Linn Lowes is a Swedish fitness enthusiast who made it to her fitness journey despite suffering from cancer. As a child, she has been skinny because of her eating habits, however, her transformation into a strong and healthy trainer has inspired a million people to see the other side of the coin.

Her story is not about going from being fat to fit, but rather from being drastically underweight to fit. This is what she says,
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" This is me, making my lemonade. My name is Linn Lowes (Löwes as we spell it in Europe), and I was born in Sweden in 1987. Two years of my life got stolen by a sickness called lymphoma, which is a type of cancer. I liked fitness way before I got sick but it wasn't until after I'd been through hell with surgeries, chemo, and radiation that I fully noticed how important training really is. My journey is about going from a skinny picky eater to a healthy, fit, and strong chick learning to love life again. I want to inspire others who are going through any kind of sickness or just want to take that next step towards getting healthy! Fitness is such a huge industry today, with an overwhelming focus on looking perfect or stepping on a stage to be judged. Although 80% of this industry is focused on weight loss, my mission is to make the world understand how to gain weight the healthy way."
Besides being skinny and tremendously underconfident about her image, she took her time to enter the gym. She made the beginner's mistake to only rely on cardio and it was her boyfriend who introduced her to the world of weight training. She grew to love it so much that she decided that it was her calling and advanced to take her certificate in fitness training and nutrition. She recalls,

"Growing up I was very skinny. I remember being 13 years old standing in line with my whole family at Disney World and a man tapped my grandpa on his shoulder telling him that his grand daughter should eat more. Those words stuck with me and I still think about them today. I’ve always been somewhat active with snowboarding and horseback riding but it took me some time to really build up confidence to enter the gym. I first started to go with friends for a little cardio but it wasn’t until my boyfriend introduced me to weight lifting that I really fell in love with everything fitness did to me from the inside out. I decided early that fitness is something I want to continue with and I wanted to educate myself more and get certified to help others."
She says that she has some major plans for the coming years that will help everyone achieve their fitness goals. In 2019, Linn also joined the Fitplan app as a celebrity trainer and has her full guide of workouts and nutrition books available for her followers.She says, "For 2019 I want to have enough fitness plans available to suit everyone's needs whether you’re working out from home, wanting to lose weight, gain weight or focus on cardiovascular health. These plans shall be affordable and easy to follow along. No matter who you are and what your goals are, you should feel that I got your back! I’ve also been allowed to work closely and help develop the Fitplan app (where my fitness programs are today) which I’m very thankful for and I’ll listen to my clients and from there we will develop the Fitplan into the best workout app that exists! "

She says that being on the Fitplan's list of trainers has been incredible for her so far. She loves the kinds of workouts and various approaches that are available for everyone. She also tells that fans have an incredibly large number of workouts to choose from so there would be no excuses for anyone. In her words, "I absolutely love it! Fitplan is an app where you’ll find 100’s of workout plans so there's no question you’re gonna find something that works for you on there and you’ll never feel bored working out! It’s very affordable and I hope the Fitplan team gets to go out on expo’s in 2019 so we get a chance to meet you and talk about our plans! Excuse all my! exclamation marks! but talking about this makes me so excited! "Before we move on to her workout routine and diet plan straight away, here's a little more about her physical statistics.
Linn Lowes Physical Statistics
- Height: 5 feet and 5 inches
- Weight: 58 kgs
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Light Brown
- Body Measurements: Back in her childhood days, Linn was a very skinny girl because of the chemotherapy and her being a self-claimed picky eater. However, she gradually toned herself up and gained some muscle mass with a proper workout and diet. Her exact body measurements are unavailable at the moment. But she has gained a few pounds.
- Body Type: Her body type is more towards the leaner side. However, she has gained an ample amount o muscles that make her look toned and sculpted. Her physique is athletic with ripped abs and great curves.
