Do you get comments every time you wear shorts because your legs are so skinny? Legs that are naturally skinny tend to stay that way and can even get smaller with age, so getting bigger, more shapely legs can take a while. The good news is that you can gain some inches by doing leg exercises and eating plenty of calories to fuel muscle growth. If all else fails, you can try some style tricks to give the illusion that your legs are bigger. Find out more about how to make skinny legs look bigger.

What determines the size of a thigh?
Most of your thigh size is determined by your bone structure (genetics), as well as the proportion and distribution of fat and muscle mass.The following materials make up your thighs:
- The femur (thigh bone)
- A muscle group (e.g., quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors)
- Ligaments, tendons, fascia: connective tissue
- Fat stored in the body
- Blood vessels and arteries
- nerves
Your thighs and buttocks may store more or less fat depending on your genetics and hormone levels. In addition to the gynoid (pear-shaped), there is also an android (apple-shaped) body type.Those with gynoid body types tend to store more fat in their thighs and buttocks, while those with android body types tend to store more fat in their abdomens. Cisgender females usually have higher levels of gynoid fat storage because they produce more estrogen.It's vital to remember that you cannot choose where your body stores fat. To build bigger thighs, you should focus on gaining muscle, which is a more controllable process.
A Rethink of Your Routine

Reduce the amount of cardio you do. If you want bigger legs, running, power walking and swimming isn't going to help you much. Exercises of this kind require you to use your energy stores so you can keep moving for an extended period of time. As a result, you'll have less energy left over to devote to high-intensity muscle building. Substitute calorie-burning exercises such as uphill cycling or hiking up hills for cardio exercises that help build leg muscle.You should eat more food. You'll have trouble building muscle in your legs if you're on a diet. You cannot build muscle unless you take in plenty of calories to fuel muscle growth in your legs. When your goal is to gain bigger legs, getting more calories is essential. That doesn't mean you have to eat everything you want. In addition to adding shape and definition to your legs, eating 3 regular meals plus snacks filled with high-quality foods will also help you gain some healthy weight. Make sure you consume the following healthy foods:
- Protein is important to your health. You need protein at every meal to keep your muscles healthy, so you need to consume it daily. As a vegetarian, you can eat tofu, beans, and eggs, or if you're a meat-eater, you can eat lean beef, pork, poultry, fish, and seafood.
- Nuts, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are also essential. A healthy diet should include all of these.
- Avoid empty calories such as processed sugars and flours, fast food, cakes, cookies, chips, and other snack foods that will make you feel drained instead of energized.
- Consider taking supplements. By taking supplements such as creatine, a powder that supplies the body with a naturally occurring acid that builds muscle, some people can accelerate their muscle growth. When taken in doses of 5 grams per day, creatine is considered safe.
Work out with weights. Exercises that utilize weights focus your body's energy on a particular muscle you're working out, breaking down its fibers to help them rebuild. A weight training program that focuses on legs will provide you with the shapely legs you desire.
- Weights of 75% to 85% of your maximum 1 rep weight are ideal for the various exercises you are doing. Choose the heaviest weight you can successfully complete one rep with, and then scale it back to 75%.
Strive to do intense workouts. Your leg muscles are used to lifting your body (and whatever else you're holding) up and downstairs and everywhere else throughout the day. In order to grow these muscles, you need to do workouts that are more intense than those you might design for parts of your body that don't get exercise enough. So, every workout you do should cause your heart rate to rise and cause the muscles in your legs to burn. The fibers must be broken down so that they can rebuild themselves stronger and larger.
- For each exercise, lift the weight you can lift using the correct form for 10 repetitions. If you can lift the weight easily for 15 repetitions, the weight is too light. It is too heavy if you can't lift it more than a few times without stopping.
- After a few weeks, add more weight to maintain the intensity.
- You should use explosive bursts of energy rather than going slowly through the motions. Exercising explosively builds muscle fibers in the legs. Be slow during eccentric movements and explosive during contractions.
Groups of muscles should be rotated. Don't work out the same muscle group repeatedly. Spend the next day working on your quads if you focus on your calves the previous day. By doing this, your muscles are given time to rest and build strength between workouts. In addition, it keeps you from plateauing by keeping your muscles in a state of shock, putting them through the process of breaking down and building back up each day.

- A hard workout that includes squats, box jumps, and leg curls one week can be switched to stiff-legged deadlifts, lying leg curls, and lunges the following week.
