrossFit has been matched by a small number of people as he is the only one who has made 9 back-to-back appearances on the cross fit games individual category. Rebecca Voigt was the person to match his feat. Ben Smith has between 3-5 workouts per day. These incorporate strength training, conditioning, mobility work, high-intensity cardio, and other kinds of activities that help Ben stay in top shape for CrossFit Games.Ben's typical day of training includes coaching CrossFit classes early in the morning. He may do some endurance exercises depending on how he feels. As soon as he's done coaching, he'll train with his friends and do some strength work. As soon as Ben finishes lunch and takes his midday nap, he heads back to the gym to coach another CrossFit class. He'll train between classes, lifting weights and participating in MetCon. At the end of the day, he will work out one last time. It typically involves something rapid and intense, such as burpees or sprints.He explains his first experience with CrossFit saying that he learned a lot during that phase. In his words, he says,
I played baseball growing up, and my dream was to be a Major League Baseball player. CrossFit fit the training I needed to be strong, fast, and have endurance on the field. My dad was in the military and introduced me to it. We did Cindy in the room above the kitchen. At the end of the 20 minutes, I was lying on the floor, breathing really heavily and I thought, ‘This is awesome!’ After that, I read and read, following the website, and researched whatever I could online about the sport.

His first competition was rather magical. He has clear memories of how he was able to do it. He says,
I remember reading about the 2007 and 2008 Games. In 2008, I’d just graduated high school and was going to LaFayette College to play baseball. I was still doing CrossFit. I transferred schools after one semester to Old Dominion University in Virginia, right near home. Turns out by that time I couldn’t try out for the baseball team, so I started getting into CrossFit. It just so happened that the 2009 Mid-Atlantic Regional was in Virginia Beach right down the street from me, so I figured why not go for it, give it a shot and try to compete with these guys at the Games. Going into the last Regional event, I was in 9th place. I ended up winning the event by a lot which put me in 1st, making it to the Games. It was a 21-15-9 squat snatch at 95lbs and chest-to-bar pull-ups. That was hard for a lot of people in 2009.
The place where he was in 2011 and then in 2013 brought about a lot of changes in his training and diet routine. Clearly, he practiced super hard. However, he was also super consistent with his dedication and consistency. In his words,
The competition has definitely gotten a lot better each year. I think the Games are evolving, and you need to evolve with them or a little bit faster than them to keep up. I haven’t changed my training much since I started doing CrossFit. I’m doing CrossFit, trying to do the workouts faster, trying to get stronger, trying to beat my times. Each year, they’re going to throw something different at you and you never know what that’ll be. They’ll surprise you. You have to do your best to expect what that will be and be prepared for anything that comes your way.
However, what has changed is when he just started competing and now that he has become a champion and very expert in his field. In his words, he explains that differed,
In previous years, I would just go out there and compete. The first year, I competed just for fun. After that, my family’s been going and they’ve been getting into more and more each year. This year, a couple of friends from the gym went with my family. My uncle was there supporting me also. My family knows all about it now, so they send me emails wishing me good luck and they pray for me.This year when I came home, half my gym was at the airport to surprise me. They love to surprise me. That was a lot of fun. My friend and Krypton Coach Adam sent me videos of them watching the Games at a little party they had at the gym. It’s just really cool to have so many people supporting me. I’m really blessed and really thankful to have that community behind me.
He also has something to say about how the recent players on the field are the ones who are veterans no matter female or male events. This is all due to the dedication displayed by them, says Ben Smith. He continues, "They’ve been adapting to the sport and have remained consistent. They know how to train for CrossFit and have worked hard for the last few years."

