Lamont Marcell Jacobs Jr. (born 26 September 1994) is an Italian track and field sprinter and long jumper. He is the 2020 100 meters Olympic champion, the 2021 60 meters European champion, and a member of the gold medal-winning 4 × 100 m relay team at the 2020 Olympics. He currently holds the 100 meters European record, the 60 meters Italian record, and is the first Italian to ever qualify for and win the men's 100 meters Olympic final.

In this article, we would go deep into the daily routine of this Olympic champion and discover for ourselves his winner strategy to prepare for competitions. Thus we would include some workout routines, diet plans, and other tips which he offers to his fans and family who are following the same path as him.
Lamont Marcell Jacobs Statistics
- Birth Year: 1994 (age 26)
- Birth Date: 26 September
- Height: 1.88 m (6 ft 2 in)
- Weight: 79 kg (174 lb)
Lamont Marcell Jacobs Awards and Achievements
Achievements and titlesPersonal best(s)
- 60 m: 6.47 (2021) NR
- 100 m: 9.80 (2021) AR
- 200 m: 20.61 (2018)
- 4×100 m relay: 37.50 (2021) NR
- Long jump: 8.07 m (i) (2017)
Olympic Games

2020 Tokyo 100 m

2020 Tokyo 4×100 m relay World Relays

2021 Chorzów 4×100 m relay European Indoor Championships

2021 Toruń 60 mEuropean Team Championships

2019 Bydgoszcz 100 m

Lamont Marcell Jacobs Workout Routine
The key to success is concentration. The mind begins with everything, but from there, everything has to disappear: if you think too much, you will be ruined.Four months after starting to train, Lamont Marcell Jacobs has run the 4th time in the Italian 100 meter championship: So far, I'm thinking about improving. Despite his smug expression, he corrects himself: I'm certain I can.With his time of 9'80 in the 100m, Marcell Jacobs is the fastest man at the Olympics in Tokyo in 2021, quicker than Bolt in Rio.

There is no denying that running is one of the most practiced sports at all levels, both in a playful as well as competitive way. This type of activity has been studied extensively by researchers from around the world based on its logistical simplicity, physiological and emotional benefits, and the fact that if properly practiced, both in quantity and intensity, it improves the lifestyles of those who do it.Running is an athletic specialty that involves several movements made over the course of an event, such as starting and finishing. Whether you are an amateur or a pro, running is a unique gesture. Many things affect it, so you must study the various situations in the best way possible. Concerning the story of an incredible Italian running prospect, long-distance runner, and sprinter: Lamont Marcell Jacobs, a gold medal winner at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, in this article we will provide tips on how to effectively train your running style:
- Space-time factors
- Kinematic factors
- Kinetic factors
- Anatomical factors
Temporal Space Factors
Anyone who has participated in some groups of running training has heard the coach say things like by increasing the number of steps or by experimenting with longer steps, things can be made speedier. Running's step frequency, or cadence as it is known to cyclists, the leg's stride width, and the time when the foot contacts the ground all lie within the area of air and time that can provide an abundance of information for the exerciser.Kinematic FactorsThe study of Kinematics is the study of the motion of bodies without knowing their causes or the main quantities involved, such as displacement, speed, or acceleration. A detailed analysis of a stroke technique can be accomplished by knowing for example the angle at which joints are located along with the different phases of a stroke and then building models from which to observe what happens under different conditions.
Kinetic Factors
A branch of mechanics called kinematics studies the forces behind movement. For instance, when we run, it examines all the forces that support the weight of the body, as well as all the forces that interact with the ground and the foot on the ground, which allows us to stay in balance and move forward.
Anatomical Factors
This is a factor - frequently overlooked, but fundamental for a full and accurate analysis of a race - that needs to be taken into account. Each of the structures of our bodies (bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, etc.) can differ significantly between subjects. Imagine for the moment a joint like that of the hip - something that is vital to the running gesture because it is placed within the major muscular layers.

