Jen Heward is an American fitness model known for her training programs and diet guides. Born in 1985, Jen Heward’s interest in fitness began at a very young age. Around this time, she started working a part-time job which was close to a gym.
She initially began her fitness journey at the age of 16. Jen made her debut in the fitness industry rather clueless, like most of us. She was active but did not know what to do in the gym except for cardio, abs and occasionally using the leg press machine.
However, it wasn’t until Jen turned 21 when she began looking into her nutrition and training more seriously. Prior to this, she led a lifestyle of poor choices; eating junk foods and drinking soda. On top of this, Jen didn’t know how to exercise correctly.
She was active in the gym for four years until she realized she was not making progress. Her health took a turn too because she was relying a lot on heavily processed foods like burgers and pizzas and other takeaway items. All of this resulted in Jen becoming overweight and unhappy with the direction in which her life went. One day, however, Jen said enough was enough and began her quest on getting back in shape.
She was determined to make a change not only for the ay she looked but about the way she felt too. She did some research and set herself a goal and with hard work, persistence, and consistency, she was able to smash them all. She now knows how important is hard work and how one can achieve anything while remaining consistent. She believes that one can achieve anything they set their minds too and this is exactly what happened with her too.
With her collection on the Fitplan app, she has taken an oath to change the world for better and influence everyone around her in a positive way and change as many lives as she can.
She comments,
“Never settle, never give up, no matter how tough the journey is. Life is meant to be experienced in all forms, good and bad, so we can grow and evolve to be better then we were yesterday. Always strive to be the best version of yourself mentally and physically.”
Now with years of educating herself on healthy nutrition and strength training, Jen Heward had lost all of her excess fat and also qualified for being a certified sports nutritionist in the process. Jen now uses her knowledge to help others avoid dieting difficulties she once had – this is her story, right there on her blog:
"My name is Jen Heward, but most people know me as Hunny Buns Fit. I am a fitness model, entrepreneur, nutritionist, gym owner, pitbull mama and lover of all foods! I have been active my whole life, everything from basketball, dirt bikes, hiking, horseback riding, you name it. It wasn't until when I turned 16 and got my first gym membership that I discovered how much I loved the gym lifestyle and eventually the nutrition portion. Then my love and passion grew from there! By the time I was about 22, me and my boyfriend begin our journey of owning a gym together in our home town. I did compete in bikini years later at the age of 27. A few fitness friends encouraged me to try it and so I did. My experience wasn't the best, because I was put on program that destroyed my metabolism and temporary my motivation to even workout. After experiencing this post show, I decided to become a nutritionist, because I wanted to be healthy and never again put my body through that, let alone anyone else! I also had to find my love for working out again, and not dread the gym. And some months later with hard work, consistency and patience, my body was back healthy and working 100% again. The fire was relit and I was ready to start my fitness lifestyle once again. This time just for personal goals, because I want to love what I do, not do something I didn't. I wanted to be a role model for those who were looking for the same things I was. To have balance between gym, food and life. I wanted to reach out to as many as I could and help them overcome any fears or struggles they were going though. Now, I have been the happiest I have ever been. I am living my dreams and my goals. Building my empire! I help others rebuild a healthy relationship with food, find routines that best work for them, share my knowledge to help guide others into the right direction. I regularly teach bootcamps at my gym Life Altering Fitness. I also am passionate about being the best diet coach for those who seek help! Helping other men and women find and build confidence and be the best version of themselves they can be!"
