4th time Arnold winner flex' his diet plan and workout is perfect for his massive and giant body. Flex is known that you need to understand your body first before create muscles. Let’s see Flex Wheeler Diet and Flex Wheeler Workout Routine.
Who is Flex Wheeler?
Kenneth Flex Wheeler is a retired professional IFBB bodybuilder from United States. He was born into poverty but Flex overcome it and become famous bodybuilder. Since his childhood he played in sports and then transform into bodybuilding in teenager. Flex is very successful in his bodybuilding carrier.
- Nationality : American
- Profession : Bodybuilder
- Date-Of-Birth : 23 August, 1965
Flex tell about his diet and workout plan via many interviews, instagram chats and other social media platform. if you want to follow Flex's Diet than you have to big appetite to follow it. Because, Flex eats Bunch of calories each day to maintain his massive body. Let’s see Flex Wheeler Stats and Achievements.[incontent_ads]
Flex Wheeler Accomplishments

- 1985 — AAU Teen Mr. America 1st (MT)
- 1987 — Rust Wanner 1st MW
- 1989 — NPC Contra Costa 1st (HW)
- 1989 — NPC Governor’s Cup 1st (HW and Overall)
- 1989 — NPC California Championships 1st (LHW)
- 1989 — NPC Nationals 5th (LHW)
- 1990 — NPC Junior Nationals 2nd (HW)
- 1991 — NPC Nationals 2nd (HW)
- 1991 — NPC USA Championships 2nd (HW)
- 1992 — NPC USA Championships 1st (HW and Overall)
- 1993 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 1st
- 1993 — IFBB Arnold Classic 1st
- 1993 — IFBB German Grand Prix 1st
- 1993 — IFBB French Grand Prix 1st
- 1993 — IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
- 1995 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 1st
- 1995 — IFBB Arnold Classic 2nd
- 1995 — IFBB South Beach Pro 1st
- 1995 — IFBB Mr. Olympia 8th
- 1995 — IFBB Grand Prix Spain 5th
- 1996 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 1st
- 1996 — IFBB Arnold Classic 2nd
- 1996 — IFBB Night of Champions 1st
- 1996 — IFBB Canada Pro Classic 2nd
- 1996 — IFBB Florida Cup Pro 1st
- 1996 — IFBB Mr. Olympia 4th
- 1997 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 1st
- 1997 — IFBB Arnold Classic 1st
- 1997 — IFBB San Jose Pro 1st
- 1998 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 1st
- 1998 — Arnold Classic 1st
- 1998 — IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
- 1999 — IFBB Grand Prix England 2nd
- 1999 — IFBB Joe Weider’s Pro World 2nd
- 1999 — IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
- 2000 — IFBB Mr. Olympia 3rd
- 2000 — IFBB Hungarian Grand Prix 1st
- 2000 — IFBB Arnold Classic 1st
- 2000 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 2nd
- 2003 — IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational 3rd
Flex Wheeler Body Stat

Flex Wheeler Weight is 225 – 235lbs (102.1–106.6kg). Flex Wheeler Height in Feet is 5.7 feet.
- Height – 5’7″ (170cm)
- Weight – 225 – 235lbs (102.1–106.6kg)
- Chest – 56 inches
- Waist – 33 inches
- Biceps – 24 inches
If we want to have a well physique body then we need to concentrate in our diet and workout plan. He follow his diet plan and workout plan very strictly. He started gym and gaining muscle and weight in teen age. So if you want do a big then follow Flex's diet and workout routine.[incontent_ads]
Flex Wheeler Diet

If we talk about diet, all our body health is depend on what type of diet we prefer to our body, like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like what should we eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is most important factor in building muscle. Let's have a look in Flex Wheeler diet.Flex believs that you need to understand your body for being good bodybuilder. He discover all macros like protein, carb and fat. He knows that what should eat, how much eat. Here is the Meal Plan that Flex eats in his routine.
Meal 1
- 1.5 cups egg whites
- 2 whole eggs
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
Meal 2
- 6 ounces grilled chicken breast
- Salad
Meal 3
- 6 ounces ground turkey
- 1 cup white rice
- Broccoli
Meal 4
- 2 scoops whey protein
- 1 banana
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
Meal 5
- 6 ounces steak
- 1 cup brown rice
- Asparagus
Meal 6
- 6 ounces grilled chicken breas
- 1 cup sweet potato
- Spinach
- mix of caffeine, taurine, and niacin
Above diet plan tells us that what Flex eat within a single day to maintain his best shape, as you See Flex eats almost 6 meals each day. He says that there is no secret things to get massive muscles, You need to lift heavy weights and eat more as you can. He also takes some supplements. we all understand that exercise is important in bodybuilding but nutritions & diet also plays vital role that how your body look. let’s see Flex Wheeler Workout Routine.[incontent_ads]
Flex Wheeler Workout Routine

Before start the workout routine or exercise routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. and Important is to don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out. This will help you to enjoy injury free exercises.
Chest Workout
Flex starts his chest workout with the barbell bench. He does sets and reps as much as he can in every exercise. Here is the exercises of Flex's Chest.
- 5 sets & 10-12 reps — Incline barbell bench
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Flat machine press
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Flat dumbbell bench press
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Hammer strength press
- 5 sets & 15-20 reps — Incline dumbbell fly
Back Workout
Flex balanced his back, he train every muscle of back upper, middle and lower back to achieve massive body look. The set of flex's Back workout is helps to develop strong muscles.
- 5 sets & 10 reps — Assisted pull up machine
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — T-bar row
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Close grip seated cable row
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Close grip lat pulldown
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Barbell deadlift
Arm Workout
As you see below Arm exercises, there is biceps and triceps exercise for building your arms. Those little movements can make big different in your body.
- 4 sets & 10-15 reps — Triceps pushdown machine
- 4 sets & 10-15 reps — Single arm machine preacher curl
- 4 sets & 10-15 reps — Single arm triceps extension with rope
- 4 sets & 10-15 reps — Machine preacher curl
- 4 sets & 10-15 reps — Dumbbell alternating curl
Shoulder Workout
If you want to create a strong shoulder muscle than you need to disturb all you shoulder and hit him by various workouts, Here is Flex Wheeler's Shoulder Workout.
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Dumbbell rear delt fly
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Barbell upright row
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Incline dumbbell front raise
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Smith machine overhead press
- 5 sets & 15-20 reps — Reverse pec deck
- 5 sets & 12-15 reps — Machine shrug
Leg Workout
Here is Flex Wheeler's Leg Workout, Leg press and many more exercises included in that and average reps of every exercise is very high as compare to other.
- 4 sets & 15-20 reps — Single leg leg extension
- 4 sets & 15-20 reps — Leg press
- 4 sets & 15-20 reps — Hack squat
- 4 sets & 15-20 reps — Lying hamstring curl
- 4 sets & 15-20 reps — Leg extension
- 4 sets & 20 reps — Seated calf raise
- 4 sets & 20 reps — Donkey calf raise
As we see you need to work hard to achieve bodybuilding like Flex. So his diet plan and his workout plan and daily routine inspire and motivate us. If you want to follow him on social media then below is the link of his instagram profile.Also Read : Lee Haney Diet and Workout Plan