Linn Lewis Workout Routine
Linn Lewis shares a lot of her workouts on her social media account. On her website, she begins, "My name is Linn Lowes, welcome to my page! What about me? As you probably know, I’m from Sweden, a small country in the north part of Europe. I’m born in 1987 in a small city called Mora, in the county of Dalarna." says that she has always been active since childhood and she has done every other imaginable sport. Horse riding and snowboarding are an immense part of her life. In her words, "I have been an active girl since so far as I remember. My parents had horses so they become a big part of my life. As we have a lot of snow in the winter in Sweden it was almost obvious to me to start snowboarding even though it was just a short period in my life."Besides all the sports she does, she began going to the gym with her friend and was shocked to see such great results. This led her to do some research about diet and health too to amp up her body goals. She also began keeping an eye on her overall health. She says, "Around 2012/2013 I started to go to the gym with one of my friends and I really love it. Slowly I started to see that all the hard work starting to pay off and that the weights have shaped my body. I have always been skinny and had very hard times gaining weight so I was very happy about the results. The results made me more interested in health and wellness and I starting to realize how everything is connected; what you eat, how you train, how much you rest."#1 Linn Lowes Leg Workout Lowes Leg Workout #2 Linn Lowes Upper Glutes Workout Linn Lewis Shoulder Home and Gym Workout when you are into fitness, you have two voices in your head that can either kill your workout or let you smash it. Before taking a yoga class or an aerobics class, most of us wonder if we must take it or we'd rather be doing something else. However, this Swedish influencer had other views. Despite being suffering from cancer, and totally overthrowing her disease, she did not let herself down. She came out of it skinny and weak, but she took it as an opportunity to get better and stronger. She says, "In 2014 my world turned upside-down. I was diagnosed with Lymphoma which is a blood cancer diagnosis. I kicked its ass and I came back, skinnier and a weaker body, but that did not stop me. Here I am, stronger than ever and a lot of my energy and motivation come from those who follow me."Her fitness regime is pretty much including weights, cardio, and a lot of stretching and mobility exercises. She says it is important for us to do what we enjoy the most and one should always stick to that otherwise one will lose interest quickly! She adds, "I honestly believe you should do what you enjoy. There’s no must. Weightlifting, cardiovascular health (cardio), and stretching will, however, help you live longer, age slower, and be happier (endorphins). I'd love to go back into horseback riding at some point in my life." her workouts are only on her Fitplan app profile where she provides personal training sessions to her clients. She also has her own brand of activewear where she designs her own clothes for her clients. Her current favorite active brand wears are Celestial Bodiez and Lululemon but she says that there might be some more additions to the list, referring to her own brand. She says,
"Today I’m working with my own brand, Lowes Active, where I can design the clothes and gear as I won't always want it to be. "If you can't find it, create it." LA The Brand is my own little baby, haha. I love to design and someday I wish to have my own little shops around the world.Since a lot of my followers ask me how I train, I teamed up with Fitplan where I currently have 2 (soon 3) different types of plans where you can work out with me using audio & video demonstrations! I also provide, with limited spots, a complete personalized meal plan for those who want a little extra help with how to eat to reach their personal goals."
She also claims to be a big supporter when it comes to women struggling to have that perfect physique that they want. According to her, a woman can achieve anything that she wants to despite whatever anyone tells her. In her words, "One word, GIRL POWER! You can do anything you set your mind to." also gives out some essential tips which she thinks must be in everyone's gym bag and those are, in her words,
- A good water bottle so that you stay hydrated.
- Resistance bands, which she says are really great.
- Some workout shoes. She likes to have Nike Free Tr and a pair of Converse if she is working on her legs.
- A pair of hoodie because it will help to sweat it out even more especially if you are going to do some cardio before.
- A good pair of headphones to tune into your favorite tracks. She says, "Oh my! I can not work out without good music. It’s close to impossible, lol. "
That's it about Linn Lowes in the gym. Moving on to what she eats in a day to keep herself fueled.
Linn Lowes Diet Plan Lowes fought back hard from her journey of cancer. All her gains were shattering before her eyes. No matter how much she tried, she first lost a lot of her body weight and fell into depression. However, she made a lot of smoothies and tried to drink her calories up. That's her advice to anyone who is going through a similar situation. She did not lose hope and soon she was back in the gym too. She explains her condition in her own words saying,
"Being diagnosed with cancer is heartbreaking. I had to hit rock bottom before I could turn around and fight my way back to the top. Other than getting surgery, chemo, and radiation I made sure to keep my body in as good condition as possible in the form of good nutrition and rest. I lost my appetite because of depression and therefore I also lost a lot of weight. To deal with that I started doing smoothies to drink at my 8h weekly chemo sessions so I fed my body at all times. My tips to anyone going through cancer with the loss of appetite is to drink your calories, it saved my life! You can mix your favorite veggies and fruit with a bit of cream to get those very well needed calories. For me, it was tough because I felt like my body failed me and it took me time to realize I needed to be nice to my body and help it get through these dark times and brutal medications so nutrition was a turning point. When I started gaining some weight back I dealt with the heavy medication better and I didn’t felt as tired as before. The minute my doctor told me I could be around people again I started going back into the gym. Of course very short and light sessions but I was back! And that boosted my confidence, even though my sweaty wig was itchy to the point it drove me nuts, haha!"