By comprehending biomechanical factors, it becomes easier to design workouts with multiple objectives and not just focus on the chronometer alone. With the emergence of new technologies, we have non-traditional ways of gathering data on space and time factors such as: Without entering sophisticated university labs, we can collect real-time data on factors such as:
- Step length
- Strike length
- Step frequency
- Ground contact time
- Aerial phase time
- Propulsive phase time
- Leg Stiffness
- Power in watts
- Vertical oscillation
When these variables, and their interaction, are properly used over a long period of time, it is possible to design training sessions in which time and rhythm-based objectives are not the only ones. This method in particular is meant to train us in comparison to an ideal model, but also comparison to ourselves and our own mechanical and physiological characteristics.The following is a sample workout that Lamont Marcell Jacobs does each day. The routine he follows is not specific and can change depending on his schedule. Take a look at this, however:
Day One
- Back Squats – 3×8-12 at 70-80%
- Romanian Deadlifts – 3×8-12
- Bench Press – 3×8-12 at 70-80%
- Barbell Bent-Over Row – 3×8-12
- Standing Military Press – 3×8-12
Day Two
- Hang Clean – 3×3-6 at 50-60% (above knees)
- Hang Clean Pulls – 3×3-6 at 60-70% (at knees)
- Push Jerk – 3×3-6
Day Three
- Superset: Front Squats – 3×4-8 at 60-70% + Pull-Ups – 3xmax
- Superset: Lunges – 3×12-15 each leg + Dumbbell Bench Press – 3×12-15
- Superset: Back Raises – 3×15-20 + 3-in-1 Shoulders – 3×15-20 each exercise
- Superset: Physioball Bridges – 3×15-20 + Triceps Extensions – 3×15-20
- Superset: Calf Raises – 3×15-20 + Biceps Curls – 3×15-20

Collegiate Off-Season Sprinter Workout
Day One
- Back Squats – 3×8-12 at 80-85%
- Romanian Deadlifts – 3×8-12
- Bench Press – 3×8-12 at 80-85%
- Barbell Bent-Over Rows – 3×8-12
- Standing Military Press – 3×8-12
Day Two
- Hang Clean – 3×3-6 at 60-70% (above knees)
- Hang Clean Pulls – 3×3-6 at 70-80% (at knees)
- Push Jerk – 3×3-6 at 50-60% of Power Clean
Day Three
Day Four
- Front Squats – 3×4-8 at 70-80%
- Lunges – 3×8-12 each leg
- Pistol Squats – 3xMax
- Good mornings – 3×12-15
- Back Raises – 3×15-20
- Calf Raises – 3×15-20
Day Five
- Incline Press – 3×8-12
- Superset: Dips + Push-Ups – 3xMax each
- Pull-Ups – 3xMax
- Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows – 3×8-12 each arm
- 3-in-1 Shoulders – 3×15-20 each exercise
- Superset: Biceps + Triceps – 3×12-15 each arm

