Since December 1990, Mariusz Pudzianowski has been linked to strength sports. Mariusz rolled into his primary national bench press competition and managed to press 160kg (353lb) at the age of 16. Mariusz Pudzianowski joined the four-wheel club with a 205kg (452lb) lift after two years. He has been the champion of Poland for the consecutive four years which helps him to remain at the top of contestants for a long time. Thus he also became the Word's Strongest Man in the year 2002.

Mariusz manages and regularly upgrades his readiness, determination, and usual corporal preparation through other athletic attempts while remaining at the top of contestants of top-class strength athletes. He has been practicing the Kyokushin karate from the age of 11 and proved to be the best. He was also an aggressive boxer for almost seven years, three of which were consumed in the Kosedowski League. Mariusz enrolled for his first Strongman competition, which was conducted in Plock, Poland on 1st May 1999. In every Strongman competition, he is appreciated by all being favorite. However, he got crushed twice in the competition held in Poland in the year 2002 but the worst is getting the second position.In this article, we will learn more about what Mariusz Pudzianowski did to reach the position where he is positioned now. This includes knowing about his workout routine and his diet plan that helped him achieve a certain level when it comes to fitness. Take a look!
Mariusz Pudzianowski Statistics
- Weight: 132 kg
- Biceps: 56 cm
- Nape: 54 cm
- Waist: 92 cm
- Thigh: 80 cm
- Height: 186 cm
- Chest: 148 cm
- Forearm: 45 cm
Mariusz Pudzianowski Awards and Achievements
World's Strongest Man4th2000 World's Strongest Man1st2002 World's Strongest Man1st2003 World's Strongest ManDisqualified2004 World's Strongest Man1st2005 World's Strongest Man2nd2006 World's Strongest Man1st2007 World's Strongest Man1st2008 World's Strongest Man2nd2009 World's Strongest ManPersonal Record:Bench Press 275 kgSquat 360 kgDeadlift 395 kg
Mariusz Pudzianowski Workout Routine
Mariusz Pudzianowski has an amazing work ethic because he practically never takes off from his workday. During the competition season, he would train 5 times a day for at least 3 to 6 hours. We have compiled the list of how Mariusz Pudzianowski prepared to compete for the season in this article before he went on to participate in MMA.Mariusz would have changed up his strongman routine frequently, nonetheless, this was one he chose, according to 2x strongman champion Steve Kirit, who help shape the body of Pudzianowski.

Here is what Mariusz Pudzianowski did during his time in the gym session:
Day 1 – Morning Gym Session – 9 am
- Back squat – Warm-up: 8 sets, pyramiding up to 160kg from 60kg.
- Squat working sets – Pyramiding from 160 to 280kg, 6 reps down to 2. Olympic-style squats, done with belt and knee wraps.
- Mariusz Pudzianowski leg curl (for hamstrings) – 20 reps x 6 sets
- Leg extension (for quads) – 20 reps x 6 sets
- Pull-ups – 15 reps x 6 sets
- Chin-ups – 10 reps x 6 sets
- Pulldowns (behind the neck) – 15 reps x 4 sets.
- Barbell rows – 15 reps x 4 sets.
- Abs – 30 reps x 6 sets. This includes hanging leg raises, bends, and more.
Afternoon Event Training – 7 pm with Strongman Equipment
- Sandbag carry – 3 x 170 meters (carrying 130kg).
- Conan’s wheel – 290kg – 3 times 2.5 revolutions.
- Tire flip – 10 flips x 3 sets
Day 2 Morning Gym Session – 9 am
- Mariusz front squats – work up to 250kg.
- Calves – 15 reps x 6 sets
- Military press (standing) – Warm-up: 60-100kg x 7 sets. Work sets: pyramiding up from 110, 120, 130, 140kg for 5-4 reps x 6 sets.
- Deadlifts – Warm-up sets – 6 with 200kg. Work sets – work up to 300kg.
- Good mornings – 100kg x 8 sets
Afternoon Session – 7 pm
- Bushman’s walk – 300 kg 15 meters x 3 sets
- Presses with the machine (the same one used in comp)– 10 reps x 3 reps (120kg).
- Parallel crucifix – Holding 40kg weights (30 seconds).
Day 3 Morning Gym Session – 9 am
- Bench press – Warm-up: work up to 180kg in 8 sets. Work sets – work up from 150kg to 220kg, which will require 8 reps, down to 2.
- Barbell extensions – work up to 80kg.
- Standing french press.
Afternoon – 7 pm

Same as Day 1, but also with power stairs and so-called parallel stairs.Mariusz Pudzianowski also did a lot of cardio for a huge amount of time like lots of swimming, running, and jumping rope. This allowed Mariusz Pudzianowski to achieve a lot of volume through his workouts in a small amount of time, thanking his excellent cardiovascular health.