Lowes also discusses a point in her life where everything she ate she felt like eating poison. But she made up her mind to learn more about nutrition to make herself better. She tried going vegan before but she started eating meat again and started to notice a great change in her body. She also clears that she is not against veganism as all the bodies are different and diets work differently for different people. She makes sure she is not eating too many meat products and enjoys being a vegan at least twice per week. In her words,
"Going through cancer I thought everything was poison. There wasn’t much I could eat (I made myself believe). When I got more knowledge about nutrition I knew I needed to eat more. I started eating meat again after being vegan for a while because of all lies I’ve been told by the media about how cancer and meat are connected. Immediately started to become stronger and happier. Now, I’m not saying anyone should stop being vegan. I’m saying that all diets don’t work for everyone. You have to find a balance that works for you and your body. Today I eat vegan twice a week so I have cut down on meat but I won’t cut it out completely ever again." does not focus on restricting herself and allows herself to listen to her body because she believes that meddling with mental health is not worth it. Linn says that restriction leads to an increased craving at the later stage and this is where you tend to eat more than expected. For her, moderation and balance when it comes to choices is the key to optimum health. In her words,
I don’t think you should resist any foods (if you’re not allergic). Everything in moderation! People say to me ”Oh I messed up everything, I had a slice of pie this weekend!” I tell them, do you remember the first time you had a salad? Did that change the way you look immediately? No. Just as a salad won’t make you lose weight in a heartbeat, the slice of pie won’t mess up anything!I think its dangerous to be too strict with your diet. That will only make you want what you can’t have even more. Enjoy everything in moderation. Feeling bad because you missed a workout or had dessert is the worst thing you can do to yourself. If you’re gonna treat yourself you better enjoy it – haha! Again, your mind plays a huge roll in your wellbeing. Be kind to yourself.
She does not have a fixed diet plan but tries to eat clean most of the time with a few cheat meals here and there. However, the one thing that is a staple in her diet is her breakfast. She loves to have oatmeal as it helps her provide energy to kickstart her day well. She says, "For as long as I can remember, oatmeal! Preferably with fresh berries. Sometimes I even make myself a green juice, that's what I call luxury, haha!" for dinner, her favorite meal is to have a big bowl of tofu salad. It helps her fight all the stress and tiredness that she went through throughout the day. She likes to eat while engaging herself in some stressbusting thing. She explains, "A huge tofu salad with dried cranberries and a reality show on TV! Haha, this is true. I'm obsessed with this salad I make at least 3 times per week and to watch a show that's so far from my own life I can think of, is relaxing. I also just LOVE laying on the sofa with a blanket and having all my 3 dogs underneath it listening to a crime podcast."Through her meal plans, she does not want people to gain or lose weight. She says that anyone's focus when it comes to health, must not be how to gain or lose but to reach an optimal level of health and fitness. That's the only thing that matters. She wants her clients to change their bad lifestyle for themselves and not for society. explains, "Health is always the most important aspect because without health we have nothing. If you’re sick it does not matter how rich or skinny or famous you are. Believe me, I’ve been there. If you have health, you are rich. For some people, weight loss is necessary to maintain health and to some, weight gain is just as important. I wish society could understand this and accept the fact that weight gain could be life-changing and beautiful too."That's all about Linn Lowes' tips on her diet plan.
Linn Lowes Fitness Tips

Linn lowes loves to inspire and motivate her fans. Here are a few of her best fitness tips that she gives to all the people who are following her through their own fitness journey.Be flexible: She keeps on inspiring her fans through her social media handles telling them how it is totally okay if your motivation changes over time. One day you want to train but the next, you don't. One day you want to develop strength and the next day you want to work on your mobility or flexibility. In fact, it is the same for her too. She has focused on everything from weight gain to weight loss and gaining strength. She says, "I'm not regretting having any of these as motivation [because] they kept me going," Lowes wrote in her post. "Not one single time have I regretted starting to train."Define your intention: Lowes also tells her fans that it is important to set your goals and intentions. She says that goals such as eating more healthily or exercising three times a day are pretty vague and not collaborative. It is important that you work on describing the specifics in your mind and then work on them. For example, doing chin-ups or being able to do a pushup.