Pre-Season Sprinter Workout
Between November and January is the pre-season. Strengthening and building power are two of the most important things to focus on right now. An athlete who is in high school will train for maximal strength, a power session, and a combination of the two. During the collegiate season, college athletes spend two days on strength training and another two on power training. College athletes begin seeing advanced training methods like wave loading and split lifts for a more targeted approach.
High School Pre-Season Sprinter Workout
Day One
- Back Squats – 3×4-8 at 80-90%
- Romanian Deadlifts – 3×4-8
- Bench Press – 3×4-8 at 80-90%
- Barbell Bent-Over Rows – 3×4-8
- Standing Military Press – 3×4-8
Day Two
- Hang Clean – 3×3-6 at 50-60% (at knees)
- Hang Clean Pulls – 3×3-6 at 60-70% (below knees)
- Push Jerk – 3×3-6
Day Three
- Dumbbell Hang Clean – 3×3-6 (above knees)
- Hang Snatch Pulls – 3×3-6 at 60-70% of Power Clean (above knees)
- Front Squats – 3×4-8 at 70-80%
- Good morning – 3×4-8
- Incline Press – 3×4-8
- Pull-Ups – 3xMax
Collegiate Pre-Season Sprinter Workout
Day One
- Back Squats – 1×4-8 at 80%, 1×2-6 at 85%, 1×1-4 at 90%, 1×4-8 at 82.5%, 1×2-6 at 87.5%, 1×1-2 at 92.5%
- Good Mornings, 3×4-8
- Bench Press – 1×4-8 at 80%, 1×2-6 at 85%, 1×1-4 at 90%, 1×4-8 at 82.5%, 1×2-6 at 87.5%, 1×1-2 at 92.5%
- Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows – 3×4-8 each arm
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3×4-8
Day Two
- Hang Clean – 3×2-4 at 60-70% (below knees)
- Clean Pulls – 3×3-6 at 70-80%
- Push Jerk – 3×3-6 at 60-70% of Power Clean
Day Three
Day Four
- Front Squats – 3×2-6 at 80-90%
- Deadlifts – 3×2-6 (from knee height)
- Incline Press – 3×2-6
- Barbell Bent-Over Rows – 3×2-6
- Seated Military Press – 3×2-6
Day Five
- Split Clean – 3×2-4 at 50-60% of Power Clean, each (above knees)
- Hang Snatch Pulls – 3×3-6 at 60-70% of Power Clean (above knees)
- Dumbbell Hang Clean – 3×3-6 (above knees)

In-Season Sprinter Workout
From January until the last outdoor competition of the season, athletes compete in the in-season. Sprinters have less time to train since their schedules have to accommodate travel and competitions, so they need to maximize their training time. Among college sprinters, lifts are performed from the ground, they are heavy, and they involve complexes and specific movements, such as Pause Squats and splitting lifts.
High School In-Season Sprinter Workout
Day One
- Power Clean – 3×2-6 at 70-80%
- Clean Pulls – 3×2-6 at 80-90%
- Back Squats – 3×2-6 at 80-90%
- Bench Press – 3×2-6 at 80-90%
- Pull-Ups – 3x Max
Day Two
- Dumbbell Hang Clean – 3×2-6 (at knees)
- Snatch Pulls – 3×2-6 at 70-80% of Power Clean (at knees)
- Front Squats – 3×2-6 at 80-90%
- Incline Press – 3×2-6
- Dumbbell Rows – 3×2-6
Collegiate In-Season Sprinter Workout
Day One
- Clean-Grip Deadlift + Power Clean – 3×3+3 at 60-70%
- Pause Squats + Squat Jumps – 3×2-6 at 80-90% + 10 jumps
- Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts – 3×8-12 each leg
- Pause Bench Press and Medicine Ball Chest Pass – 3×2-6 at 80-90% + 10 Throws
Day Two
- Split Hang Clean + Split Squats – 3x3x7 at 80% of Power Clean (at knees) + 3-6 Split Squats each leg
- Push Jerk + Counter-Movement Jumps – 3×3-6 at 60-70% of Power Clean + 10 jumps
- Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts + Dumbbell Hang Cleans – 3×4-8 (at knees) + 3-6 for each leg
- Barbell Bent-Over Rows + Medicine Ball Behind Back Toss – 3×4-8 + 10 throws

