Born on June 12, 1971, Mark Jerrold Henry is an American powerlifter, Olympic weightlifter, strongman, and parted expert wrestler and presently contracted to All Elite Wrestling (AEW). He obtained a two-time world championship during his 25 years of WWE career. Also, he is a two-time Olympian in the years 1992 and 1996 and got a gold, silver, and bronze medal in the year 1995. While being a powerlifter, he was WDFPF World Champion in 1995 and a two-time U.S. National Champion in the years 1995 and 1997, and a record-breaking raw world record holder in the squat and deadlift. In his list, he is presently holding the WDFPF world records in the squat, deadlift, and the USAPL American record in the deadlift from the year 1995. Mark Jerrold Henry is attributed for the most significant raw squat and raw powerlifting total eternally accomplished by a drug-tested athlete, notwithstanding the weight class. He is the most surpassing raw deadlift by an American citizen.

In this article, we will talk all about what Mark Jerrold Henry handles his days before his main event and even in his off-season too. This article will focus on his diet plan and his workout routine. However, besides this, he also puts forward a lot of tips and tricks out for his fans which helps him get through his tough routine. Take a look!
Mark Henry Statistics
- Birth Year: 1971 (age 49)
- Birth Date: June 12
- Height: 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m)
- Weight: 360 lb (160 kg)
Mark Henry Awards and Achievements

Personal powerlifting records
Powerlifting Competition Records done in official Powerlifting full meets
- Squat – 953.5 lb (432.5 kg) raw with knee wraps (done on October 29, 1995, WDFPF)
→ the former all-time unequipped squat world record for over a decade in SHW class until 2010 (+regardless of weight class until 2007) → current WDFPF world record squat in SHW class (+regardless of weight class and equipment) since 1995 → current drug tested all-time world record squat without a suit in SHW class (+regardless of weight class) since 1995 → currently heaviest walked-out raw squat of all time (without a mono lift) regardless of weight class or federation since 1995
- Deadlift – 903.9 lb (410.0 kg) raw (done on July 16, 1995 ADFPA (USAPL))
→ former all-time raw world record deadlift in SHW class until 2010 (+regardless of weight class until 2009) → current all-time highest raw deadlift ever pulled by an American in SHW class (+regardless of weight class) since 1995 → current Open Men American record deadlift in SHW class (+regardless of weight class and equipment) since 1995 → current all-time US national championship record deadlift in SHW class (+regardless of weight class and equipment) since 1995 → current USAPL American record deadlift in SHW class (+regardless of weight class and equipment) since 1995 → current drug tested raw world record deadlift (in SHW class only) since 1995
- Powerlifting Total – 2,336.9 lb (1,060.0 kg) (953.5 + 518 + 865 lb (432.5 + 235.0 + 392.4 kg)/ 2,336.9 lb (1,060.0 kg) (953.5 + 518.1 + 865.3 lb (432.5 + 235.0 + 392.5 kg)) raw with wraps (done on October 29, 1995 WDFPF)
→ current WDFPF world record in SHW class (+regardless of weight class and equipment) since 1995 → current drug tested all-time world record unequipped powerlifting total in SHW class (+regardless of weight class)Career aggregate Powerlifting Total (best official lifts) – 2,442.7 lb (1,108.0 kg) (953.5 + 585.3 + 903.9 lb (432.5 + 265.5 + 410.0 kg))

Powerlifting Gym Records (unofficial)
- Squat – 1,006 lb (456 kg)
- Bench press – 585–600 lb (265–272 kg)
- Deadlift – 925 lb (420 kg)
Career aggregate Powerlifting Total (best unofficial lifts) – 2,531 lb (1,148 kg) (1,006 + 600 + 925 lb (456 + 272 + 420 kg))
- Front Squat – 770 lb (350 kg)
- Behind-the-neck-press – over 400 lb (180 kg)
Weightlifting Competition Records done in official competition