Don't be afraid of rest: Setting several goals and trying to accomplish them has improved the quality of Lowes' journey, she wrote in one of her posts. But she also tells her fans that it is okay if they do not feel like doing it for a day. Don't make it an excuse to quit completely. "Your motivation will come and go. And it's OK to take days off!" she wrote. "Make sure you allow yourself to take a rest when you feel like it!" And she is kinda right. Without adequate rest, it is much harder to achieve your goals because all you will feel is sluggish. Lack of rest and sleep would impact your focus tremendously and as your stamina would decline, so will the quality of your performance.You will never regret a good workout: Linn Lowes gives a great tip for those who are feeling lazy to workout. She said that you will never regret a good workout. Here's how, "You'll never regret a workout," she shared. "The endorphins will leave you happy, energetic, and motivated for your next sesh." She also tells that one must push yourself harder during those times and do what challenges you the most. "When you train your body, you train your brain too, and it becomes more resistant to mental fatigue and wired to deal with things that take high levels of effort," she explained.Set small goals that are easy to attain: She tells all her fans that it is better to set small goals rather than setting bigger and unrealistic goals. "Focusing too much on big goals can be more daunting; at some point, you may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But with smaller goals, you constantly see progress, which is motivating," she wrote on one of her posts. For Linn personally, performance-based goals like doing one more round of pull-ups or running an extra mile seem to do the trick. kind to yourself: Lowes says that the most important thing is to be kind to yourself and forgive yourself for missing a sesh. It is not worth it to put a huge amount of pressure as it will deteriorate your health even further. She asks everyone to allow some flexibility to their health. She writes, "Be kind to yourself. Small progress is still progress."Smile more: As a cancer patient herself, she gives her fans the greatest advice of all time. She asks them to stress less and smile more. According to her mental health is equally important as physical health. She tells her fans not to force themselves for anything. In her words, "I think you have to accept the illness you’re dealing with to be able to fight it. It’s a part of you but it’s NOT who you are. Stress a little less, allow you to sleep/rest more, work out at the pace that fits you and fuel your precious body with all the best nutrients because it’s the only body you have! Don’t force yourself into doing things you don’t like. For example, if you hate walking the treadmill in the gym but you love playing football with your kids, PLAY! I'm a firm believer that happiness has a lot to do with our health. Smile more!"
Linn Lowes Interview little bit of rapid-fire with Linn Lowes about her workout essentials, her business plans, and her message for all her followers that were exclusively taken by a leading fitness magazine.
Her daily skin and hair care routine before or after a workout session:
It depends on when during the day I work out. If I go in the morning I wash my face with NeoStrata Glycolic Wash (AHA) and put on a moisturizing SPF on top. Sometimes I work out later during the day and then I don’t even mind taking my make-up off I just make sure to do it after with a mild AHA face wash and then I put on Paula’s Choice Retinol Treatment, Vitamin C, Verso Super Eye Serum and finish off with a Vitamin E mask from NeoStrata. Because it's the evening I don’t use any SPF. For my hair, I try not to wash it after every workout so I do use A LOT of dry shampoos haha! But when I do wash it, I do an OlaPlex treatment once a week and I use Redken Anti Snap leave-in after every shower. The best and the worst part about being a social media influencer and gaining a load of the following:The very best part of it is that I get to chat with so many incredible women from all over the world following my plans. I get to inspire and be inspired. My social media also allowed me to get in contact with people in the same business who I today call my friends. The worst part is that it’s very easy to be misunderstood and some people love to see you fail which can be stressful and also a bit sad from time to time. But the positive is so much more powerful than the negative ever will be!
Since creating a brand for herself, this is Linn Lowes tips for people who are aspiring to be in the fitness industry and creating a niche for themselves:
1. Stay true to yourself and your vision of your brand but at the same time be open to the fact that trends come and go, and sometimes you have to be willing to follow along to please the crowd. There will always be competition so be ready to work hard for what you love!2. Always think ahead! I spend a lot of time planning and thinking ”what can I do to help people? What content can I create that people will benefit from? What would I wanna learn if I were in their shoes?” Things like that.3. Never be a sell-out! First of all, don’t do any ads for products you don’t use yourself and even if you do, don’t do them too often. Everyone needs to pay their bills but don’t be too greedy from start! Focus on getting a brand ambassador for 1 or 2 companies instead of putting up ads from 10’s of companies every week.
If not fitness, what else Linn Lowes would be doing right now:
Originally I wanted to be a real estate agent because I love everything with buy/reno/sell and also house decor! I’m such a Joanna Gains fan! I could also see myself working with dogs/homeless animals. Dogs have been a part of my life since I was born. message for her incredible following on her social media handles:I don’t think you know how big a part of my life you really are. I adore you and I'm thankful for every one of you. I hope you’ll stick around for long and I wish you health and happiness!
Being a businesswoman, this is how she got the idea and motivation to start it in the first place and how she would see it grow in the upcoming years:
Lowes Active started as me wanting to create my own activewear line because I could not find clothing that fitted me in terms of showing off those hard-earned muscles I worked on for so long. Everything I put on only made me look thinner. Working with fabrics and different collaborations for years I understood that this journey was going to be long and tough so I changed focus to online training and kept the activewear running a bit behind the scenes. Lowes Active in the form of a training community has really blown my mind! Thousands of women have joined me on this journey that I now call…life. I’m forever thankful and motivated my girls who get up, show up, and kicks ass in the gym! two years I’ll have my activewear out there available for everyone who wants to show off their bodies no matter what size, instead of suffocating in compression clothing, haha. My online fitness community will keep on growing and I want to set up more events/meet-ups so I get a chance to meet and greet these beautiful souls I’ve had the pleasure of working out with online. I will also dig deeper into nutrition and hopefully have my own nutrition app!With this, we come to an end of the invincible nature of Linn Lowes and her gym and diet techniques to keep herself geared up for the entire year!