Iggy Azalea is a famous rapper and musician that has been giving constant hit songs and albums in the industry. She is not just a singer or a rapper but has also a great sense of fashion style and has modeled for many fashion magazines like Vogue, etc. However, it is not just her incredible career and fame that has gained her a lot of fans, her physique is pretty awesome too and most people follow her just for that.

Since her debut, Azalea has marketed 48 million records globally, with 22 million singles in the United States solely. Azalea's awards and achievements incorporate two American Music Awards, three Billboard Music Awards, an MTV Video Music Award, a People's Choice Award, four Teen Choice Awards, and four Grammy Award nominations. Azalea's verified YouTube channel has amassed 3.2 billion views, while she has produced 14 music videos that have received over 100 million views on Vevo.This article focuses on the workout routine and diet plan of Iggy Azalea and if you follow her, this might interest you pretty well. She constantly updates her fans about what she is doing and following in her daily routine on her social media profiles which are also a great way to connect with them.But before we dive directly into her daily routine which includes her workout routine and lifestyle, here are her physical statistics.
Iggy Azalea Statistics
Height5 Ft 10 InchWeight68 KgsAge29 YearsBreast34 InchWaist26 InchHips38 Inch
Iggy Azalea Workout Routine
Iggy Azalea has committed herself to some serious workout routine because she is doing some serious workout almost every single day. She usually does her workouts both from the gym and from her home. When she is not hitting the gym, or traveling, she works out in her hotel room. She does mostly squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, and lunges which focus on her lower body than her upper body. Some of her favorite home workout exercises are air squats, lunges, glute bridges, etc. She loves doing squats and lunges every day to build her glute muscles.

The main reason why she has many followers is because of her hourglass figure. She has a curvaceous body with wider hips and a very small waist and a flat stomach. She does a lot of abs workouts for that too. She also makes sure that she is doing some cardio workout that helps her achieve the body that everyone else is envious of.
Iggy Azalea is a sports lover and she plays some kind of sport as a part of her cardio routine. She loves to try new things when it comes to any physical activity but her favorite is tennis. She also likes to invite people over for a tennis match. She is definitely competitive. She recommends playing sports to her fans if they have to aim for shorter and faster movements and awesome results.Iggy Azalea admits that she has been fairly active since childhood and her love for tennis ever since. The game involves a lot of running and a great arm workout. It actually involves the whole of the body's strength and muscle power. She recommends any kind of sport should be a part of your routine because it rejuvenates your mind and body.Games are always an interesting part of the lifestyle and unlike hitting the gym, it does not get monotonous or boring. Plus, it provides all the benefits of the game too. Besides, she is also a dancer which helps a lot when it comes to sudden movements and flexibility.
In an interview which was taken place a week before her video for "Mo Bounce" was launched, Iggy Azalea claimed that she has lost 15 pounds just from preparing for this song. It included twerking for multiple hours a day. She also revealed that she thought that twerking wasn't hard but it turned out to be extremely difficult.Her trainer who prepared her for tweaking told her that she should do yoga to improve her flexibility and become an expert in his dance form. Iggy Azalea also revealed that twerking is a full-body workout and way more than just shaking your booty. You need to have total muscle control over your glutes which is also the reason that she was able to burn more fat. Glutes are the biggest muscles in the human body and hence get strengthened with twerking.

Iggy Azalea just may have caused a fresh weight-loss style after announcing she lost 15 pounds in just 7 days from twerking. In a conversation with New Zealand's radio station Nova 96.9, the 26-year-old rapper said that she had to place in a lot of labor and training into practices before shooting her latest music video, "Mo Bounce."
In her words, "It's a lot-I went on a meal plan before the video because I knew I would have to be dancing fairly skimpily dressed," she explained. "I did a lot of rehearsals actually, and man! I lost 15 pounds in a week dancing to that song!"But notwithstanding revealing to the New Zealand radio that “it just has to come naturally”, Azalea did admit to having held a tiny assistant. “I did take classes. I do have someone who is very, very good at twerking and she helped me. I never realized how flexible you have to be to do that stuff,” she said.She was actually also asked about her top tips that she can give out to her fans and Azalea told her followers: “My teacher was like ‘I really suggest you take yoga’ and I didn’t know you had to take yoga to be a twerker but apparently you do.”
Iggy Azalea loves a good challenge and she keeps on challenging her friends on social media and keeps on receiving some challenges too. For example, her latest one was a 30-day squat challenge that she got from a friend. The challenge included doing squats for 30 days each day. The number of squats depends on your capacity to do it. She said that she adored each moment of the journey and it is something that she has kept on doing even after the 30 day period has ended.
Regular measurements
Iggy Azalea does not believe in the weighing scale. She instead focuses on the body measurements and so she measures her waist, and her glutes every week. She also recommends her fans do the same to see if a workout is working or not. Otherwise, she simply changes her workout.She also belies that many people face bloating and similar issues so you need to really see your results from a much longer time gap and not just a week before.