There you have it, the workout routine Lamont Marcell Jacobs follows throughout the week. Furthermore, he has some workout tips and tricks that he follows, which also improves his performance. Hence, now that we've talked about all the tips and tricks that Lamont Marcell Jacobs shares with us outside his gym, let's talk about all the other tips and tricks that he shares.
Lamont Marcell Jacobs Workout Tips and Tricks
Our discussion in this section is about the workout tips that Lamont Marcell Jacobs still uses today to be at the top of his game. Her followers are not explicitly taught his workout tips, but those principles are quite evident as a result of his working ethics. Check out the following:
- Warm-up before starting. You can prepare your muscles for the work that's about to happen by doing stretches, speed walking, or going for a light jog, explains Lamont Marcell Jacobs.
- Increase the intensity of your workout. Begin by breaking the sprint into shorter segments and follow each segment with double the recovery time. If you sprint 30 seconds at 80 percent of your maximum effort, follow that with a 60-120 second rest period, or take a walk or light jog.
- Recovery time is important. The end of a tough workout - or any workout - should not be the end of it. Lamont Marcell Jacobs recommends walking or jogging while your heart rate is coming down so you can stretch afterward.
- Execute compound movements that involve multiple joints. Remove isolation exercises from your routine in favor of compound movements (squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, pull-ups, push-ups)
- Reduce the amount of cardio you do. You can make one of the biggest mistakes in your overall fitness and speed by not doing cardio. Make sure you do short-duration, high-intensity exercises. Basketball, volleyball, kettlebell circuits, sideboard conditioning, jump rope circuits, heavy ropework, etc., can be performed as conditioning exercises.
- Engage in plyometric or jumping exercises with low intensity and high duration. Many exercises fall into this category, such as jump ropes, line jumps, 1-3 inch continuous box jumps, and isometric holds. If you are using the jump rope, aim for sets of 50-100 jumps for time or repetitions. For instance, aim for 500+ contacts in jump rope. For line jumps, you can perform them for 1-2 minutes continuously. Stiffening your ankle and strengthening your lower leg make your ankles stronger.
- Performing plyometric movements of low intensity, for a short duration. Things like depth jump, sprinting, hurdle jumps, landings, and bouncing will put great stress on the lower leg complex and thereby improve stiffness, as you can see in sprinting.

Lamont Marcell Jacobs followed those workout tips in his routine. We will talk about what keeps him going in the next section. As a result, we will discuss more in the next part about what he eats and how he eats it. Keep checking back for updates.
Lamont Marcell Jacobs Diet Plan
The Jacobs family takes care to make sure that their six children are well-nourished. To do that, the Jacobs family adheres to a healthy diet plan. Even though he does not always follow the diet plan, one of his goals is to consume a well-balanced diet that includes all of the major macronutrients. To keep healthy, he must consume protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal. Besides maintaining a healthy diet, he also supplements with vitamins and minerals.

The following is an account of what Lamont Marcell Jacobs eats each day. Depending on various factors like travel and training schedule, his diet keeps on changing, but in general, it stays the same. Below is a sample diet plan for what Lamont Marcell Jacobs follows in his daily routine:
Food Groups With Sample Choices
Meat, Poultry & Fish
95 percent Lean Ground Beef, 95 percent Lean Ham, 95 percent Lean Ground Turkey, Boneless Chicken Breasts, Turkey Breasts, Lean Sliced Turkey Breast, Lean Sliced Roast Beef, Tuna in Water
Multi-Grain Bread, Oatmeal, Pita Bread, Spaghetti Noodles, Whole Grain Cereal, Whole Wheat Bread, Low-Fat Granola Bars, Whole Grain Bagels
Beans & Nuts
Baked Beans, Black Beans, Pinto Beans, Chopped Walnuts, Unsalted Roasted Peanuts
Whole Eggs, Egg Whites, Egg Beaters, Skim Milk, Low-Fat Yogurt, Low-Fat String Cheese, One-Percent Cottage Cheese
Asparagus, Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Green Beans, Peppers (all colors), Mushrooms, Russet Potatoes (with skin), Spinach, String Beans, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes
Apples, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Grapes, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Raisins, Watermelon
Here’s a sample meal plan for a short distance runner like Lamont Marcell Jacobs to follow for a typical training day:
Porridge: 75 goats + tbsp ground linseeds + 250ml skimmed milk + tsp sugar 2 slices granary bread, toasted + olive oil-based spread + natural crunchy peanut butter 1-2 boiled / scrambled eggs 250ml fresh fruit juiceTea/coffee
50g (dry weight) brown basmati rice + tbsp sweetcorn/peas + 100g tunaSmall handful mixed nuts & seedsItem fruitMug green tea
Sandwich made with granary bread + olive oil-based spread with lean ham/chicken or large mackerel fillet 100g mixed nuts, seeds & dried fruitMixed salad Low fat, low sugar yogurt drink
2 squares easy flapjacks Large handful mixed nuts Large banana Mug green tea
30 minutes pre-training
2-3 oatcakes 20g whey protein 100g mixed nuts, seeds & dried fruit Water
Running/gym training
When possible, drink plenty of liquids to keep your body hydrated

