The Joey Gloor diet covers 5 meals in a day consisting of high carbs and protein as well as low fat. He always eats organic and healthy food. He labeled himself an ectomorph. Hard training and a strict diet make him lean. Let's have a look at Joey Gloor workout plan and diet plan.
Who is Joey Gloor?
Joseph Gloor or as we popularly know him as Joey Gloor is an American fitness model and an iconic bodybuilder. He was born and raised in Sugar Grove, Illinois.
- Nationality: American
- Profession: Professional Bodybuilder and Fitness Model
- Date-of-Birth: Will Get Soon
Extremely popular as a fitness trainer on MTV Joey has been a brand on various magazine covers. He is also credited for training many celebrities personally.[incontent_ads]Explaining his personal routine Joey talked about his long 14 yrs of hardship in maintaining his practice of waking up early at 4:30 am. He mentioned his sheer dedication to taking his fitness goals very seriously. Let's have a detailed look at Joseph's diet and workout.If you want to have a remarkable physique you need to concentrate on your diet and workout. That is what we come to know after following Joey's practice. He follows his diet plan and workout very strictly. You have to avoid processed foods from your diet and only focus on fresh and healthy food.You not only have to consume food that gives your body healthy macronutrients like protein, carbs and fats but you need to maintain the balance between them.
Joey Gloor Diet

While planning your diet, you should always keep in mind all factors significant for your health that is related to your food. Adequate amount of calories to circulate your activities smoothly other than healthy macronutrients all are needed in sufficient amounts in your body while you are falling on a workout plan.Always remember Eating & Sleeping are the two most important factors to associate with when you are planning fitness goals.
Joey Gloor is very particular about his choices when it comes to planning a diet for himself. We provide you with his Diet plan which he strictly follows.
- Meal 1: Oats, whey
- Meal 2: (post-workout) White bread whey
- Meal 3: Chicken, kettle chips, and mashed potato
- Meal 4: Hamburger and (olive oil baked)sweet potato fries
- Meal 5: Casein and Apple with peanut butter
He confirms that hard training keeps him lean. He further adds on saying “you have to train your body hard to achieve the fully six-packed charisma”
He always suggests that if you want to have shredded abs and packs then you have to cut burgers, sweet potato fries, and whole-wheat pancakes from your diet.
Joey Gloor Workout starting the workout routine make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks.Don’t forget to warm up before you start your exercise and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out, because It helps you to do an injury-free workout or exercise.You can read other popular bodybuilder workouts like Rich Gaspari Diet and Workout , Greg Doucette Diet and Workout Plan and Zack Khan Diet and Intense Workout Routine.[incontent_ads]
Workout Split
- Monday: Calves, Hams workout
- Tuesday: Back, Traps workout
- Wednesday: Chest workout
- Thursday: Rest workout
- Friday: Calves, Quads workout
- Saturday: Delts workout
- Sunday: Arms workout
The reps ranges for all workout is nearly about (12-6 reps)
Calves & Hamstring Workout
- 3 sets: Donkey Raises
- 2 sets: Standing
- 1 set: Seated
- 3 sets: Lying Leg Curl
- 3 sets: Stiff Leg Deadlifts
- 2 sets: Seated Leg Curl
- 1 set: One Leg Curl
Traps & Back Workout
- 3 sets: Dumbbell Shrug
- 3 sets: Smith Behind-back Shrug
- 3 sets: Chins
- 3 sets: Bent rows
- 2 sets: One arm Rows
- 1 set: Cable Row
Chris Pratt Diet | Workout | Training RoutineRich Gaspari Diet and WorkoutJoel Corry Diet and Workout
Chest Workout
- 3 sets: Incline Dumbbell Press
- 3 sets: Plate-loading Incline
- 3 sets: Selectorized flat press
- 3 sets: Incline Dumbbell Fly
- 2 sets: Cable Fly
- 1 set: Dip
Quads & Calves Workout
- 3 sets: Squats
- 3 sets: Leg Press
- 2 sets: Walking Lunge
- 1 set: Extension
Delts Workout
- 3 sets: Smith Machine Press
- 3 sets: Lateral Raises
- 3 sets: Reverse Fly
- 2 sets: Rear Delt kickbacks
- 1 set: Cable Upright Row
Arms Workout
- 3 sets: Barbell Curl
- 3 sets: Cable Press-down
- 3 sets: D-bell Preacher Curl
- 3 sets: Machine Dips
- 2 sets: Iso-Curl
- 2 sets: D-bell Behind Neck Ext
- 2 sets: D-bell Hammer Curl
- 2 sets: D-bell Kickback
- 1 set: Cable Curl
- 1 set: Reverse dips
A regular workout plan is the only way that can get you your dream physique. It is difficult to get a muscular body like him in a short span of time but if initiatives are taken seriously this goal can be achieved.It took a couple of years before Joey got a physique like he has today because Joey Gloor wife supports him. You can evaluate after taking a look at Joey Gloor diet and Joey Gloor workout plan.If you want to be like him you need to work hard and follow his daily routine which is an inspiration and motivation as well to all you fitness freaks out there.