“Iggy also follows a strict workout regimen which includes hitting the gym several days a week. She loves cardio to keep her waist slim, and lunges and squats to keep a bangin’ booty,” a friend adds. Even the Kardashian sisters have admitted to doing her squat challenge and it has helped them greatly too.However, Iggy Azalea is one motivated soul. “Iggy has been very committed to fitness and healthy eating, but she still has cheat days and allows herself to indulge once in a while. She isn’t too hard on herself and knows that splurging once in a while keeps her motivated in the long run,” the source adds.Iggy Azalea has been charged with several rumors and there are rumors that she has got some kind of plastic surgery to enhance her buttocks but Iggy shams all these rumors and has come closer to reveal the truth in an interview. She told Brisbane’s Hit 105 radio station, “They aren’t my real boobs, but it is my real bum.” She added, “I do have a small waist, I have to work on it – I am never allowed to eat what I want.” Iggy confessed to Vogue in 2015 that “Four months ago, I got bigger boobs! I’d thought about it my entire life.”She also confessed to the fact that she was not going to talk about all this initially but then she did not want the rumors to keep on spreading causing her female fans to have body insecurities and also, she was not into secret-keeping.Iggy's workouts are pretty intense where she likes to follow a workout routine that focuses on her lower body, core, and cardio. Iggy Azalea also hits the gym at least 5 times a week and if she is unable to manage to hit the gym, she works out from home itself. Here in this article, we will discuss all her workout routine down below.

Iggy Azalea Workout Includes:-
Iggy Azalea loves doing some great cardio workouts every single day which helps her to keep her weight down and burn fat. She loves running on the treadmill when she is in the gym for at least 30 to 40 minutes. She also uses other cardio machines so that she does not get bored doing a single workout for a long time. She likes to bike and using stair masters too.
Weight Training
When she wants to do her weight training routine, she mainly focuses on her lower body and abs. She does a lot of compound movements that target multiple muscles at once. She does not really focus on her upper body besides these compound moments.Iggy Azalea once revealed in n interview that her favorite lower body compound exercises are squats, lunges, glute bridges, hip thrusts, etc so that her booty can stay in shape. Here is a full week of Iggy Azalea workout routine which even you can follow!Iggy Azalea Monday and Thursday WorkoutExercises: Quads and hamstringsSets: 4Reps: 8 to 12Rest time: one minute
- Squats
- Kettlebell squats press
- Weighted Smith machine squats
- Leg press isolation
- Leg curls isolation
- Stiff-leg dumbbell deadlift
- Lunges
- Crusty lunges
- Step-up lunges
Iggy Azalea Tuesday and Friday WorkoutExercises: Glutes and calvesSets: 4Reps: 8 to 12Rest time: one minute
- Calf raises
- Sitting Calf raises
- Squats
- Glutes cable Kickback
- Outer cable Kickbacks
- Hips abduction
- Wall bridge
- Hip thrusters
- Hyperextension
- Side hyperextension

Iggy Azalea Wednesday and Saturday WorkoutExercises: Upper-bodySets: 4Reps: 8 to 12Rest time: one minute
- Dumbbell curls
- Dumbbell press
- Dumbbell flyes
- Dumbbell side lateral raise
- Dumbell front raises
- Chest press machine
- Tricep pushdown
- Overhead press
- Lat pulldown

