Long jumper Britney Davon Reese was born on September 9, 1986, and is a seven-time world champion and Olympic gold medalist. A distance of seven kilometers makes Reese the indoor American record holder for the long jump. Her most significant sporting achievement was her state championships in the triple jump and long jump while at Gulfport High School. Born in Inglewood, CA, Reese graduated from Gulfport High School in 2004. Following college, she attended MGCCC and Mississippi State University. The recent judgment into the MGCCC sports hall of fame acknowledges Reese as a member of the women's basketball team. Since 2013, Reese has worked as the assistant track and field coach at San Diego Mesa College.

In this article, we will see what all Brittney Reese has done to accomplish her goals so far. Thus we have collected all the valuable information pertaining to Brittney Reese and her fitness routine which includes the various kinds of workouts she does and the kind of diet that she has. Thus read ahead.
Brittney Reese Statistics
- Birth Year: 1986 (age 34)
- Birth Date: September 9
- Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
- Weight: 140 lb (64 kg)

Brittney Reese Awards and Achievements
Event1st2nd3rdOlympic Games120World Championships400World Indoor Championships310Total830Olympic Games

2012 LondonLong jump

2016 Rio de JaneiroLong jump

2020 TokyoLong jumpWorld Championships

2009 BerlinLong jump

2011 DaeguLong jump

2013 MoscowLong jump

2017 LondonLong jumpWorld Indoor Championships

2010 DohaLong jump

2012 IstanbulLong jump

2016 PortlandLong jump

2018 BirminghamLong jump

Brittney Reese Workout Routine
Her settlement to place 5th in the Olympics that prior year was the main motivation for Brittney Reese's success in 2009. After contributing so much time and effort working to be there, she was ravaged to be left off the podium in Beijing, China. Until that point, I had never encountered anything like the ride back to the Olympic Village. Despite crying the entire trip, Brittney Reese made a commitment to herself that she would never get left off the podium ever again. It was in Berlin when she experienced that loss that played an influential role in her success.

While she adheres to her regimen, her workout routine is nothing too sensational. Her basic moves would be executed according to her routine. The activities she performs are largely concluded by her mood. Training for Britney Reese lasts around three to four hours a day, depending on the day of the week. In addition to strength and speed training, she also does cardio, plyometrics, and jumping exercises. Generally, she apportions the academic year into 5 x 10-week segments.#1—Weights and usual running fitness;#2 increase velocity endurance running and proceed with weights as an emphasis;#3 Indoor arrangement;#4 back to activity endurance and clear speed emphasis;#5 competitive outdoor period. In general, there is not a tremendous difference between the sectors, but around week 8 we shift to the other emphasis.

During all aspects of the program, speed is included, but the emphasis changes—as with strength and conditioning. According to Brittney Reese, she recommends constantly moving up in fitness in each area over the course of the year. After half a year, she lifts 3 days a week in week for the first half of the year and twice weekly thereafter. The rehearsals she does are event-specific and directly correlated to being ready to jump well, and the workouts she does are others that are uniformly important to the overall concept of training, which helps her survive a long year with competitions that range from January through August and early September. The base-running and lifting do this for other athletes, and Reese has shown she can run world-class times indoors, quickly after the start of April, before the start of June, and during the end of August, because of the way we practice does this.DayPreparation PhasePre-competition phaseCompetition phaseMondayCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills3 x 300mWeight trainingCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills2 x 300mComplex TrainingCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills2 x 200m @100% effortTuesdayCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drills3 x 3 x (100m, 50m, 100m) tempo runsCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills8 x 100m @ 90% effortCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drillsComplex TrainingWednesdayRestRestRestThursdayCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills6 x 50mWeight trainingCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drillsComplex TrainingCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills3 x 150m @100% effortComplex TrainingFridayCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills6 x 200mCore Stability work3 x 30m sprint drillsLong Jump drills3 x 200mRestSaturdayCore Stability work10 x 150mWeight trainingCore Stability work5 x 150m @100% effortComplex TrainingCompetitionSundayRestRestRestIn the following segment, we will consider conditioning tips and tricks that Brittney Reese covers in her routine. The fact that she was consistent in the midst of the pandemic and was able to conquer the Olympics indicates the power she places on her workout tips and tricks.

Therefore, we will concisely examine some of them underneath.
Brittney Reese Workout Tips and Tricks
Brittney Reese composed a list of all the workout tips he used during and after the flu pandemic and arrange for his Olympics match. Her practice has helped her greatly with her path and one who is following her should also be able to use these tips for more solid results.