He also has a favorite working which he explains in his own words is, "I liked the Pool event and the ZigZag Sprint. I was really looking forward to the legless rope climb and the 2007 events, and it turns out those were events that really didn’t go my way. There weren’t any events I didn’t like; they were all really cool and really fun."He even says that there are times when he gets really nervous about playing the sport. In his words, "Everyone gets a little nervous. You just have to use it to your advantage; use the energy for good. I talk to God a lot and rely on Him. I say a prayer before each event. I really feel I’ve been blessed with this talent. That’s really a motivating factor for me."Ben Smith is often known as the athlete who has been training in his own garage and personal space and not in the gym. Even though he now tarins with his friends, he has a personal space for himself at home. In his words,
That’s how I started CrossFit. I love training outside in particular, and I still have my garage gym. It really has always been just me, training me. I used to browse the Internet for workouts and workout ideas. But now I am pretty good at making up my own workouts and programming. Every morning I decide what the workout will be based on what I feel I should do that day. Now having CrossFit Krypton, I train with my brothers and friends there—but I still have everything I need at home.
He now also has his own gym where he also trains people besides training himself. He is always in awe of the support that has been showered by his family for him. He says, "My family helps me so much at the gym. I wouldn’t be able to do nearly anywhere near to what I’m doing without them. My dad helps with the business side. My mom helps me make the gym look good. My brothers help with the coaching. It’s a family business without a doubt."He also has a fixed schedule (most of the time), and he tells us about it in many interviews. Here's what he says,
I’ll wake up early to coach the 6 am or 8 am class. Depending on how I feel, I’ll do 10-30 minutes of endurance work to get me moving and wake me up. After coaching, I train with my brothers or my friends. We’ll do a MetCon and maybe some strength work. I like long, hard, heavy MetCons. Mid-day I’ll head home for lunch and maybe a nap before heading back to the gym to coach the afternoon and evening classes. In between classes, I’ll alternate between lifting and a MetCon. At the end of the night, I’ll finish off with something quick and endurance-based like sprints or burpees with some skill work. After that, it’s back home for dinner and hangs out with the family and my fiancé.
He has also some advice to give to the competitors who have just run their journey with CrossFit. In his words, he tells,
Remember the CrossFit term of “virtuosity”—doing the common, uncommonly well. I would say, work harder than you think you should. If you think you’re working hard, work twice as hard as that. Always work your hardest. You can’t be going at it at 50%. Every workout should be making you better. Every workout should have a purpose. Make goals. Set out a list of 3-5 goals and don’t let yourself stop until you get there. If it’s important to you, you’ll make the time for it.

His goal this year like every other year is to be a better version of himself by staying healthy as possible. He wants to continue working on himself which is the biggest motivation for him "To get healthy and stay healthy! I had knee surgery right before the Open, then I tore a muscle in my back before Regionals, and now I have a little tendonitis in my shoulder. To say the least, I wasn’t training as much this year as I have in years past." He says that if he could have one superpower in the midst of all these things that would be to have super strength so that he could lift more. He says, "I think I’d have to say super strength."In the midst of all these things, here is also a sample workout routine that Ben Smith follows through the week. Take a look:
Morning Workout of Ben Smith
- 20 legless rope climbs
- 80 thrusters (135)
- 40 muscle-ups
- 100 cal on assault bike in below three min
Early afternoon squat session –
Squats up to a significant single(hits 485)
Evening session in his garage –
- 2 rounds:
- 50 cal row
- 50 push-ups
- 50 GHD sit-ups
An additional workout that ben smith perform is
- 2x strict pull-ups
- Front squat 6×3 at 335
- EMOM 10
- 15 burpees
Then he performs exercises with below given time period:-Every thirty seconds for twenty minutes
- 1 minute of strict pull-ups
- 1 minute – thirty-five air squats
- 5 rounds for time
- 21 GHD sit-ups
- 15 benchpress (165)
Ben Smith needs no introduction to CrossFit enthusiasts. Every year since 2009, he has competed at the CrossFit Games, finished in the top ten seven times, and was the overall champ in 2015.His career has paralleled the development of CrossFit into a legitimate and popular sport, and he has come to embody the company's philosophy, going from lifting weights in his garage to becoming the fittest man in the world.