Iggy Azalea Core Workout
One of the best features of Iggy Azalea is her core and abs muscles and so she naturally puts in a lot of effort in that. The core workout that she does is done in a circuit form and is mainly high in intensity. She does a full abs workout at least 4 times a week and holds each posture for 30 to 50 seconds. In between each exercise, she takes a break for about 25 to 30 seconds.
- Crunches
- Tabletop Crunches
- Leg raises
- Side leg raises
- High plank
- Low plank
- High plank knee drops
- Side plank leg lifts
- High plank leg lifts
- In and out
This is all about the Iggy Azalea workout routine. Now moving onto her diet plan which she follows to maintain those lean muscles and those flat abs.
Iggy Azalea Diet Plan
Although Iggy Azalea loves to have a few favorite meals in which she considers her cheat meals, her diet plan is pretty clean and simple. Iggy Azalea said in one of her transcripts with a leading magazine that even though "I like to eat healthily and stay fit, I do enjoy the junk food and other things as well once in a while, that is necessary to keep you going for the long run."https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIC4QhlO_B/Iggy Azalea’s food involves consuming a lot of fresh food like fruits and vegetables; she does eat lean protein and adheres to having organic food only. Most stars like Kim Kardashian, etc. obey identical food by consuming organic food and trying to be wholesome as much as they can. Iggy Azalea also takes heaps of cold juice and water during the day to keep her body hydrated and fit. It also helps her fight fatigue.The singer is pretty aware of her fast metabolism and thus also eats nutrient-dense foods to maintain it that way. She knows for a fact that when you're young the metabolism is high and with aging, it gets slower. So the best possible way to keep your metabolism on fire is to eat only wholesome and nutrient-dense food.Iggy Azalea also incorporates many superfoods in her diet such as a smoothie, some important supplements, etc. She also likes to drink her smoothies for her breakfast which is prepared with ingredients such as kale, banana, other fruits of her choice, almonds, goji berries which are great for skin, etc. It is one of her favorite breakfast options and helps keep her fuller for longer.She regularly keeps her fans updated on her progress with her workouts and how she is looking. “Iggy wanted to feel even better about herself so she decided to completely change her eating habits and workout routine. Iggy originally planned on sticking to a new, healthy lifestyle for a month, but she felt so incredible with the results she was seeing, that she has stuck with it for a few months now. She removed processed foods from her diet and almost completely gave up carbs and sweets,” a friend near to the 28-year-old “Fancy” rapper shares in on the interview.One of the health tips is to make sure that you focus on wholesome and nutrient-dense foods that you can eat to have a great effect on your health. This is also a great way to use your calorie expenditure wisely and get the most benefit out of it.Some of the most nutrient-dense foods that Iggy Azalea tries to add to her diet is:
- Salmon and other types of fatty fish
- Kale, the most healthy of all leafy green vegetables. You can incorporate this jewel of a vegetable into anything and everything you can prepare.
- Seaweed. It is essential in minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and manganese.
- Garlic. You can add garlic to soups, stews, and other dishes.
- Cloves. If you can manage it, consume a whole clove every day.
- Potatoes. Many are afraid of the carbs in potatoes but it is worth adding to your diet because it has many vitamins and minerals.
- Liver. Not many people are huge fans of liver but this meat is beneficial for many as it has awesome nutrients and minerals.
That was all about Iggy Azalea's diet plan. Moving on to what tips does she has to give to her fans for maintaining great health.
Iggy Azalea Healthy Tips for Fans
Iggy shares a lot of her workouts on her social media where she also gives a few tips and tricks to help her fans cope up. Here comes a few tips which shall help you acquire killer flat abs and a toned look just like Iggy Azalea.Work out in Quick Spurts

Research shows that people who like to work out for a short time but with higher intensity are likely to get some benefits and even more than the people who do low-intensity cardio workouts for a longer duration.
The two most beneficial ways of enhancing and increasing your heart rate are to skip rope or go for a run. You can add a three minutes jump rope session after your workout or walk briskly on your garden or terrace.
Create a Fitness Friendly EnvironmentYou can do some fitness-friendly environment at home by using some exercises which are simple and easy. For example, you can keep some lightweight dumbells, do some yoga on the yoga mat, do some resistance band training it works with a stability ball in each break from your work.Make sure you have placed these types of equipment someplace which are visible to you so that you stay motivated to workout. It does not matter how long you are doing the workout for as long as you are doing some part of it. Even doing 5 minutes of workout a day would help you achieve some strength.https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnzozUlqIt/Alter Your LifestyleYou can enhance your lifestyle by making small changes in your life. For instance, you can talk to your colleagues or your friends and family over the phone while walking around the house. You can go on walk dates or plan a walking meeting. You can play some sport with your kids or your friends in the evening. Similarly, other small changes will help you reach your fitness goal by staying active for a longer period of time.Schedule Regular MeasurementsYou must measure your body regularly because your weight on the weighing machine is influenced by how bloated you are or if you are hydrated or dehydrated. These changes are not permanent and are likely to change every single week. Thus measuring your body will give you more accurate results than anything else. You must measure yourself every single weak and mark your progress by writing it down somewhere.Consider Rest

Losing weight or toning your body is not at all about workouts 3 times a day or being on a restrictive diet. You need to rest and relax a bit too. You might feel energetic enough to do 100 crunches on day 1 but that's a wrong approach and you must always take it slow.Overworking your muscles would not only cause fatigue and lack of motivation but can seriously injure your body too. You must try and hit the 5 days a week goal and workout for 45 minutes to 90 minutes and not more than that. A full-body workout would be beneficial. You can also try and do a variety of workouts like brisk walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, and other sports to break the monotony.Thus, with this, we come to an end of Iggy Azalea's workout and diet routine and if you all have been wondering what does she do to keep her physique toned, you might have figured it out by now. It is all hard work and dedication along with taking it slow and staying consistent to see the results. It takes a lot of patience to get the kind of body that you have always desired.