Mariusz Pudzianowski is also known to seldom getting injured and this is because he gives a lot of importance to his form and not lifting heavier than he could handle. He would also give these important tips to his friends and family along with his fans who are on the same track as him. But besides this, it is also his excellent conditioning and cardio practice that played a huge role in avoiding the injuries. Swimming, which he loves, helped him evade any kind of injury, especially the joints.

That was all bout the workout routine of Mariusz Pudzianowski who focuses a lot on how to come out well out of the injuries by not losing form and focusing on the quality of exercise rather than quantity. He further shares some of the tips and tricks with his fans which have helped him get the best of his workouts.
Mariusz Pudzianowski Workout Tips and Tricks
Hence, there are excellent exercises that make the strongman out of an average person. These exercises include hard work, heavy weight lifting, and lots of other exercises. Future parts of this series will discuss how to consolidate massive loads into your training, but this first part will cover some concepts that are absolutely basic but can be very powerful.If the strongman training and exercises are incorporated into your daily routines, then you will look big, enormous, and powerful. This does not mean leaving the standard barbell and dumbbell practice, but preferably incorporating some of the techniques and priming boundaries of these expansive energy champions.

Training work builds muscle thickness
This is the perfect time to work on yourself if you really want to be solid and brawny. Taking the example of carpenters and farmers, their hands have become more solid, more powerful, weightier because of such hard work in their fields regularly and vigorously doing for many years. You will experience these principles in your course and we are going to help you to do it much faster. However, it is possible only if you put in your efforts, hard work, and regularity.

It is time to leave your comfort zone and work hard. This time you're going to train like an animal instead of sitting in air-conditioned cardio rooms and using fancy lubricated machines. This training is going to provide you a powerful, solid, sturdy look for men whereas women must not give away from this, however. Women will also have a more fit and healthy appearance, looking less delicate and fuller in all the appropriate places.The myth of long workouts which persist for more than 45 minutes being destructive must be broken. Most of the training sessions should be completed within an hour, but there are some which take a longer time to complete. The average time it takes me to complete a day of events is 4 hours.

As you warm up and urge yourself during each movement, you will focus on four different movements. Various types of variations such as a clean variation, a press variation, a weighted variation, a drag variation, and a load variation will be accomplished. In addition to building up your apparent muscles by using these movement exemplars, you will build up the dimension and density of all of your shielding muscles, giving you a much more powerful appearance.
Heavyweight builds muscle thickness
If Brad Pitt in fight club is your role model and you want to have his physique type, you can move on with light load and low-calorie nutrition. But, the fact is that this lightweight pattern cannot afford to carry you for a long time to become a massive person. You need to pick up the heavy loads and weights to get the mass on your body.It is common to hear about bodybuilders doing lightweight and high reps to gain muscle mass but do consider this. They are not the fresher, they are picking the weights which is light to them and not for us. Tom Platz is the best example who squats 500 for 23 reps. It's unusual for a person to hit 500 reps, much less do 20+. Massive strength and size are built when you lift heavy weights repeatedly.

Your body gets adjusted and improves when you push your body to pick the heavyweights. This is the demand for such massive body strength. This is not just a one-time task but requires the process of weight lifting repeatedly. When you perform highly loaded, cramped movements, you'll be forcing your core and back muscles to grow, giving you more strength and power.
Using strongman training for thickness
Heavy weightlifting and other physical movement trims are part of strongman. Unlike barbell training, strongman training can help break up the boredom and improve areas that are usually not developed through regular training and there is no uncertainty about it. As your grip demands increase, your back will protrude, you will have harder shoulders, and your heart will become thicker.

These training sessions will bring the transformation aspect of strongman. Along with a balanced diet, it will tear away the extra fat so that you have the perfect muscles and overall good health. By losing body fat and building muscle through dense, heavy, and regular training, you can achieve a healthy body composition which is no doubt the powerful one.Besides just training and workout tips, there is one more aspect that any bodybuilder or person into fitness must focus on and that is a great diet. Thus Mariusz Pudzianowski has a great diet that he follows consistently. So read ahead to know more about all his diet plans.
Mariusz Pudzianowski Diet Plan
Mariusz Pudzianowski is known for not following any strict diet plan. In fact, he would really enjoy eating whatever he wants. Even though he is known for his great physique, he is also known for his diet plan which is quite irregular. His attention is more on his training practice. He says, “I eat everything. I do not follow any particular diet. I eat anything I want, anytime I want” and “No diet. More training!”.