- One way to prevent plateauing is by adding weight. Increase by a few pounds every two weeks.
Use Proper Form. You should always use proper form when performing any exercise. This will not only lower your risk of injuries but will also help speed up your progress. As an example, let's consider squats. Deep squats are associated with greater muscle activation than partial squats, according to studies. When you train, you need to fully activate your muscles in order to get bigger thighs.Start with a load that allows you to perform 12 to 15 repetitions with the perfect form if you're using weights. Increase the weight to stimulate muscle growth as you progress. At the top of the movement, squeeze your muscles and hold them for a few seconds. Don't forget to breathe.Concentrate on compound movements. Deadlifts, squats, lunges, and other compound movements work nearly every muscle in your body. In the long run, they will build overall strength, improve conditioning, and enhance your exercise performance. In addition, they stimulate hypertrophy, also known as muscle growth.The squat, for example, works quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, back, and core muscles. As well as building strong lower body muscles, it also boosts metabolism. It makes everyday activities easier and may reduce injury risk, as it is a functional movement.Try different squat variations to keep your muscles guessing and prevent plateaus. Try sumo squats, goblet squats, Bulgarian split squats, single-leg squats, etc. To make the workout more challenging, hold a water bottle or sandbag in each hand. If possible, purchase a kettlebell or adjustable dumbbells.At least 80 percent of your training session should consist of compound exercises. The remaining 20% should be devoted to isolation exercises, such as donkey kicks, glute bridges, hip thrusts, and lying leg curls.Put on a booty band. If you follow any trainer on Instagram, you'll probably see a band wrapped around her thighs at some point, especially if she's a runner. This is because the band strengthens the hip abductors, or your glutes, and the tensor fasciae latae (TFL), the muscle in the thigh that moves the leg away from the midline (aka abduction).When the band is placed around your thighs, you can easily turn squats and leg lifts into leg-burning exercises.In order to target the thighs and glutes, Barry likes to use a lateral step: Holding a shallow squat position, keep your legs hip-width apart and your feet parallel. Take 10 to 15 steps to one side, then the other, then back again. Feel the burn on your backside.Something soft should be squeezed. Be sure to squeeze the inner thighs as well! As your adductor muscles pull your legs in toward each other, Barry recommends using a squishy ball or foam yoga block to strengthen them all.Grasp the block between your legs and squeeze, holding for a second, then release. Continue for ten to fifteen repetitions.This exercise can be performed standing, holding a wall sit, maintaining a plank position, or in a glute bridge position (see above). Squeezing harder will increase the intensity of the workout.
Making Your Thighs and Legs Look Bigger

- Flare pants are a good choice. Flares at the knee, which make the lower leg appear larger and add a flattering shape to the leg line, hugging the thighs but flaring out at the knee. If you don't like the look of bell bottoms, you do not have to wear them. If you add just a slight flare to your skirt, your legs will appear a little longer.
- Skinny pants should be avoided. The purpose of these is to make your legs look like matchsticks, so if you want bigger legs, you need to stay away from them. The whiskering around the thigh and knee areas of skinny pants or jeans is a must if you must buy them. As a result of whiskering, the leg line appears more pronounced.
- Choose pants and tights with patterns. Choose tights and pants with floral, striped, polka-dotted, or tie-dyed patterns - the more colors the better. When you wear patterned fabrics on your legs, they leave a more lasting impression. A dark, solid color, on the other hand, can create the illusion that your legs are thin and small.
- You should wear knee-high boots. A pair of boots that come up to the knee can completely change the appearance of your legs. Instead of skin-tight boots, opt for slouchy, thick boots. They can be worn over jeans or tights to give your legs an appearance of fullness. You can add a little bulk to your legs by wearing boots over pants. For a fashionable look, try wearing knee-highs over a pair of jeans.
- Dresses and skirts that fit your body well are best. By contrast, if you wear loose, billowy skirts and dresses, your legs will appear smaller. When you wear skirts and dresses that are cut closer to the body, your legs won't look like they're being swallowed by fabric.
- Just above the knee dresses and skirts are appropriate. Your legs will appear less small if you wear hemlines that fall an inch above the knees. Dresses and skirts that are very short draw attention to your legs, while hemlines that fall below the knees emphasize the contrast between your skinny legs and the fabric you're wearing.