So what makes this seemingly unassuming Crossfitter so successful? Although the natural talent he possesses has obviously been gifted to him by Mother Nature, pure talent alone is never sufficient. Below are four factors that have certainly contributed to the success of Ben Smith and have enabled him to stand out among his peers.
When Ben was just three years old, his parents encouraged him to pick out a sport and devote himself to it! So he began gymnastics at such a young age! He moved around a lot since his dad's job was in the navy. Making new friends through sports was thus a good way for Ben to make friends. American football and baseball were among his favorite sports throughout his childhood. Ben set his sights on becoming a professional baseball player as a youngster. Ben began lifting his father's weights in his teens to improve his performance in baseball. As he walked out of school in his final year, a friend of his father introduced him to some CrossFit videos, and he was shocked by the intensity of the workouts. He began instructing himself on how to do the exercises using online demonstration videos and tried them out in his backyard and garage. When he was 19 years old, he entered his first CrossFit Games after finishing first at the CrossFit Regional. ...and the rest is history
In addition to encouraging a spirit of competition among Ben and two of his younger brothers, Mrs. and Mr. Smith exercised some parental influence in this area early on. In addition, the Smith family stays close to one another, supporting each other in everything they do. His usual training and coaching activities take place at CrossFit Krypton, which he has set up with his dad, and at his brother's gym, which is also a CrossFit affiliate. In addition to his parents' help with the daily running and maintenance of CrossFit Krypton, several friends and family members drop in to say hi and hang out, making the atmosphere in the gym relaxed and positive, akin to a home away from home for Ben. Recent studies have found that athletes under high stress are twice as likely to suffer an injury, and people under high stress make worse nutrition decisions, impacting their recovery. An atmosphere like that may actually help Ben improve his fitness.Ben's family provides both the support and competition he needs to stay focused and relaxed in a relaxed environment. When anyone meets Ben or sees him compete they know that he always remains calm, something that helps him maintain significant consistency in his performances and results.
A hard worker like Ben is hard to come by. He runs three classes a day at CrossFit Krypton, but he also dedicates the time between classes to his own training schedule. A hard and heavy metcon (metabolic conditioning, an intense circuit-style workout) is usually followed by strength training in the early morning, before his first class. In between his evening and afternoon classes, he alternates lifting and metcons and concludes the day with something quick and endurance-based like sprints or burpees combined with some skill work. As a result, Ben trains hard and pushes himself to his limits to see how far he can go; he makes little distinction between training and competing. Therefore, Ben lives and breathes CrossFit, and he has incorporated it into his daily life.

In his garage, Ben started training kids in his neighborhood; he decided to open CrossFit Krypton to meet the growing demand for his training skills. As well as fulfilling a dream, Ben believes that we are all here to serve a purpose and wishes to help others grow and improve. The opportunity to coach at his own CrossFit box will fulfill this desire and allow him to increase the amount of training he does himself. You will not be surprised that Ben's classes feature intense workouts - thanks to the scalable version of his own workouts that he and his colleagues teach at CrossFit Krypton - he and his colleagues create a relaxed environment with personalized programs.Ben Smith's qualities, any of which can be found among athletes in isolation, are what makes him so extraordinary as a human being, particularly when they are combined with those physical attributes he was born with. The life journey of the 2015 CrossFit Champion is an inspiration to us all, not just in sports, but in every endeavor we undertake.