Jen Heward Statistics
- Full Name: Jen Heward
- Weight: 135 - 145lbs (61.2 - 65.8kg)
- Height: 5'4" (162.5cm)
- Age: 34
- Date of Birth: September 11, 1985
- Nationality: American
- Profession: Fitness Model, Nutritionist, Bikini Athlete
Jen Heward Accomplishments
- Bikini Athlete
- Fitness Model
- Social Media Influencer
Jen Heward Workout Routine
Jen’s Start to FitnessSimple because Jen was active her entire life, she didn’t hesitate in signing up to the gym which she thought going to would be easy.“When you are young you are involved in a lot of sports or school activities or just playing random games you create with friends! As we get older our preferences change and for me that was the gym! I had to get my energy out somehow!” she said.However, Jen didn’t know anything about working out using free or her own body weight when she first stepped into a gym. She didn’t know how to do a correct squat, or how to train other body parts. As Jen said; “Tricep, what is that?”Moreover, during this time, health wasn’t one of Jen’s top concerns as she wanted to work out. in order to “fit in”, instead of keeping herself in shape. She would do mostly cardio with hours on end or just train her abs with an endless number of repetitions.Unhealthy LifestyleNeedless to say, sticking just to cardio and ab exercises didn’t really yield the results that Jen had hoped for. In fact, her health and fitness levels even deteriorated because of her poor diet choices which were based on fast foods and soda drinks. years went by, Jen’s health became even such that eventually, her unhealthy lifestyle caught up with her, and she became excessively overweight. She was depressed due to this for a long time.Here’s Jen describing her life during this time;
“Health wasn’t my priority, just fitting the ‘standard’ was. I found I started gaining weight in more areas I didn’t even know was possible.I was tired all the time, couldn’t focus, my clothes starting fitting tighter. Diet only got worse because I found the convenience of fast food…all the time! I also found a love for energy drinks. Yes, it all caught up to me.” – Jen Heward
Making a Change wasn’t until the age of 21, and after a number of depressing life situations, when Jen finally decided to start looking into her diet and training. These situations of poor health made her think about her lifestyle choices and she realized that she was harming her body in this process. So now, she finally decided to make a huge change in her lifestyle habits.She started researching and educating herself on how to exercise by using weights, and what foods to eat. It wasn’t really easy to start from bottom after four years in the gym but she says that giving up was not on the table for her. months of trial and error and countless ups and downs, Jen finally started to get to know the concepts of strength training, as well as a having healthy diet. Soon, an improvement in her physique followed and she began losing the excess weight she had put on previously.Setting a New Challenge Jen accomplished her goal of getting fit. She decided to take on a bigger challenge, that was entering a bikini contest.In the Spring of 2013, Jen finally made it to her first-ever bikini competition. She had no expectations from the show but her only goal was to prepare herself for the show and enjoy herself on the stage. It was a new experience for her.
After the competition, Jen set a new goal to help others who struggle with diet, just like she once did. She started taking nutrition and diet classes. Soon after, becoming a certified sports nutritionist.Jen Heward NowEver since she became a nutritionist, Jen’s career shot up the mountains. Through her workout programs and diet plans, she’s helped people get in shape and helped them live an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle. As for herself, fitness remains a large part of her own life. She stays motivated by all the positive comments her clients grow her way. She also trains in the gym at least 5 times a week and makes sure she stays lean and strong. She always keeps track of her fitness goals.In addition to her programs, Jen also posts workout videos and diet and nutrition guides for her loyal fans on her social media account. By this, she tries to give the message that people working together towards the same goal will be more successful and find themselves enjoying a healthier lifestyle. It is not an individual sport, rather teamwork. comments,
“Sometimes we don’t know or even forget about the journey. I have experienced unhealthy weight gain and weight loss. I have been through bad accidents, injuries, heartache, loss…you name it.But in the process, I have learned so much about myself and this thing we call life. And I continue to chase after the never-ending dreams and goals I am passionate about.”
Basic Principles of TrainingAlthough Jen changes her routine in her training schedule every couple of weeks to break the monotony, she has a few general principles which she always follows no matter what the schedule is.These principles include hitting the gym six times per week no matter what the situation is. As Jen says, if she doesn’t have enough free time to work out, she’ll make some free time and would not depend on excuses.Other principles include training with high intensity using moderate to heavyweights for all her exercises. She also loves doing cardio such as plyometrics 4-5 times per week for 10 minutes or even HIIT workouts whenever she gets time. Heward’s Shoulder Workout RoutineJust like in any other workout, Jen makes sure to maintain slow and controlled movements in each exercise; keeping her muscles contracted the entire time. She avoids swinging or bouncing the weights, and stays focused on the “mind-muscle connection”.Cable Lateral Raise (pull from behind), 2 sets x 15 repsCable Lateral Raise (pull from the front), 2 sets x 15 repsLying one arm lateral raise (pink up), 2 sets x 15 repsStanding Dumbbell Lateral Raise (palms together), 2 sets x 15 repsStanding Dumbbell Lateral Raise (palms forward), 2 sets x 15 repsElevated Arm w/ Single DB Lateral Raise, 2 sets x 10 reps each armTriceps Workout Routine her triceps workout routine, Jen goes for the weight that’s heavy enough for her to only do 8-12 reps. But also, light enough so she can do the movement with a slow and correct form.As Jen says, if the last three reps of the exercise don’t challenge her enough, then she’ll increase the weight. Likewise, if she feels her form suffers because of too much weight, she’ll drop the weight down.