Leg and Thigh Exercises to Shape Your Legs and Thighs

Squats are a great exercise. There is no better exercise to help fill out your thighs since it engages the most muscles in the area. If you are a beginner, you can do squats without weights. Alternatively, if you don't want to use a barbell, you can use two dumbbells. For more advanced athletes, hold a barbell with a weight you can lift for 10-12 reps. Here's how you should squat correctly:
- You should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Your thighs should be parallel to the floor as you bend your knees and squat. Make sure your knees are aligned with your toes.
- Tend to the position for 10 seconds.
- Push yourself back up to the starting position.
- Repeat for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
Walking lunges are beneficial. Repeat 10-15 times on each leg. Do three to four sets of each exercise. A dumbbell held to your side will add resistance and help you build more muscle. Eventually, they will help you build muscle in your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings, making your legs look longer and fuller.
- Put one foot forward and take a big step.
- Your back knee should be pointing toward the floor as you step.
- Maintain a perpendicular posture with your torso.
- Lunge with your other foot as you rise into starting position.
Box jumps are good. It's another great exercise you can do with minimal equipment that will give you bigger calves. Put yourself in front of an exercise box or step you can easily jump upon. It will be more difficult if the box is tall. Point your toes in the direction of the box. Take an explosive leap and land on the box with the balls of your feet. Jump back down to the ground. Repeat.
- To avoid sliding when you land on the box, make sure it is heavy enough.
- Box jumps shouldn't be done with dumbbells; if you trip, you might need your hands to catch yourself.
Leg extensions are good for your legs. You will need a leg extension machine for this exercise, which can be found in every gym with a weight room. Use light weights at first and gradually increase the resistance.
- The leg extension machine should be positioned with your feet under the lower bar with your knees bent.
- At the peak of the motion, extend your leg slightly, keeping a slight bend at your knee, then lower it.
- Repeat ten to twelve times for three sets.
Leg curls should be done standing up. You'll need to use a machine for this exercise. You will need a leg curl machine with a cable attached to your ankle that enables you to lift weights. You can load the machine with as much weight as you can lift for 10 repetitions, between 20 and 50 pounds (or more).
- You will need to attach the cable to your ankle with the harness and grab the support bar with your hands.
- Your knee should bend toward your behind as you lift, then you should straighten it again.
Replicate 10-12 times for 3 sets, then switch to the other leg.Stiffen your legs while deadlifting. Your hamstrings are essential for sculpted legs, which is why you should do this exercise. If you want to lift a barbell for 10 reps without stopping, you'll need a barbell loaded with a heavyweight.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hinge your hips forward. To pick up the weight, bend your knees as far as you need to, then straighten your legs until you have a slight bend in your knees. Tighten your abs and with a completely straight back, lift your torso back upright, contracting the muscles in your buttocks and thighs. Squeeze the barbell with your hands.
- While keeping your legs straight, lift the barbell to your thighs, then lower it back to the floor.
- Repeat for three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.
The Best Way To Get Thicker Thighs Without Exercise
For individuals whose schedules are too packed to squeeze in a workout or who prefer not to sweat bullets, be out of breath, experience muscle cramps, or to put it simply - exercise, getting thicker thighs without exercising may be simply the solution to their problem. It's interesting to note that genes we inherit from our parents play a major role in determining our body shape, among other things. This is why, for some people, having large thighs without putting any effort in can be a curse rather than a blessing. The reason is that most of the people who, so to speak, inherited large thighs, struggle with excess weight and terrible chub rub.There have been some studies done on methods to grow thighs without exercising. You can buy massage oils in stores that are said to improve thighs' muscles if used regularly. Additionally, they are widely acclaimed for being free of side effects and capable of generating new cells that store lipids very rapidly. However, it is important to point out that there is no evidence to support any of the claims.Another point you need to consider is consuming a sufficient amount of calories to improve muscle growth. That does not negate the fact that genetics play a major role in our body shape. Therefore, one must be realistic about how well one's body shape can change after considering this aspect, among other things. Before consuming anything else after eating, give yourself a minimum of three hours to avoid stuffing your stomach, piling up in the places you don't want to, or simply feeling bloated and nauseous.
