Devin Armani Booker was born on October 30, 1996, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the United States. Devin Booker is a professional American basketball player. Devin Booker is a pretty famous and admired basketball player who now plays for the Phoenix Suns. The adolescent man was yelled at by squad representatives upon achieving his two productive seasons with the University of Kentucky Wildcats. His prevailing record in scoring rivals an astounding 70 points per rich game.

Devin Booker’s father was also a known basketball player in his generation. His name is Melvin Booker. Devin Booker’s mother’s name is Veronica Gutierrez. His mother is of Mexican-American origin and has two other kids. Devin has a charming young sister who is named Maia Powell. Booker was a varsity athlete at Grandville High School in Michigan throughout the high school years starting his rookie year. He now lives in Arizona.Devin Booker’s workout involves a total fat burning method designed to remove excess weight and tone his muscles so that he looks chiseled and ripped. Although Devin Booker does not attend a conventional workout routine, he is more well-known for his regular, compound, and mixed workout regime. Moreover, he does not observe any particular diet plan for his fit and athletic physique.Before we hop onto what Devin Booker does in the day to stay fit and healthy, here's a look at his statistics and all the awards and achievements that Devin Booker won in his lifetime.
Devin Booker Statistics
Age: 23 years
Height: 6 feet 5 inches (196 cm)
Weight: 210 lbs (95 kg)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: American
Net worth: $2 million
Devin Booker Awards and Achievements
- NBA All-Star (2020)
- NBA Three-Point Contest champion (2018)
- NBA All-Rookie First Team (2016)
- SEC Sixth Man of the Year (2015)
- Second-team All-SEC (2015)
- SEC All-Freshmen Team (2015)
- McDonald's All-American (2014)
Devin Booker Workout Routine

Devin Booker still remembers his alarm clock going off at 4:30 am every single day. However, the idea, more than anything else, was to beat the summer heat when he and his father would go to the beach for their morning exercises. Thus this is how Devin Booker started his daily routine and how he dreamt about being an NBA basketball player.
As the weeks passed for his workout routine, the routine has become a habit. He has even increased the intensity by pulling on his vest and running on the hot sand. He practices with the cones and leaps over barriers that come across his way. This was when Devin Booker was 15 and living with his father on the Gulf Coast in Mississippi, and those exercise routines— which were inspired by his father’s career in Europe — helped him form the basis of his own routine and physique. He explains the experience, “I mean, I had YouTubed players doing this sort of stuff,” Booker said. “But you never think it’s real until you actually go out there and do it.”
Devin Booker, now a second-year guard among the Phoenix Suns, has proved himself as one of the most encouraging young professionals in the N.B.A. At 6 feet 6 inches, he has an astounding game which is credited to his skills and abilities. He can pass and defend and mark, equaling 20.2 points a match for the Suns (3-8), who actually going towards the down graph and enduring.
Throughout the team, though, Booker is identified for showing up to training in advance, for his accurate shooting habits, for declining to vacate the gym until he gains the ultimate game of knockout, and for protesting to teammates if they empty the court before he gets the opportunity. “Extremely competitive,” his father, Melvin, said in a conference before a new home game. “He wants to win at everything.”

That grew pretty clear to Melvin Booker when his son was 12 and lost to a more prominent, more powerful boy in a match of one-on-one. Devin Booker emphasized that his antagonist waits for another game. “Once he beat the kid, he said, ‘Let’s go,’” Melvin Booker recalled.
The enigma for Phoenix is that there are no do-overs in the N.B.A., and the initial term damages have risen. But Devin Booker, who spent just one term at Kentucky before the Suns picked him as the 13th overall in the 2015 draft, draws large expectations. He became 20 in October and the whole team is now leaning on him.
When it comes to being a leader, Devin Booker is the perfect man for the team. His determination is unbeatable. “Leadership is a thing that you can develop over time,” Coach Earl Watson said, “but he has to learn how to embrace that at a young age.”
Devin Booker was inspired a great deal by his father, who, being a point guard at the University of Missouri, was the Big Eight Conference’s player of the year in 1994. Melvin Booker moved on to have a prolific work that involved halts in Italy, Turkey, and Russia, as well as a whole of 32 games with the Houston Rockets, the Denver Nuggets, and the Golden State Warriors. He could have stayed in the games for a couple of more seasons in Europe but he did not want to compromise on his own son's development and turn him into a basketball professional instead. “I saw that he had a special talent and a gift,” Melvin Booker said. “And he was coming into high school, so it was important for me to be with him.”
Devin Booker was dwelling with his mother in Michigan at the time, and it was given to his father to make the delivery that he ought to go be with him in Mississippi. It was tough for him but he succeeded ultimately. “It took me a year to convince Devin and his mom that he needed to make the move,” Melvin Booker said, “because neither of them really understood the work that it takes.”

