Lee Haney is an American IFFB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) professional bodybuilder. Lee Haney has cemented his legacy in bodybuilding through a record-breaking 8 Mr. Olympia titles. He’s sculpted one of the greatest physiques in the industry and is among the best role models the sport has ever seen. In this post, we will see Lee Haney's Diet and Workout.There are a lot of people in the world who dream to be famous bodybuilders and they really work hard to achieve it. These people often have idols who they look up to for inspiration. Lee Haney is one of such inspiring bodybuilders for whom.
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Lee Haney Body Measurement

Lee Haney's Weight is 255 – 265lbs (115.7 – 120.2kg) And Lee Haney Height is 5’11” (180cm.).
- Height – 5’11” (180cm.)
- Weight – 255 – 265lbs (115.7 – 120.2kg)
- Chest – 54 inches
- Biceps – 22 inches
- Waist – 31 inches
Andreas Cahling Diet & Workout RoutineJocko Willink Diet and Workout Plan
Lee Haney Achievements

- 1975 Mr. South Carolina
- 1979 Teen Mr. America
- 1982 Junior Nationals Heavyweight & Overall, 1st
- 1982 Nationals Heavyweight & Overall, 1st
- 1982 World Amateur Championships Heavyweight, 1st
- 1983 Grand Prix England, 2nd
- 1983 Grand Prix Las Vegas, 1st
- 1983 Grand Prix Sweden, 2nd
- 1983 Grand Prix Switzerland, 3rd
- 1983 Night of Champions, 1st
- 1983 Mr. Olympia, 3rd
- 1983 World Pro Championships, 3rd
- 1984 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1985 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1986 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1987 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1987 Grand Prix Germany (II), 1st
- 1988 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1989 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1990 Mr. Olympia, 1st
- 1991 Mr. Olympia, 1st
The above chart all tells about Lee Haney's achievements. If we want to have a good physique body then we need to concentrate on our diet and workout plan. Lee Haney follows his diet plan and workout plan very strictly. At the age of 18, he started gym and gained muscle and weight. so if you won't do a big then follow a diet plan and workout plan like Lee Haney.
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Lee Haney Diet

Meal no.1
- 2 whole eggs
- 6 egg whites
- 1 cup cooked oatmeal
- Pineapple
- Coffee.
Meal no.1 (Post Workout)
- 2 chicken breasts
- Spinach
- Pineapple
- 1 baked potato.
Meal no.3
- Whole-wheat pancakes
- Coffee.
Meal no.4
- Chicken breasts,
- Green vegetables
- Brown rice
- Pineapple.
Meal no.5
- Cup cooked oatmeal with fruits.
In Lee Haney's diet, we see that protein, carbs, and fat are also included, Diet has chicken, eggs, egg white, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, coffee, and oatmeal So guys this are some information about Lee Haney's diet if you want to try above meals so you can adjust according to your weight.If we have to build a strong physical body then diet is not enough we have to do more exercise and follow it 7 days of the week, So now I will tell you about the workout plan of Lee Haney.The above chart all tells about Lee Haney's diet. you can follow this diet according to your weight. Now see how Lee Haney's muscle create. Lee Haney workout. Lee Haney exercise routine. all about Lee Haneybodybuilding.
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Lee Haney Workout
Monday (Chest & Arm)
Lee Haney Chest Workout
- Bench press
- Flat bench Dumbbell press
- Incline bench dumbbell flyes
- Chest Pullovers
- Chest dips
- Cable cross
Lee Haney Arm Workout
- Bicep curls
- Barbell curls
- Hammer preacher curls
- Single-arm Dumbbell curls
- Concentration curls
- Triceps extension
- Skull crusher
- Triceps pushdown
- Triceps chest press
- Triceps kickbacks
- Triceps dips
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Tuesday ( Leg)
Lee Haney Leg Workout
- Weighted back Squats
- Weighted Front Squats
- Split squats
- Leg extension
- Leg curls
- Leg press
- Lunges
- Stiff-leg deadlift
- Hip thrust
- Hip extension
Wednesday (Shoulder and back)
Lee Haney Shoulder Workout
- Arnold press
- Dumbbell military press
- Military press
- Side lateral raises
- Front raises
- Upright rows
- Shrugs
Lee Haney Back Workout
- V-bar cable rows
- Bent over row
- One-arm Dumbbell rows
- Cable lat pushdowns
- Lat pulldowns
- Pullovers
- Deadlift
Lee Haney Take Rest On this day.If you Are a Fan of Vidyut Jamwal then Checkout Vidyut Jamwal Workout & Diet Plan
Lee Haney Repeat From First Day.
Social Media Profile
[embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B-15cKbhYyM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link[/embed]So friend above plan is all about the workout of Lee Haney. and I’m sure you also read the diet plan of Lee Haney.I hope you get something from this post so thank you for the visit the website. stay safe.