What You Can Do To Get Thicker Thighs By Exercising And Eating Healthily
It is important to understand the connection between exercising your body and eating healthily. Due to the fact that you have to consume more food as you exercise, you must ensure that you are getting more energy than you are using. Diets that support increased activity and muscle growth should be part of your plan.How many calories do you need then? If you are unsure of the answer to this question, you need a nutritionist, doctor, or trainer to help you map out every detail of your fitness journey so that you won't end up harming yourself. Only then will a specialist be able to determine the best approach for you based on your weight, the level of activities you can carry out, your nutritional needs, and your health state.So, if you're concerned about how to get thicker thighs through eating, simply increase the amount of food you eat. But you shouldn't eat what you see since junk food and other unhealthy foods will make you put on weight in the wrong places and also harm your health. The focus should be on foods with high protein content, such as yogurt, soybeans, eggs, salmon, tuna, chicken, and peanuts. These foods will enhance muscle growth.
How To Get Bigger Thighs And A Thicker Booty
It's important to realize that there is no magic bullet that will make you build muscles without putting them through their paces. The understanding of how these body parts play a role in increasing performance in our daily activities and the proper way to gain thicker thighs and calves will certainly go a long way towards making this whole process easier. To that end, here are some easy-to-do exercises that will help you gain thigh and booty mass quickly:
Hip thrusts with one leg
- Lay on your back on the floor with your left foot resting on the seat of a chair or a weight bench.
- You should extend your right leg towards the ceiling.
- Lift your hips off the floor as far as possible while pushing with your left foot.
- After you have risen, take some time to relax and slowly lower your hips to the ground.
- Repeat the process about 10 to 20 times on each side.
Sumo Squats squat works the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and hips if done correctly.
- Form a V shape by standing upright with your feet moderately apart.
- Maintain a straight back and shoulders.
- Lie on your back as low as possible in a sit-down position.
- Hold this position for a few seconds at the lowest point before returning to the starting position.
- 10 to 20 times, repeat this up and down motion.
Consider holding a dumbbell in both hands to make this exercise more challenging.
Side Step-Ups With Sidekicks muscles in the lower legs are developed with this routine. The steps are as follows:
- Place yourself in front of an immovable chair or bench.
- The right foot should be placed on the elevated surface.
- Raise your left leg as high as possible toward or beyond the height of your right leg.
- Repeat the motion on the other leg and return to the starting position.
- Repeat this process about ten to twenty times on each leg.
Fire Hydrants
- Kneel, then stretch your back horizontally by placing your palms on the ground.
- By opening your hips to the side, lift your right knee from the ground and stretch the thigh out.
- Reverse the direction of the arrow.
- Repeat this motion about 10 to 20 times on the right leg.
- Then repeat the process on the left leg.
When lifting the legs, you can place a suitable weight on the back of your knee to increase the resistance.When considering the steps mentioned above on how to get thicker thighs, it is imperative to note that your determination and commitment are vital for achieving the desired result. You are bound to observe some positive outcomes as long as you are committed to the process.
Are there any supplements I should take?
Your body has so many needs, and depending on your genetic makeup and your dietary preferences, you may have a wide range of nutritional needs that food and drink can't satisfy.Taking a daily multivitamin is the easiest and fastest way to treat this problem. A Harvard School of Public Health study shows the multivitamin can be compared to your nutrition insurance policy.
1. Protein Powder
It is a common misconception that protein powder makes women bulky and big, but this is not the case.It's not possible to grow into big bodybuilders with our physiological capabilities.However, making your thighs and hips bigger is dependent on getting sufficient protein.Supplementing with protein powders is a good idea for me because getting enough protein from real food can be challenging at times.It is possible to get 20g or more of protein in one go with this.
2. Pre-Workouts
Drink a cup of green tea or coffee before your workout.Studies show that caffeine gives you an extra burst of energy you need to power through a tough weightlifting workout, perhaps because caffeine blocks adenosine receptors that tell your body you are becoming fatigued.Alternatively, you can buy caffeine pills like green tea extract pills, but be careful - these contain so much caffeine that they often cause negative side effects like a racing heart, anxiety, and irritability.
3. Creatine
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. Taking a supplement increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which helps to contract your muscles. The combination of creatine with heavy resistance training can improve physical performance, fat-free mass, and muscle morphology. Research has shown it's very safe with few to no negative side effects. If you want to build muscle, it's essential.
When will you see the results?
Although you won't notice a change overnight, when you look in the mirror and see a difference in your body, it is so rewarding. Every time you walk into the gym, you become healthier, so it will take time, but your efforts will be worth it. You might consider taking measurements or taking a before-and-after picture to track your progress, but don't look at the photo constantly - you should look at it after a month.It's important to remember once again that genetics cannot be ignored. Your body is uniquely designed, and certain areas may be more susceptible to weight gain than others.According to a major study, even when men and women do the same exercise, their bodies can react differently, from losing muscle mass (-2%) to gaining muscle mass (59%) Different body types require different levels of bulking, calories, and protein, as well as different amounts of cardio and nutrition.When you try out our recommended exercises and diet plans, you may need to make some adjustments, since there is no one-size-fits-all method of building larger hip and thigh muscles. By taking supplements, you can compensate for genetic disadvantages.