Once Devin Booker arrived at his father, the immense work began. It was definitely an adjustment and the "grind" as he calls it, began. “At first, we used to get into it,” Devin Booker said. “I didn’t understand going to practice two hours early, going hard in practice, and then staying an extra hour after that. But once I started doing it, my game didn’t feel right if I didn’t do it.”
Their drills collectively— no matter on the beach, and in the gym — were the result of everything his father had discovered over the passage of his itinerant profession, principally while performing abroad. “Which is a totally different game — a fundamental game,” Melvin Booker said. Thus he wanted his son to practice in the very classic way: he wanted him o have a proper defensive stance, to shoot perfect jumpers with a quick release, and basically play like a European. “I knew he wasn’t going to be the fastest, and I knew he wasn’t going to jump the highest,” Melvin Booker said. “So we worked solely on fundamentals.”
At the same period, Melvin Booker used consistent influence on his son, shaking a hand in his face whenever he bounded up a 3-pointer and bodying him on the edge when he retained him in pickup games. Seldom Melvin Booker would question his son how many continuous shots he needed to obtain to punctuate a drill. Just 10? Push it to 15. “I would never let him get comfortable,” Melvin Booker said.
Above all, Devin Booker discovered that training was supreme. When he was a high school senior, he was asked to engage in a 3-point shooting competition at a contest sponsored by Under Armour. So he got three Under Armour basketballs to train with them and to adapt to the style they exhibited. (“Super grippy,” he declared.) He accomplished the competition.
“You have to remember, sometimes you’re dealing with a culture and a lot of kids we recruit who don’t have a lot of parental support,” Barry Rohrssen, a former associate at Kentucky, stated in a telephone conversation. “This is a case where, fortunately for Devin, his dad was very involved and had been through this sort of process for himself.”

As a first-year athlete with the Sun's last term, Booker coped with irregular times, at least beginning on. His father chose a different role. “Therapist,” said Melvin Booker, who relocated to the Phoenix area. “It’s good for him to have family here.” Devin Booker has since fallen into a major anticipated role, with more times and more capacity. But his father has been there. “I’m there,” Melvin Booker said, “in case he calls and says, ‘Dad, I need to work.’
Now moving on to what Devin Booker does in a whole week to build his physique.
Monday Devin Booker Workout (Back and Biceps)
- 15 minutes of cardio exercises for warm-up
- Barbell bicep curl of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Barbell row of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- One-arm dumbbell row of 6 reps, 3 supersets
- Seated bicep curl on incline bench of 6 reps, 3 supersets
- Lat pull down of 8-10 reps, 3 sets
- Cable lat row of 8-10 reps, 3 sets
- Single-arm pulley bicep curl of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
Tuesday Devin Booker Workout (Chest and triceps)
- 15 minutes of cardio workout
- Dumbbell chest press of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Dumbbell chest flyes of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Seated triceps dumbbell extension of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
- Triceps rope extension of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
- Single-arm pulley chest press of 6 reps, 3 sets
Wednesday Devin Booker Workout (Abs and core)
- 15 minutes of cardio warm-up
- Ab crunch on the stability of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Oblique crunch on stability ball of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- One-legged ab crunch of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Bicycle crunch of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
- 30-second plank on stability ball of 6-8 reps, 3 sets
- Back extension of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
More about Devin Booker's workout routine is given below.