The following is some of the information she says.
- Each of our best should be getting better all the time. Every day, every week, every month, every year.
- Pay attention to the "little things".
- Train consistently, have a positive attitude, get enough sleep, and exercise. Priorities in track and life must be balanced.
- The anticipation of opportunity rather than the fear of a particular outcome.
- Don't be anything but "YOU". Take no notice of what others think. The importance of trust cannot be overstated.
- Patience with aggressiveness. Before adding something new to your body, you need to understand that your body and muscles must adapt.
- The best of today will become common tomorrow. In 2007—6.60 was perfect, but in 2011—6.60 was not so good.
- Make early meets honored practice sessions for techniques. Differentiation between the short and full entrance synchronicity.
- The evolution of technology doesn't happen by accident. Perfection evolves over time.
- "At the pit" is where both we (coach and athlete) are evaluated on meet day.
- A runway and takeoff are what bring the money!

There was nothing but Brittney Reese's workout routine she consistently manages throughout her training sessions, whether it's off-season or in-season. In addition to serving some tips to maintain consistency, she is totally dedicated. She has a tendency to be very determined, which makes it easier for her to stick to a plan.

She has also revealed a diet plan, which we will discuss in more detail later.
Brittney Reese Diet Plan
According to Britney Reese, she doesn't have any special diet, nor does she follow any type of stringent routine for staying physically active and healthy. It is actually the basic meals that she consumes. She remarks, "I do not follow any particular diet plan. I eat meats, fruit, vegetables, and some grains."

A former professional athlete was once asked a question about what advice she would give to budding and motivating women athletes who are your fans and what steps should they take to ascend to the top of the ladder when it comes to women long jump?
Asked what advice she would share with kids who strive to be successful in sports, Brittney Reese stated that no boundary exists to what one can accomplish if they put their minds to it. It may already be obvious that your efforts and positive approach are paying off sooner rather than later. Remember: Never giving up is the best strategy!

When you don't consume enough calories from the healthiest reservoirs, you won't achieve your performance goals. Select at least one food from each class to produce an enjoyable and nutritious meal.
- Fruit
- Oatmeal
- Starchy vegetables (sweet/white potatoes, squash)
- Non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, leafy greens)
- Whole-grain bread or crackers
- High-fiber, non-sugary cereals
- Quinoa
- Brown or wild rice

- Whole eggs (whites and yolk)
- Greek yogurt
- Milk
- String cheese
- Lean red meats
- Poultry
- Fish
- Hummus
Healthy fat
- Avocado
- Peanut butter
- Nuts and seeds
- Olive or canola oil (the latter, if baking)
- Coconut oil
- Flaxseed (add to baking or cooking)

The importance of hydration in sports cannot be overestimated. Individualizing their hydration plan is advantageous for most athletes. Generally, a minimum amount of calories should be consumed during training which includes:
- Two cups of fluid earlier to training
- Four to six ounces of fluid every 15 minutes of practice
During and after an event or instruction session, your post-event/training fluid needs will be influenced by your overall losses of fluid. Weigh yourself before and after rehearsals to ensure you can evaluate your results properly. Every pound of weight loss should be replenished with 16 ounces of liquid. Drinking water, low-fat milk, or 100 percent juice are the best alternatives for hydrating. When it comes to sports beverages, they are best for competition, when hydration and electrolyte replacement is essential.

A small percentage of Reese's formula for consistent athletic achievement may be re-generated. She consumes a healthy and simple breakfast every morning before her first workout. This recipe is something she manifested herself, and while she can't guarantee that it will induce you to jump 23 feet, 9 1/2 inches (Reese's secluded best), it is delicious nonetheless. It's deserving checking out.
Day and time: Every morning before 7:45 when I depart for trainingPlace: My home in San DiegoWhat I'm Eating: Strawberry and a banana protein shakeWhose recipe: It's my own personal concoctionWhy I'm eating it: It is the most immediate and easiest meal to get in before practice, and it gives me everything I need in one cup. Also, strawberries and bananas are my preferred fruits.

Brittney Reese's Protein Shake
The recipe:
- 1/2 cup of almond milk
- 1 scoop of whey protein powder
- 1 handful of Dole Ready-Cut Fruit (strawberry and banana)
- 5 or 6 spinach leaves
How to make:Toss it all in a blender -- or a bullet blender if I am running late.The previous paragraph revealed what Brittney Reese normally eats at work. In addition to these, she also follows nutrition guidelines that help her accomplish more. There are also many short tips that Brittney Reese follows, especially before a competition, which is why staying compatible with your diet is also relevant while working hard.
Brittney Reese Diet Tips
During this section, we will be discovering all about Brittney Reese's viewpoints on how to eat food. The tips she presents are really nice, and she discussed how they helped her improve her game at the Olympics. Although she follows these tips almost every day, she is still very proficient at them.