Advantages of Having Big Thighs
Increasing strength in the lower body
When you exercise your legs, you are helping your metabolism work better and burn more fat since your legs have the largest muscles in your body. Strong muscles help the body's metabolic functions to function more efficiently.
Performance in a variety of sports is improved
A specific physical form is required for activities such as running, dancing, or lifting weights. These sports can be practiced more efficiently and with greater endurance when you have strong legs.
Cardiovascular diseases are decreased by it
It is less likely that these diseases and diabetes will affect you if your weight is distributed evenly throughout your hips and legs instead of concentrated in the abdomen.
Sugars are more easily broken down
A study has concluded that women with voluptuous and toned hips and legs have better circulatory processes. In addition, sugar-metabolizing substances are produced in greater amounts, and bad cholesterol levels are reduced.
Old age aches and pains can be avoided
As the years go by, the bones and joints deteriorate. It is possible to reduce the negative impact of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis by strengthening your legs throughout your life.It helps reduce the direct impact of body weight on the knees because of these large muscles.
Better support is provided by the bone system
When the bones are surrounded by well-toned muscles, they are better protected. Additionally, these muscles strengthen the core, which improves spinal health and reduces the risk of injury to any part of the back.
Here are 30 Leg Exercises and Workouts You Should Know
- Front Squat
- Bulgarian Split Squat
- Deadlift
- Squat
- Dumbbell Stepup
- Deadlift
- Swiss Ball Leg Curl
- Leg Press
- Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
- Walking Lunge
- Bodyweight Calf Raise
- Reverse Lunge
- Pause Squat
- Dumbbell Squat
- Kettlebell Swing
- Jump Squat
- Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
- Barbell Calf Raise
- Jumping Calf Raise
- Skater Squat
- Glute Bridge Walkout
- Barbell Hip Thrust
- Seated Calf Raise
- Single-Leg Glute Bridge
- Swiss Ball Wall Squat
- Kettlebell Press-Out
- Reverse Table-Up
- Suspension Trainer Leg Curl
- Overhead Lunge
- Standing Calf Raise
What to Eat to Bulk Up
If you're trying to bulk up your legs, here are some foods you should eat and avoid. The following food items are great for bulking up:
- meats like sirloin steak, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, and tilapia
- dairy like cheese, yogurt, and low-fat milk
- grains like oatmeal, quinoa, and whole-grain bread
- fruits like bananas, grapes, watermelon, and berries
- starchy vegetables like potatoes, lima beans, and cassava
- vegetables like spinach, cucumber, zucchini, and mushrooms
- nuts and seeds like walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds
- legumes like lentils and black beans
- cooking oils like olive oil and avocado oil
Supplements can make bulking more effective and help you sustain a long-term workout plan, but understand that they're not tightly regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and efficacy:
- You can increase your daily protein intake by mixing whey protein into water or protein shakes
- Energize your muscles during long or intense workouts with creatine monohydrate
- It gives you extra energy so you can increase the length or intensity of your workout
Limiting or avoiding certain foods
You should limit the following foods if you're trying to bulk up, especially right before or after a workout:
- Alcohol, which reduces your ability to build muscle if you consume too much at once or overtime
- Fried foods like french fries, chicken strips, and onion rings can cause inflammation or digestive and cardiovascular conditions
- Added sweeteners or sugars in sweets and baked goods, sugary beverages, and Gatorade and other electrolyte-enhanced beverages
- Fattening foods, such as beef and heavy cream
- Foods high in fiber, such as cauliflower and broccoli
A change in lifestyle
Here are some lifestyle changes you can make to increase the effectiveness of your workouts and stay healthy in general:
- Get at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night at about the same time.
- Meditate, listen to music, or take part in your favorite hobbies to reduce stress.
- Smoking and alcohol consumption should be reduced or eliminated. The process of quitting can be challenging, but a doctor can help you create a plan that works for you.
- You shouldn't push yourself too hard. You shouldn't rush in and injure yourself or become fatigued if you take it slow. Begin with one repetition or minute, then add another when you think you are ready.