Thursday Devin Booker Workout (Legs and shoulders)
- 15 minutes of cardio warm-up
- Front dumbbell squat of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Lateral lunge of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Seated leg curl of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Seated leg extension of 6-8 reps, 3 supersets
- Standing calf press of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
- Seated dumbbell shoulder press of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
- Lateral dumbbell raise of 6-8 reps, 4 sets
Friday Devin Booker Workout (Lower body)
- Stability ball squats of 10 reps, 3 sets
- Seated calf raise of 10-12 reps, 3 sets
- Seated leg extensions of 10 reps, 3 sets
- Dumbbell lunges of 10-12 reps, 3 sets
- Cable lat pulldowns of 10-12 reps, 3 sets
- Dumbbell rows of 10-12 reps, 3 sets
- Dumbbell bicep curls of 10 reps, 3 sets
- Cable press downs of 10-12 reps, 3 sets
- Triceps extensions of 10-12 reps, 3 sets
- Bench dips of 20 reps, 3 sets
Saturday Devin Booker Workout
- Rest day
his is all about Devin Booker's workout routine that he trains to perform his best in the final season. Now moving on to what does he eat to maintain his stamina and energy levels for such great and intense practice sessions. Here is Devin Booker's diet plan.
Devin Booker Diet Plan
Devin Booker is not a fan of following a "diet" diet. He eats almost everything that he likes but also makes sure that he is not obsessing over unhealthy foods. For him having balanced meals are important. Thus he likes to have all the major food groups in his meal plan. He loves to have eggs every single day and occasionally he treats himself with pepperoni pizza too.However, after his first few years as a rookie in the NBA, he tried to make conscious decisions with his diet and see what he puts in his body. He started self-educating himself and made sure that whatever he puts in his body, fuels him up.He made some healthier choices willingly and tried to substitute unhealthy food and takeout with healthier and wholesome foods. “I was noticing my eating habits weren't up to par. It's hard having the lifestyle that you have with practice, the games to figure out, what you are going to eat,” Booker said. “I would be quick to order Raising Canes on Postmates at any hour of the day. It is very good, but I had to get away from that. I still enjoy that, but if I went back and ate that I wouldn't even feel right.”

Devin Booker tells that since he started changing his diet, he felt better not just on the court but outside the court too. It made a huge impact on how he felt physically and emotionally too. He has a chef, Nick Bahan, who makes meals for him. “My man Nick, we have a saying ‘no misses’. There hasn't been one meal that comes through here that I and my friends can testify to it that we have not liked,” Booker said.Devin Booker mostly eats three main components, proteins, carbs, and fats in his diet. Thus, he eats loads of fish, chicken turkey, eggs, milk, vegetables, and some source of carbs like pasta and rice so that he has ample energy before a game or training. He likes to have a lighter lunch otherwise he starts feeling a bit sluggish. He often has "summer lunches" which include some kind of salad with a protein source in it.“Today we're going to do a salmon dish, which is a normal light dish in the summer. We've got a nice aioli and some roasted vegetables for him,” Nick describes Devin Booker's typical lunch. “We'll omit the carbs from this one, almost like a practice lunch meal, and then the heavy carbs on pre-game.”Nick Bahan says that Booker is not a picky eater, which makes his job even more pleasant.“He's very open to trying new food and flavors. It makes my job fun and easy,” Bahan said. “It's just on me now to push myself and get inspiration from other places.” Besides, Devin Booker enjoys whatever Nick makes for him which is naturally pretty wholesome and balanced.

Here's what Devin Booker eats throughout the day typically. This is Devin Booker sample diet plan:
- Breakfast in Devin Booker's diet plan: 2 eggs, a spoonful of almond butter or a piece of avocado like good fat, and 1 cup of oatmeal with apples.
- Mid-morning Snack in Devin Booker diet plan: Protein Bar.
- Lunch in Devin Booker diet plan: Albacore tuna wrap or chicken and salad.
- A mid-afternoon snack in Devin Booker's diet plan: Protein bar, protein shake, or apples and almonds.
- Dinner in Devin Booker's diet plan: Broached fish or chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and salad.
- Evening Snack in Devin Booker diet plan: Protein Shake.
Devin Booker tries not to eat out too much but even while he is traveling or if he craves something unhealthy, he makes sure that he is doing everything within his limits. For Devin Booker, nutrition is pretty important because he puts in loads of work and it shows when he plays the match too. Devin Booker makes sure that his body is getting enough nutrition that it requires to remain at the top of his position at the games.

For Devin Booker, consistency and balance are the keys and he makes sure that he sticks to his routine no matter what. However, he is not super strict and would regularly enjoy a pizza whenever he feels likes it. He likes to focus on the quality of the food over quantity which is a pretty great determinant factor when it comes to choosing the kind of fuel that he wants. He limits his alcohol intake too so that he does not feel bloated. That was all about what Devin Booker eats in a day!