This was related to Lamont Marcell Jacobs' diet plan. Additionally, Lamont Marcell Jacobs sometimes eats whatever he likes with a cheat meal. Unlike some, he does not limit his diet. Thus in the next section, we will talk about the diet tips that he likes to include in his daily routine. It will be discussed right away.
Lamont Marcell Jacobs Diet Tips
We are going to discuss the workout routine that Lamont Marcell Jacobs follows every day in this section. With the help of such diet tips and tricks, he follows quite an interesting diet plan. Here's what's in store for the future:
Adding fuel to the fire
One of the most important aspects sprinters should consider is the number of calories they consume. However, they can pose a bit of a problem. Your training sessions will be rigorous, so you will need plenty of calories to fuel your body. In addition, the weight of the individual must be considered, since you need a low body fat level while still retaining muscle mass to generate power. Off-season, up to your calorie intake so your weight remains stable week after week, and you eat enough so you are well energized for training sessions. According to the Australian Institute of Sport, sprinters often need to shed body fat before the competition. In the days leading up to the competition, you should reduce your calorie intake.
The Power of Proteins
In spring, you should prioritize protein, according to "Men's Fitness," which recommends getting 1 gram per pound of body weight or 60 percent of your daily calories. Make chicken breasts and fish your primary protein sources. In addition to having a protein-based drink after training sessions, Allyson Felix, Olympic gold medalist at the London 2012 Olympics, recommends it to help you recover.
The carbohydrate count
The carbohydrates needed by sprinters aren't as high as those needed by long-distance runners. As part of its "Men's Fitness" recommendation, "Men's Fitness" says that fruits and vegetables are the best sources of carbs. The foods that you should consume include spinach, kale, broccoli, leeks, cabbage, and all types of berries. Some runners may find that a small portion of starchy carbohydrates, such as sweet potato, whole-grain bread, or oatmeal, gives them an energy boost before a race or workout. Concentrate more on carbohydrates before competitions and training sessions, however.

On the Right Track
The importance of a strict diet cannot be overstated, but you do not have to follow it 100 percent of the time. Known for eating fried chicken, fast food, and fast drinks before races, Usain Bolt, holder of the world record for 100 and 200 meters, bends the rules when it comes to dieting. Although Bolt does concede that most of the time he sticks to a healthy diet consisting of meat, fish, rice, bananas, yams, and traditional Jamaican dishes, he does use sugar in his cooking. US sprinter Justin Gatlin suggests that as you get older, you should watch what you eat if you don't want to pile on the pounds and slow down.The diet plan that Lamont Marcell Jacobs followed on his off days and during the competition was the topic of this article. As well as taking supplements to complement his diet and his requirements, he also takes a few others that are discussed below.
Lamont Marcell Jacobs Nutrition and Supplements
The contents of this section include everything Lamont Marcell Jacobs needs to complete his nutrition plan. Each of these supplements keeps him nourished during his daily routine. The purpose of taking them, as well as how it helps him stay on top of his game, has thus been explained. Here are some things to look at:
1. Protein
Biologically, protein can be found in all cells of our body. It is primarily responsible for building and repairing muscle cells, making proteins a vital building block for muscle development. Protein can be found naturally in the foods you eat, such as meat, beans, and eggs. But, taking a protein supplement can be a helpful supplement to accomplish your workout goals.