Listed below are some of the recommendations she gives to her friends and fans as well:
- Make a daily habit to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Intend to consume five different kinds of fruit and vegetables each day and make certain that they are of different colors. An average plateful size is approximately the size of a baseball. In addition to their nutritional value, fruits and vegetables contain the energy required for practice and recuperation. Furthermore, these antioxidant-rich foods will support you in fighting ailments like the flu and colds.
- Absorb whole-grain carbohydrates, like that as whole-wheat bread and pasta, and fiber-rich cereals, as sources of energy-packed with nourishment. Consume less refined grains and sugars, such as sugary cereals, white bread, and bagels. With whole-grain foods, you will experience more health benefits.Make it inevitable to combine healthy protein sources like chicken, turkey, fish, peanut butter, eggs, nuts, and legumes.
- It is critically important to stay hydrated, as a two-percent drop in hydration levels can negatively influence your accomplishment. In addition to milk, water, and fruit juice, sports drinks are also available. Sports drinks and 100 percent fruit juice lead to be higher in sugar content than their healthy whole-food complements. In the case of fruit juices, they may not contribute as many health gains as their whole-food counterparts. Please note that sports drinks such as Gatorade should not be blended with energy drinks such as Red Bull and similar types of beverages.
- Consider whole food substitutes preferably than extremely processed foods whenever practicable.

On the day of the event or game, however, there are certain golden manners to follow:
- In addition, it is important to remember that proper nutrition for a "big tournament" doesn't occur only on the day of the event. Leading up to the competition, it happens over a period of days, weeks, and months
- It is never a good idea to try out a new dietary or supplement protocol on a game day. It's best to try it out first before practicing/training so you'll know how well it works.
- As your race/competition approaches, you should decrease your serving sizes. If you are planning to participate in an event or practice, you may want to limit dairy, fat, and fibrous carbs during the last one to one and one-half hours, as these can cause GI distress.
On-the-go Eating
When advancing during a competition, consume nutritious meals to keep your performance high. Food made available at the concession stand during competitions is almost guaranteed to make you fail. In addition to packing various food and drinks, players (and parents) should bring their own equipment.

Pick energy-boosting foods such as whole-grain wafers with low-fat cheese, tortilla wraps with veggies and lean meat, hard-boiled eggs, vegetable or bean soups, mini whole-wheat bagels with peanut butter, pita bread with hummus, or pasta with grilled chicken. Served with fruit/vegetable and milk, any of these options will make you a wonderful meal.
Healthy food choices > Not-so-healthy food choices
- Grilled chicken, turkey or fish > Fried chicken or fish
- Lean beef or pork > Burgers, sausage, bacon
- Fruits, vegetables, salads, veggie-based soups > French fries, fried rice, alfredo or cheese sauce
- Nuts, trail mix, seeds or peanut butter > Chips, cheese curls, pork rinds
- Eggs or egg substitutes > Omeletes loaded with cheese, hash browns, and sausage
- Who grain pieces of bread, rice, and pasta > Highly-processed white bread, rice, and pasta
- Dairy products > Dairy products with excessive added sugars, like ice cream

Additionally, Lydia Jacoby requires supplements as well as extra vitamins and minerals to make her diet more effective because of her rigorous practice schedules. It can be very hard for her sometimes to maintain her training and her food intake cannot really meet her daily macro-requirements as well as micro-requirements. Our next section will incorporate the supplements she is used to.
Brittney Reese Nutrition and Supplements
An overview of the supplements that Brittney Reese necessitates daily can be observed below. It is possible that the foods she takes do not adequately meet her dietary requirements and she would require supplements in order to meet her needs. See the following list for all these vitamins and supplements:Antioxidants: To reduce muscle fatigue, inflammation, and soreness induced by free radicals by minimizing free radical damage to skeletal muscles

BCCAs:The mitochondria in skeletal muscle metabolize these compounds to produce energy for the body during exerciseCaffeine:It inhibits the activity of the neuromodulator adenosine and lessens perceived pain and exertion

Ginseng:It is legendary how Panax ginseng works; Siberian ginseng is used in traditional Chinese medicine to heighten energy and stamina and to reduce fatigue from Siberian ginseng herbIron:During exercise, increases oxygen uptake and reduces heart rate, as well as lowering lactate levels