As for the ‘finisher’ exercises. Jen opts for extremely light weights, or even, she just uses her own body weight. This way, she’s able to keep a constant contraction by still keeping her muscles ‘burning.’Angled Tricep Push Up (off bench or bar), 3×12Dumbbell Pull Over, 3×15Dumbbell Skull Crusher (forearms only move), 3×15Cable Overhead Tricep Extension, 3×15Single Arm Tricep Side Extension (arm should be raised parallel to shoulders, forearm extend out), 3×15 Each ArmJen Heward’s Core Workout Routine combined with her clean diet, this 15-minute core workout routine keeps Jen’s core chiseled, strong, and lean.Moreover, all of the exercises in this workout plan are quite simple to do and can be done anywhere without any use of equipment. Here’s how it looks:Straight Leg LiftAlternating Straight Leg Lift (create an L with your legs)Bicycle Leg LiftWide Feet to close Feet Leg Lift (feet go wide at the bottom, come together at the top)Mountain ClimberSitting Reverse CrunchRegular Bicycle Crunch (slow movements)Sitting Side Oblique Crunch (both sides)Jack KnifeRegular Crunch & Reverse Crunch (movements at the same time, fully extend your legs out before crunching back in)Lying Heel TouchesLying Oblique Crunch w/ Single Leg Reverse Crunch (opposite elbow and knee crunch together, fully extend out leg before crunching back)Regular Crunch (feet up)’s Jen’s talking more about core training;
“Everyone thinks you have to do thousands of reps and different exercises for a strong defined core. No, you don’t. You just need to incorporate a variety of core exercises that target upper/lower/full core, about 25-30 reps 1-3 sets and being consistent with them.Depending on your goals, you may only do bodyweight exercise, weighted exercises, stability/balancing exercises or a combination. Build core strength and definition, without overdoing it.” – Jen Heward
Leg Workout RoutineOut of all Jen’s workout routines, her leg training is the most intense one. In fact, it’s so intense that Jen changes her diet to include more energy sources so she can get through her leg workout.As for the workout itself, it consists of various movements that work on Jen’s quads, hamstrings, thighs, and glutes. Just like with any other workout, Jen keeps her movements slow and controlled, making sure to get constant contraction of the targeted muscle.Standing Single Leg Extension 6×12 each legStanding Single Leg Inner Thigh Lift (abductor/inner) 4×15 each legGlute “Push Back” (your body should be bent over parallel to the floor. Keep your legs elevated the whole time, knee to chest then push straight back with foot flexed) 4×15 each sideSide Cable Squat 3×15 each sideStanding Single Leg Side Raise (adductor/outer thigh) 4×15 each legSide Cable Squat with Pulse (pulse 2x) 3×8 each sideStanding Single Leg Reverse Curl 6×12 each legFavorite Muscle Groups and ExercisesJen’s favorite body parts are her shoulders and glutes. As Jen says, “they are the best humps on the body!”For glutes, Jen uses exercises such as glute kickbacks and squats. As for her shoulders, her favorite movements are sided lateral raises and barbell rows for rear delts.
Jen Heward Diet Plan Heward is very particular about what she eats in her pre-workout and post-workout meals. She says,
- Complex and/or simple (fast digesting) carb right before my workout ( I.e. sweet potato, rice cakes, rice Krispy treats or white rice)
- 1 scoop of Karbolyn (Nutrishop) and 1 scoop Stance Lipotropic, 1 capsule Stance Thermo (Stance Supplements) with my Orange BCAA (Nutrishop) during my workout.
- Immediately post training I drink 1 scoop in the water of VitaSport Pro7ein Whey Protein in Carmel Pretzel.
