Who is Marc Fitt?
Marc Fitt is a Fitness model, Entrepreneur and Personal Trainer. His Birthplace is Quebec, Canada. Marc was very expert in playing hockey, Before getting weight training. He runs a Youtube channel, which videos get 17 million plus views. Marc has massive fan following on Instagram. He established his own clothing company, which helps to orphaned child. Here mentioned about Marc Fitt Diet and Marc Fitt Workout Routine.
- Nationality : Canadian
- Profession : Fitness Model, Entrepreneur
- Date-Of-Birth : 10 September, 1990
- Body Fat : 9.7%
He tell about his meal plan and workout routine via many interviews, instagram chats and other social media platform. Marc started training in gym since teenage. Let’s see Marc's Body Stats.[incontent_ads]
Marc Fitt Body Stats

Marc Fitt Weight is 175 – 185 lbs (79.4 – 83.9 kg). Marc Fitt Height is 5’10” (177.5cm).
- Height – 5’10” (177.5 cm)
- Weight –175 – 185 lbs (79.4 – 83.9 kg)
- Chest – Will Get Soon
- Waist –Will Get Soon
- Arms – Will Get Soon
If we want to have a well physique body then we need to concentrate in our diet and workout plan. He follow his diet plan and workout plan very strictly. He started gym and gaining muscle and weight since he interested in the bodybuilding field.
Marc Fitt Diet
If we talk about diet, all our body health is depend on what type of diet we prefer to our body, like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like what should we eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is most important factor in building muscle. Let's have a look in Marc Fitt diet.When it comes to counting calories, Mark is very excellent about it. Let's see how He maintain his Bulking and Cutting Diet.[incontent_ads]
Marc Fitt Cutting Diet Plan
Meal 1
- 2 whole eggs
- 200 grams egg whites
- 20 grams almonds
Meal 2
- 1 scoop whey protein
- 60 grams oatmeal & Cinnamon
Meal 3
- 1 can tuna
- 1 apple
- 1 rice cake
Meal 4
- 120 grams chicken breast
- 50 grams wild rice
- A large salad
Meal 5
- 1 scoop whey protein
- 20 grams almond butter

Marc Fitt Bulking Diet
Meal 1
- 150 grams chicken breast
- 3 whole eggs
- Broccoli
Meal 2
- 2 scoops whey protein
- Raspberries
- Blueberries
- 15 grams almonds
Meal 3
- 1 scoop whey protein
- 50 grams oats
- 16 grams almond butter
Meal 4
- 200 grams chicken breast
- 200 grams basmati rice
- Broccoli
Meal 5
- 200 grams lean steak
- 200 grams brown rice
- Peppers
As you can see Marc eats much like 6-7 meals of the day. He also maintain level of carb, fat, fibre in his body. That’s we can say that He has much knowledge in creating a healthy balanced diet plan.Above Meal Plan tells us that what He eats within a single day to maintain his massive muscles and Maintain his weight. Marc takes Supplements like Whey Protein and etc. We all understand that exercise is important in bodybuilding but nutritions & diet also plays vital role that how your body look.
Marc Fitt Workout Routine

Before start the workout routine or exercise routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. and Important is to don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out, because It’s helps you to do injury free workout or exercise.
Chest Workout
- 4 sets & 10-12 reps — Warm-up with Two hand Stair push-up
- 4 sets & 10-12 reps — Incline dumbbell press: 4 sets of 10 reps
- 3 sets & 10-15 reps — Flat bench press & flat dumbbell fly
- 3 sets & 10-15 reps — Decline dumbbell press & super-set with decline dumbbell fly
- 3 sets & 10-15 reps — Incline bench press & super-set with incline dumbbell fly
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Close grip machine press
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Incline punch
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Lower fly
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Lateral fly
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Pulley punch (up/middle/low)
Back Workout
- 3 sets & upto failure — Chin-up to pull-up
- 3 sets & 10 reps — Individual barbell row, v-bar row
- 3 sets & 10 reps — Seated pulley straight bar row
- 3 sets & 10 reps — Seated individual pulley Row
- 3 sets & 10 reps — V-bar pull-down
- 3 sets & 10 reps — Pulley back fly
- 3 sets & 10 reps — front rope pullover
Biceps Workout
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Barbell curls
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Incline Bench Eazy curl bar
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Seated One arm DB curls
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Standing Hammer curls
- 4 sets & 15 reps — Guillotine curls
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Floor eazy curls bar with wide grip, rope curl (Super-set) arnold curl
Triceps Workout
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Triceps press-down
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Reverse press-down
- 4 sets & 10 reps — Triangle press-down & One arm extension
- 4 sets & 15 reps — Close grip press
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Rope extension
Shoulder Workout
- 3 sets & 15-10-8 reps — Seated behind-the-neck press
- 3 sets & 15-10-8 reps — Super-set with Arnold press
- 3 sets & 15-10-8 reps — One arm pivot press
- 3 sets & 15-18-20 reps — Super-set with dumbbell punches
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Low cable reverse fly
- 3 sets & 20 reps — Super-set with one arm cable fly
- 3 sets & 15 reps — Straight bar raise up
Leg Workout
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Legs extension
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Barbell Squats
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Leg Press
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Legs Curls
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Dead Lift (straight legs)
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Different Legs Press
- 4 sets & 8 reps — Seated calf raises
- 4 sets & upto failure — Standing one legs calf raises
Abs Workout
- 10-15 reps — Cables rope crunch
- 20-60 reps — Flat bench lying legs raise
- 20-60 reps — Normal sit-up
- 20-60 reps — Handing Bicycle Climbs
As we see you need to work hard to achieve bodybuilding like Marc. Marc Fitt diet plan and his workout plan and daily routine inspire and motivate us. If you want to follow him on social media then below is the link of his instagram profile.
Social Media Profile
Marc Fitt Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/p/CDCGy-7BCGX/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkAlso Read : Claire P. Thomas Diet and Workout Plan