In an interview with one of the leading sports magazine, magazine Mariusz was quoted as saying,
“My energy comes from my diet. Breakfast is 10 eggs and 2-3 pounds of bacon. Between meals, I eat lots of candy…I need it for energy. Lunch, at 1 or 2 p.m., is a double meal of a Polish pork chop, sauerkraut, and potatoes…An hour later, I work out, then take lots of supplements: magnesium, creatine, amino acids, all that stuff, and more chocolate…Dinner is whatever meat I can get: steaks, pork chops, bacon, plus more sauerkraut and potatoes. [After I work out] I have a protein shake and more chocolate… At 3 or 4 AM, I wake up and have more chocolate, then go back to sleep until morning”.
Mariusz Pudzianowski has said before that he does not like to exclude anything from his diet and likes to eat all food groups. However, he has given a breakdown of his food in many interviews for his fans, and this is what he would likely eat during the whole day. Mariusz Pudzianowski makes sure to include all the food groups in his diet as he does not want to miss any nutrients.

This is what the sample diet plan of Mariusz Pudzianowski would look like:
Breakfast: 10 eggs and 2-3 pounds of bacon.
Snacks between meals: Candy.
Lunch ( 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm): Polish pork chop, sauerkraut, and potatoes. He eats this about an hour before working out.
Supplements (after the workout): Protein shake, chocolate, magnesium, creatine, BCAA’s, vitamins, potassium, amino acids.
Dinner: For dinner, Pudzianowski reportedly eats whatever meat he has available at that time, which normally means steak, pork chops, or bacon, accompanied by more potatoes and sauerkraut.
3:00 am or 4:00 am: Pudzianowski claims he wakes up in the middle of the night to eat more chocolate.
That was all about Mariusz Pudzianowski's diet plan which he follows rather strictly and consistently. H makes sure that he is having all the nutrients possible for his muscle recovery which will make him ready for the next day of training. Thus he also follows some tips apart for his workout routine which makes him have more power than before. Take a look at his diet tips.
Mariusz Pudzianowski Diet Tips
Here are some of the diet tips that Mariusz Pudzianowski wants to share with his fans and people who want to have the same routine as him. Take a look:

A K.I.S.S. Plan
Mariusz Pudzianowski says he likes to keep things the traditional way when he’s traveling for work. He eats a certain big breakfast, has a nutritious sandwich at lunch if not anything else, and then meat and veg for dinner.
The Power of Fresh
Mariusz Pudzianowski eats fresh, whole foods that involve items like plenty of vegetables, fruit, lean animal protein, and fish.
Workout Snacks
Mariusz Pudzianowski concentrates on taking loads of protein. He usually has a protein shake before and/or after going to the gym.
Clean Treat
Scott Adkins makes certain that he is not overstating his carb consumption and tells that zucchini noodles (zoodles) with bolognese or tomato sauce is one of his most popular choice of things to eat.Macro PlanHe does, however, plans his meal a bit and tries to consume a lot of the carbs and calories at the start of the day in comparison to the end of it. He eats food that is low in glycemic carbs in the evening. When he is training...which is almost every single day, he takes large quantities of protein to make his muscles grow. On the days when he is doing more cardio, he would like to cut a bit on the carbs for the fat-burning process.
That was all about the diet plan of Mariusz Pudzianowski which he follows every single day without fail. There are some fails in between in which Mariusz Pudzianowski takes his "cheat meals" because he is only a human and he deserves a bit of a treat after smashing his workouts or his matches, doesn't he? However, he also takes some supplements and extra nutrition to append with his diet requirements for better results. Here's all about it in the next section.
Mariusz Pudzianowski Nutrition and Supplements
Besides shaving sufficient food to build his muscles and develop his system, he also takes some supplements to keep him in shape. Here is what Mariusz Pudzianowski takes:
Mariusz Pudzianowski sometimes also takes certain in his diet in case he needs to bulk up for a particular match or in general. It is a great supplement to boost growth and enhance recovery.
Mariusz Pudzianowski works out in a very intense manner and has a very hectic routine anyway, using supplementing with omega-3s a smart choice.
To get an amazing physique like Mariusz Pudzianowski, try adding a fat burner to your supplement list. It is a great option for you who want to maintain your bulky muscles and still want to get rid of unwanted fat that is store in the body. This helps Mariusz Pudzianowskis to maintain large muscles without huge amounts of fat in the body.
Mariusz Pudzianowski says that you really can’t go wrong with a multivitamin. In fact, this is true for many professionals who undervalue their requirement for vitamins. While your diet can take care of most of them, a high-quality vitamin supplement is a great option to guarantee your muscles have every potential nutrient to maximize recovery.
Mariusz Pudzianowski travels a lot and sometimes his diet is less than perfect, and greens supplement helps him achieve his daily goals of vitamins and minerals.
Probiotics are another excellent supplement that Mariusz Pudzianowski uses for travel as they improve digestion and boost immunity.