Research on the effects of protein supplementation on muscle strength and mass analyzed 49 studies published in 2018. When prolonged resistance training is combined with protein supplementation, the changes in strength and muscle size are significantly increased.It is ideal to consume protein up to two hours after your workout to increase muscle mass. Athlete Lamont Marcell Jacobs, who has already established a name for himself during the Olympics 2020, advises taking it either as a post-workout supplement or as a protein-containing meal replacement if you do not have time to eat a regular meal.Some protein powders contain higher levels of sugar and calories than others, so it's important to check the labels for additional information so as not to consume excess calories or increase blood sugar levels.
2. Creatine
The body produces creatine naturally, which is an amino acid present in the muscle. As phosphocreatine, creatine is converted by the body into energy. It is stored in the muscles for use in the future. For improving their athletic performance and significantly increasing their muscle mass, people frequently consume creatine supplements. Among the benefits of consuming five grams of creatine daily is improved lean body mass, strength, and endurance without generating harmful side effects, according to Dr. Lamont Marcell Jacobs.Devries-Aboud believes that the optimal amount to supplement is 2 g per day if you hope to see lasting effects on muscle strength and mass. Specifically, he recommends combining creatine with a carbohydrate such as juice, as eating carbs in combination with creatine enables muscles to store creatine and prevents urinary loss. During resistance training, creatine supplementation has been shown to result in greater increases in muscle mass, muscular strength, and functional performance in both older and younger individuals. Creatine is beneficial to athletes who require short bursts of speed or muscle, such as sprinters and weightlifters, according to the Mayo Clinic.According to the latest research, creatine is probably safe to take for up to five years at the recommended dosage level. The liver, kidneys, and heart may be endangered if high doses are taken. Taking more than 20 grams of creatine each day is not recommended.
3. Beta-alanine
Beta-alanine occurs naturally in foods such as meat and poultry and is produced by the liver. A doctorate in exercise physiology and chairman of Applied Science and Performance Institute, Jacob Wilson says that it can help improve endurance and even help you get a few more repetitions during strength training.He says beta-alanine works by buffering the pH in muscles - is a cooling sensation, along with the burning sensation, that makes you feel both great and miserable simultaneously. In this way, beta-alanine helps keep our pH level steady so that we aren't bothered by that uncomfortable feeling, so our muscles can function properly for a little longer. According to a small 2012 study, taking two grams of beta-alanine daily for six weeks led to an increase of 17% in the time to exhaustion during high-intensity interval training (HIIT). On each day, participants were given five doses of the supplement containing 400 milligrams each.When you supplement beta-alanine before a workout, you get the best results. Currently, supplementation at a recommended dose of 4 to 6 grams daily appears to be safe in healthy populations.
4. Branched-chain amino acids
Three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. In terms of essential elements, leucine is noteworthy because it is known to promote muscle growth. Similarly to protein sources, BCAAs can be found in food sources like red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. But supplements are specifically useful for muscle recovery.

In a 2010 study, BCAA supplementation was investigated specifically for its effect on squatting. The study found that participants who took BCAAs - 100 mg per kilogram of body weight - before a squat exercise session experienced reduced delayed onset muscle soreness and muscle fatigue compared to those who took a placebo. The results of these studies suggest BCAA supplementation may help prevent muscle damage.In dosages between 10 and 20 grams before exercising, BCAAs, according to Lamont Marcell Jacobs, can reduce muscle soreness. When taking BCAAs as supplements, the BCAAs must be taken during a workout or immediately afterward. When it comes to BCAA supplementation, there's generally no cause for concern when it comes to health risks. Please follow all instructions and ensure that you take the meds at the right time.
5. HMB
The amino acid beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate, also known as HMB, may prevent protein breakdown and increase protein synthesis, resulting in increased muscle mass and strength. The amino acid HMB extends the recovery time after exercise of high intensity, similar to beta-alanine. Wilson describes this supplement as a conditional supplement that is recommended in some situations. You may want to consider supplements like HMB, which reduce protein breakdown during training if you usually work out in the morning before eating. Training at a fasted state might cause the body to break down some muscle tissue for energy. By reducing that breakdown using supplements such as HMB, we may stay in a more anabolic state, which may result in less soreness the next day.