That was all about the workout routine that Ben Smith follows in his daily routine. There are also some tips that Ben Smith gives out to his friends and fans which have really helped him have the best of his workouts. Read below to know more.
Ben Smith Workout Tips and Tricks
Notwithstanding Ben Smith's frightful lifestyle, you cannot effectively obtain your ideal body weight without some grisly exercise as done by him. In a way to get a body like this- the figure of a victor- he has put a lot of energy into his system. As a true acknowledged one, he has used every possible method to reach the outcomes sought after and be as great as possible. It is crucial for him to work on all areas of his body to get shredded, which includes his back, chest, legs, arms, etc. You may like to take a gaze at:
Find a Gym You Love
Getting the right gym can drive to heightened impulse and more regularity in your workouts, molding your overall fitness. Recognize a place where you can have real fun and also sense empowerment. Consider some time to get a thorough look all around: be sure to watch at all the amenities in your area, and don't be frightened to travel a bit faraway if essential. You could look at CrossFit boxes, power-lifting gyms, or boot camps. Also, you might want to practice with someone who concedes what you're going through. You will make even huger winnings as a result of the connections you develop.
Reach for the Sky
You may be blocking your growth with your weightlifting workouts by following the gym teacher's weightlifting directions: "arch your back", "extend your hips". And if you concentrate your attention on secluded parts of your body, you move towards the risk of overthinking. Rather than centering on your own movements, think of your surroundings that are changing with yours: you're mangling the floor away and squeezing the bar to dust. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research registers that this technique often leads to refined achievement.

Expand Your Core Curriculum
If the yin of mobility is stability, then the yang of stability is mobility. Power is produced by your limbs when they are bound to have solid ground. Each exercise should consist of five 10 second sets of isometric planks, side planks, and bird dog exercises. According to the researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada, these exercises develop your essence, and such a strong center helps to counter the back pain and enhance your running rate and lifting capability, among many other benefits. Would you like to make the transits even more influential? Smith advises that you must breathe slowly and intensely during each set.
Roll the Tightness Away
There is a frozen point for everyone somewhither. When you serve in an office all day, you are likely to be tight in almost every part of your body. No matter what game you are connected with, such as Crossfit or touch football, it can surely destroy your muscular performance. To magnify the effectiveness of your movements, Starrett prescribes to release the tension from your body. You can easily solve this problem by choosing a tight muscle group to roll out on your hips, glutes, or shoulders with a hardball for 10 minutes while watching TV.

Train With Stronger AthletesBen Smith recommends that one must try and train with people who are a level up than you for inspiration. In his words, "Watch people better than you and try to adapt. I started doing CrossFit in 2006, and my first Games were in 2009. As the years have gone, I've been able to handle the volume and intensity through practice, and picking up pointers from people and things to help my training."Never Settle For AverageHe is of the mindset of never settling or average things in life. In his words, "You're not going to change or grow if you're not challenged. Growing up, I was taught that you always want to put yourself in situations outside your comfort zone. I've done things in training that were way harder than the Games. That's how you have to prepare. Put yourself in more uncomfortable situations. It's about making it a little tougher — but not so tough that you can't do it."When in Doubt, Do a Total-Body MovementHe says that all the problems can be solved by turning your energy into something positive than negative. In his words, "If I could only do one move, I'd do a clean and jerk. And if you can only do bodyweight moves, I would stick with air squats, burpees, push-ups, sit-ups, and a fun place to do pull-ups. You can get fit anywhere."Treat Muscle Aches at the GymHe feels that the body and each muscle must be treated right for the best results. He explains by saying, "You feel better once you start moving. If I have an ache or pain, it's because I wasn't working right or got out of position. I lower the weight and get things moving again — that's when I feel better. Also, make sure to sleep enough. In preparation for the Games, I was sleeping eight to 10 hours a night, which helped me recover, and be ready to go."Know What Music Moves YouBen Smith is huge on music and he asks people to choose the kind of music that would make you want to move. In his words, "I can't have someone screaming in my ear when I'm already tired. Rock, metal, and "screamo" are out for me. A lot of the time I find myself enjoying country music when I'm working out. Keeps me calm."Surround Yourself With MotivationOne of the best ways to stay motivated is to surround yourself with everything that might motivate you. In his words, he explains, "I keep daily reminders in front of me that keep me on track, motivated, and focused. These can be words, phrases, Bible verses, videos. Set your goal, whatever it may be, and keep the inspirational reminders in front of you at all times. Then when it comes time to make a decision that can affect your goals, you'll choose the one that brings you closer to them."