- I follow up with another meal an hour later, which is always a carb and protein source with a veggie continues, "Proper nutrition and supplement intake are crucial alongside your training in order to maximize your results! When the diet lacks, so does the progress. Finding a balance, something you enjoy and staying consistent long enough to see results unfold! Most of us tend to give up when we don’t see FAST results. Great things take time. And your working on some GREAT shoulders. Trust the process and be patient. Once you see changes happen, it will ignite that fire of motivation to push even harder and keep moving forward!"
If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)
Being an advocate of healthy and balanced dieting, Jen has found that her body responds best to flexible nutrition, which she follows in the form of IIFYM. allows Jen to eat what she likes on a regular basis if it is fitting in her daily macro goals while keeping a fit and firm physique. The way she achieves the best possible physique by counting her daily macros; making sure she doesn’t exceed the calorie limit she has sets for the day.
Pre- And Post-Workout Diet Regimen
One hour before her workout, Jen will consume some sort of protein source. The source of this protein can be anything – from a protein bar or shake, to a piece of lean chicken.Immediately before training, Jen will consume a fast-acting carb supplement as her pre-workout meal. This will give her energy to push through the workout, especially if it’s a demanding one. the post-workout meal, Jen will consume a regular protein shake. And one hour later, she’ll eat a meal which consists of a combination of carbs and proteins.
Jen Heward Supplements Jen changes her supplementation routine quite often, there are some supplements in her regimen which she takes regularly. They include;BCAAsProtein PowderCarb Supplement Jen feels she could use some help burning the fat., she’ll opt for a good quality thermogenic fat burner. This, combined with her diet and exhaustive training regimen, helps her to lose fat in the shortest period of time possible.
Cheat Meals
When Jen wants to give herself a break from dieting, she’ll go out and eat some of her favorite cheat meals, such as pizza and chocolate. She tries to have a cheat meal once a week, which is usually on Saturdays.Jen’s Healthy Kale Salad Meal RecipeWhenever Jen wants to include more green vegetables in her diet, while keeping it delicious and simple, she’ll use recipes like this one below.Ingredients:2-3 kale leaves (green lettuce is a healthy alternative)2 tablespoons of chopped almonds1 tablespoon dried cranberries4 ounces of chicken (preferably lean chicken breasts)1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil1 tablespoon of favorite salad dressing (try not to choose one with too many calories or additives, keep it simple and healthy)Healthy Protein Pancakes of Jen’s favorite healthy foods is protein pancakes and she makes them almost all the time for her breakfast too. She says they are simple to make and are packed with a lot of good protein that is essential for muscle recovery too.Jen uses egg whites as her main protein source, which she blends with fruit, kale, and oatmeal.Once she’s blended everything together, Jen’ll then cook it on a pan and leave everything to cool down.
Jen Heward Idols and Influences
Although Jen first turned to fitness out of curiosity and in order to fit in among others, she decided she needs to take care of her health because it was deteriorating instead do getting better. She realized that fitness must be done for personal gains and not to impress anyone.
At the age of 21, she decided to make a change in her life and educate herself on the fitness lifestyle. After years of perseverance, Jen reached her goal, and with consistent results, she built an awesome physique and became a certified sports nutritionist.One of the people that have helped Jen reach her goals and supported her in the time of hardships is her partner, whom Jen describes as her “biggest motivator.” Jen says her partner sometimes works 13 hours per day, trains martial arts, and lifts weights in the gym. With this hectic lifestyle, Jen’s partner still manages to find time to be with her and support her on her own journey.Another person that she looks up to is Alice Matos who is an influencer too. Alice is a social media star and fitness athlete who, just like Jen, inspired a number of people to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Talking about Alice, Jen comments that she’s a “beautiful hard working woman.”
If we could learn anything by looking at Jen's lifestyle and the past is that you have the ability to change the situation which makes you unhappy. With hard work and staying consistent, nothing is impossible to achieve. You must aim to improve the situation instead of finding excuses and worsen the situation.When Jen wasn’t satisfied with how she looked or felt during her early fitness journey, she made a firm decision to improve her lifestyle from scratch and become a healthier person. In this process, Jen not only smashed all of her own goals but also become an inspiration for others.According to her, we are our own masters and we are responsible for every decision that we make in life. Others can only help you and motivate you but in the end, it all about the decision you make for yourself. If you stay consistent and perseverant in life, achieving anything is possible.This is all about Jen Heward's lifestyle routine including her workout schedules and diet plans.