Connie Nielsen, who debuted her career with the French film, Par où it's rentré ? On t’a pas vu sortir, was first noticed for her role in the American movie, The Devil's Advocate. Her skills were appreciated on the screen and it helped her to land more roles. The 2000s was a great decade for her because she got an opportunity to star in movies like Gladiator, Mission to Mars, One Hour Photo, Basic, and The Hunted. She also took up the role in The Ice Harvest and Battle in Seattle and continued with her promising career in the next decade as well. This decade promised her roles in Boss, The Following, and The Good Wife. Her most prominent roles, however, were Wonder Women and in Justice League.

It was for the role in Wonder Women and Justice League as Queen Hippolyta, that the actress resolved to take her physique a notch up. She had to look stronger for her role. She started working out for quite a period of time (that is for five to six hours,) which helped her with her physical appearance. She said in an interview,
“I had to do two hours of horseback riding, two hours of very strenuous weight training and conditioning, and two hours of sword fighting,” said the actress. “The sword fighting was amazing. It was astounding. I loved every second of it. I really love working out anyway. It’s something I really enjoy, what it does to my body and my mind. Getting this whole experience with horses as well was incredible.”
She was so confident about the physical appearance that she wanted to do her own stunts to make it seem as real as possible. She says, “I love doing the stunts. I’m dedicated to stunts, in fact. I really find that that brings me even closer to a physical truth about my character that I enjoy being a part of. I love doing that stuff.”
Connie Nielsen Diet Plan and Nutrition

Connie Nielsen really believes in having a healthy diet that includes an ample amount of fruits and veggies. She says that the more healthy stuff you will eat, the more your body and skin will thank you for it. She loves having avocados and nuts for her portion of healthy fats and nutrient-dense contents.
...and that's probably the reason why the 52 years old actress does not seem to age too quickly. Not only does her skin shines, but she has also maintained her sleek and svelte figure. All thanks to her healthy eating habits.
This is what her usual meals look like:Breakfast: She likes to keep her breakfast healthy. She once mentioned in her interview her preferred breakfast choices, “For breakfast, I eat organic food with high-fat content, such as whole milk yogurt, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, and a scrambled egg. I cook it in organic grape seed oil for its high omega content. I drink cappuccino for its dose of milk and the coffee for its taste, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.”Lunch: Her lunch is pretty basic and sufficiently packed with enough proteins and greens. She says, “At lunch, I might eat smoked salmon with a slice of Mozzarella di Bufala, made from the milk of domestic water buffalo, along with avocado,”Snacks: She believes her toned physique is only because of her healthy eating habits. She snacks a lot throughout the day on healthy snacks. She continues, “I snack throughout the day on fruit, nuts and seeds, smoked mackerel that’s also high in omegas, on cheese, and these amazing gluten-free crackers called Skinny Crisps. I am 50 so I am cutting down on carbs and have noticed I feel better when not eating bread."Dinner: She makes sure to keep her dinner light by just having some veggies. She concludes, "For dinner, I have at least four or five different vegetables of all colors: purple, orange, green, and red. I eat as many colors as possible, including carrots, broccolini, asparagus, cauliflower, kale, and more. I eat them raw or steamed and then drizzled with crude virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt. I also cook lots of artichokes and dip them in this mean sauce I make and then grill a piece of chicken or fish. Once a month I eat a grass-fed filet or leg of lamb.”

But besides being a healthy eater, she is also a great cook. She loves making some Italian for her whole family. In her own words,
"I also make lots of pasta for my family: homemade pesto, often using the leftover leaves from beets and turnips, and my family’s favorite—the pomodorini sauce to drizzle over grilled eggplant. I drink red wine every night, and chamomile tea before bed."
She has some really great notions about the importance of eating healthy and nutritious food. She makes sure that whatever she is putting in her body is fresh and organic. She said,
"I believe eating is a form of medicine, a reasoned way of giving your body and mind what it needs. The same goes for how our environment is affected by the food and products we consume. How does the environment work for us? What is present in nature that ‘feeds’ our food? How do we protect the watersheds and the kids living close by fields and feedlots? These are questions I pose myself on a daily basis. I think all consumers affect their reality by what they choose to buy."
Connie Nielsen Workout Routine is very active throughout the day. Even if she is not working out, she makes sure she is keeping herself busy and on the move throughout the day. She is definitely not a couch potato and loves outdoor activities. She tries to be consistent in a gym for at least 4 days a week. However, even if she doesn't, there's one thing or another to keep herself busy. She explained her love for outdoor activities in an interview,
"I do not cross-country ski. I have lately discovered the joy of whooshing down a mountain at unsafe speed on two ridiculously skinny sticks that are often uncoordinated about the direction they want to take. But I love it. I am, however, a runner. I run an hour a day as often as I can get away with it. I also work out in the hotel rooms I often live in when working, and have developed a routine I have been using almost unchanged over the last 30 years. I love to SoulCycle, do yoga and to hike in the glorious No-Cal hills and mountains."

The actress really believes that the second reason behind her good looks is exercise. She keeps out at least 3 hours of running per week. She believes that working out really helps to alleviate the condition of your skin as it helps in “cell regeneration that helps the skin stay young and fresh.”
Bike Rides: She also loves to go for a bike ride with her kids. The bike rides are mainly for beautiful views and a little time with nature. She likes to connect with the outer world as she believes it not only soothes and calms her but rejuvenate inside out for the next day. In her own words,
"Sundays we go for bike rides with my kids under the Golden Gate Bridge. Fort Point there is beautiful and the view from its top floor is unparalleled. I think music and beautiful vistas of nature during workouts give serenity to your soul, and the workouts themselves deliver all the endorphins you need to overcome the stresses of our lives."
The Importance of Relax Time: Connie also says that as important as it is to work for your body, similarly relaxation must not be neglected. She has some awesome hacks to overcome stress levels or if she is overworked. Jet lags are expected because she travels a lot but for Connie, it is all covered. She explained all this in her interview,
"I time-share my youngest as do most divorced people and work hard to narrowly time my shooting to those days when I don’t have my son. When I travel, sometimes bicoastally every week, I relax into the NO TIME ZONE. I acknowledge and accept that I will be tired. I eat healthy, like nuts and salad, drink water and read a lot. I bring water sprays because they really freshen you up during and after flights. I know that being 37,000 feet in the air affects my judgment. Films seen on planes will make me cry doubly hard, so I try to hide my emotional distress from my poor flight companions and apologize when I am actually sobbing loudly or laughing so loud it yanks them out of their naps."

Seems like Connie Nielsen got it all sorted out and probably that's the only push we need to head towards a healthy lifestyle. That's all about what Connie Nielsen does in her day and how she fits her workouts and healthy food eating habits in her busy schedule.