Live a Balanced LifeFor Ben Smith, balance is everything, no matter what you do. Everything excess can be really determinate, especially when it comes to health. He says, "You can't let training take over your life. I enjoy hanging out with my friends. We go out during the day, paddleboarding, kayaking, swimming, or playing other sports. You've got to keep a good perspective on things."Be Your Own Biggest FanBeing your own biggest fan and companion is important if you want to achieve something big. The only inspiration that you need is from yourself. Here's what he says, "I've been the only person that's expected myself to win. In years past I've always had an injury. I've never been somebody who, going into the Games, was expected to win. This year I was healthy, and I truly, truly believed I could win."
Chill Out
The lifestyle of Smith is clear of many stresses. Almost every day is alike, enveloped by associates and relatives. On the mission, he has retained it that way. Stress can damage your fitness: According to a modern study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, contestants under higher life stress are at a double risk to get injured.Moreover, Mike Roussell, Men's Health Nutrition Advisor, concludes that people under higher stress direct to make poor nutritional judgments, and their restoration of the body too is affected. Make sure that you are doing something every day that lessens your anxiety levels for ten to twenty minutes. For example, one could meditate, walk the dog, work on woodworking projects, or even read. No matter what you choose to do, be regular with it. Not only it makes you feel better, but it will also increase your accomplishment. Smith will surely be able to tell you. The difference could have put him between a first position and the second one.

Ben Smith presented tips for how to achieve the kind of body frame he has today by giving various workout pointers. Ben Smith doesn't just follow an extreme workout agenda; he also observes a severe diet plan that helps him stay tough in the gym so that he can achieve his goal. To get himself in shape, he must have followed a proper and balanced diet. Look at what diet plan he follows in the succeeding sections.
Ben Smith Diet Plan
The impact of food on the body is immeasurable. As an athlete, it affects athletic performance, mental health, and physical health. Besides being a means of satisfying hunger, food is also a means of providing the body with fuel. Into your body, you put what you want to get out of it. The body can't function at its best if you do nothing but consume junk food. Performance, recovery, and stamina are determined in part by an athlete's diet.Despite the importance of calories in an athlete's diet, it is equally important to ensure that those calories come from healthy sources. The same thing will not happen to your body if you eat 200 calories of almonds as opposed to 200 calories of cookies. To eat as clean as possible, Crossfit Games athlete Ben Smith follows a strict diet. The thought of Ben's diet improving his performance even by 1-2% is worth the effort.Ben Smith has a crazy work schedule and a training routine. Thus he must take nourishment and his meal plan quite seriously. He explains a few of his meal plans by himself. Ben Smith says that "Breakfast can vary between a protein shake and banana, eggs, and bacon, or cereal—something to keep my stomach full before I coach and workout. For lunch, I love Moe’s or Chipotle, or just make my own chicken, guac, and sweet potatoes. I eat clean during the day but come to dinner after a long day, anything goes…even pizza. In between meals, I do supplement with Progenex and Pure Pharma."

Ben’s Daily Meal Plan
Ben Smith eats almost clean foods throughout the day but it is in the evening where he is a bit laxer about his meal. He would enjoy a great meal to end his day. As he says; “I eat clean during the day, but come dinner after a long day, anything goes…even pizza.”He usually has bananas, eggs, and bacon for breakfast, along with a whey protein shake. This forms a great pre-workout meal for >Ben Smith as it gives him all the energy and nutrients that are needed for his intense workouts. His lunch meals are also quite simple and consist of things like chicken, guacamole, and sweet potatoes.
Ben Smith’s Typical Meals
Ben Smith does not have a fixed meal plan for home but more or less, his meals include the following:
- Oatmeal, spread, and fruit- all mixed along
- Eggs with avocado
- Chicken, steak, or fish
- Rice
- Vegetables
- Chicken, steak, or fish
- Rice
- Vegetables
That was all about what Ben Smith will eat throughout his day and what his meals are composed of. But with having great meals it is also important that he follows it consistently and diligently which he does! He shares some diet tips with his fans and followers which makes it possible for him to do the same. Read in the next section.
Ben Smith Diet Tips
Ben Smith has anchored himself with the ideal diet agenda, but he also attempts to do his best to memorize some hints and clues that will help him continue being dedicated to his menu. Following is the list of several tips from Ben Smith on how he could strengthen up his diet habit by adhering to it. Here is something you require to know:1. Hydration:The bulk of the human body is constituted of water and 70% of the tissue is water. It is essential to stay hydrated BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER practices as we secrete a lot, especially in South Florida. Water is necessary to be drunk, so make certain that you bring a bottle along with you.Prescribed measures of water or liquid:15-20 ounces of water before working out10 ounces of water every 20 minutes during the workoutAdditional 8-15 ounces post-workout2. Breakfast:Often, the runners who engage in the "dawn patrol" jump breakfast because they feel it's too early for them to have breakfast. As you rise in the morning, your body is yet in a fasting phase from sleeping the night before and your glycogen stocks are the feeblest. Regrettably, muscle is broken down before fat when you practice on a vacant stomach. It is not beneficial to exercise for a long time on an empty stomach to lose fat!Breakfast tip: One should have a reservoir of carbohydrates and protein, along with an abundance of water!

3. Post-workout:It may shock you that most cross-fitters hear that protein is not the most important macronutrient to absorb following a workout. You should supersede all the carbohydrate reserves your body has spent during your workout right after you exercise. If you want to secure that your glycogen stocks are replenished as efficiently as possible, you have 30 minutes to absorb carbohydrates after working out. Your performance will progress when you exercise again. If you do this then it will help you with the speedier restoration. It's not that you need not believe in protein, but what to be said is that you have about an hour after working out to devour protein.Tip: After your conditioning, take a banana with you to eat on the way back home. If you are helpless to eat within an hour, you might be able to have a supplement shake prepared with 30 grams of carbohydrates and 30 grams of protein.4. Are you a meathead?Protein is considered to be the most trustworthy source of nutrition by the largest number of people. Surely, you need more protein when you are working to build muscle, but you shouldn't go beyond the limit. Excessive protein consumption can impair your kidneys over time because unreasonable protein excites your kidneys to serve harder than they can. An individual can only ingest about 30 grams of protein at a time, so about 4 ounces of protein should be utilized at a time. Protein suggestions are restricted by your weight and health goals such as growing muscle, losing weight.5. Vitamins on vitamins on vitamins:What is the purpose of getting so many supplements? Whole foods are invariably the best option for my patrons. Many supplements comprise metals because the enterprise is uncontrolled and not tested. Several supplements contain adhesives and stuffing, which make them arduous for your body to assimilate. When you eat colorful fruits and vegetables on a well-balanced food, you'll be receiving the vitamins and minerals that your body necessitates. Supplements are few and far between that would actually be approved. Among the products that are actually prescribed to all the consumers are Omega 3 supplements. In extension to recovering heart health, decreasing soreness, reducing recovery period, and lowering the body's response to work out stress, omega-3 fatty acids have numerous health advantages.Ben Smith generally follows a fabulous diet, however sometimes his nutritional needs are not entirely met, and then in those circumstances, he arranges to get some nutrition or supplements for his diet to recharge them. In the subsequent section, we will review his supplements and extras.
Ben Smith Nutrition and Supplements

For athletes especially, sometimes it is quite hard to get all the nutritional intake that is needed in their body because of their strenuous training schedules. Thus, in this case, having some supplements is a great idea to curb all these nutritional intakes. Ben Smith takes some extra supplements to supplement his diet plan. Take a look:
- Recovery supplement
- Whey Protein
- Fish Oil
- Magnesium