- Snatch: 396.8 lb (180.0 kg) (done at 1996's U.S. Nationals)
→ Senior US American snatch record 1993–1997 in SHW class (+regardless of weight class)
- Clean and jerk: 485.0 lb (220.0 kg) (done at 1996's U.S. Nationals)
→ Senior US American clean&jerk record 1993–1997 in SHW class
- Weightlifting Total: 881.8 lb (400.0 kg) – snatch: 396.8 lb (180.0 kg) / clean&jerk: 485.0 lb (220.0 kg) (done at 1996's U.S. Nationals)
→ Senior US American weightlifting total record 1993–1997 in SHW class (+regardless of weight class) Weightlifting Gym Records (unofficial) all three done in training after the 1996's U.S. Nationals, but prior to the Olympics '96
- Snatch: 407 lb (185 kg)
- Clean&jerk: 507 lb (230 kg)
- Weightlifting Total: 914 lb (415 kg)
Combined lifting records
- official weightlifting total + official powerlifting total = Combined Supertotal:
881.8 lb (400.0 kg) + 2,336.9 lb (1,060.0 kg) = 3,218.7 lb (1,460.0 kg)raw with wraps → current all-time highest combined weightlifting/powerlifting total in history (since 1996*)
- 5 official weightlifting & powerlifting lifts combined – the snatch + the clean-and-jerk and the squat + bench press + deadlift = Five-Lift-Combined-Total:
396.8 lb (180.0 kg) + 485.0 lb (220.0 kg) + 953.5 lb (432.5 kg) + 858.3 lb (389.3 kg) + 903.9 lb (410.0 kg) = 3,324.5 lb (1,508.0 kg) → current all-time highest 5 lift total in history (since 1996*)

Mark Henry Workout Routine
Mark Henry is the strongest man who has been known by the name of "The world's strongest man" look quite different now a day and this is all because of the diet and the workout plan that he is following now a day.

The WWE hall of fame player, Mark Henry has shown to the world his body transformation who lost a minimum of 40 kgs of weight recently. He even told the media that his weight loss has inspired him to do a lot of changes in his life too which also means a return to boxing. Mark Henry announced his retirement back in 2017 with his final WWE appearance coming at WrestleMania 33. After his retirements, his fans have seen him make some amazing changes in his diet and workouts which have lead him to lose a lot of weight ever since. "Listen, I'm going to go out there in really good shape," Henry said.
Here is a sample workout of Mark Henry which he follows through the day as he does not have a fixed pattern and this workout keeps on hanging every single week or two. This is his sample workout:
Mark Jerrold Henry Workout Split
This is what Mark Henry would do in his whole weeks. This is not a particular workout routine that Mark Henry would follow, rather he keeps on changing his schedule. But it is what he is most likely to do in a week.
- Monday: Quads, glutes
- Tuesday: Back, biceps
- Wednesday: Abs, calves
- Thursday: Triceps, shoulders
- Friday: Glutes, hamstrings
- Saturday: Core and abs
- Sunday: Rest day
Mark Jerrold Henry Page Monday:
Back and Biceps
• Pull-ups (wide grip) 4x12• Pull-ups (normal grip) 4x10• Low Pulley Rows 4x12• T-bar Row 4x12• Dumbbell Bicep Curl 4x16• EZ bar Bicep Curl 4x12• Low Pulley Bicep Curl 4x12
Mark Jerrold Henry Page Tuesday:
Hamstrings and Calves
• Lying Leg Curls 4x12• Seated Leg Curls 4x12• Deadlift 4x10-15• Seated calf raise 8x20• Standing calf raise 6x20
Mark Jerrold Henry Wednesday:
Triceps and Shoulders
• Dumbbell Tricep Extension 6x12• EZ bar French Press 4x12• Overhead Cable Tricep Extension 4x12• Barbell Seated Press 4x10• Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3x10• EZ bar Front Raises 4x12• Dumbbell Flyes 4x10
Mark Jerrold Henry Thursday:
He usually does take a rest day between the hectic schedule at sets and working out. He likes to take one day off in between to fully charge up for the rest of the days.
Mark Jerrold Henry Friday:
• Lunges 4x12• Barbell Stiff-Leg Deadlift 6x20• Single-leg Leg Press (each leg)• Squats 4x12
Mark Jerrold Henry Saturday:
• Hanging Crunches• Core Short Crunches 4x20• Short Crunches on Machine 4x12• Short Crunches on fit ball 4x20
Mark Jerrold Henry Sunday:
Sundays are mostly rest days for Mark Henry in case he is not working. He loves to relax and chill with his friends and family and do some fun stuff instead. However, he also keeps himself fairly active by doing his work throughout the day. He does a lot of stretching-based workouts which keep him flexible and agile throughout the day.

Mark Henry has been able to keep up this routine and reached a very good level. He says, "I'm already 80 pounds (36kg) lighter than I was when I had my last match. I'm going to be in really good shape. It's going to take a good man to beat me, but it might not take him long."
Clearly, Mark Henry is a person who is at his best. He is considered one of the strongest players when it comes to weight lifting or sports in general. Here is what he says, "It was pretty easy for me because I was angry at everybody that I was competing against. I felt like I needed to prove, and I needed all the work that I did to be seen. I’ve always been an entertainer, long before I started wrestling. I had to win, so I went out there with reckless abandon and tried to entertain as much as I could."

His starting has also changed a lot with time. He now has a completely different approach to when he had before. His strength, stamina, and energy have changed. He says, "Oh yeah, I never go above 130 kilos [286 pounds] in anything [now]. I squat, deadlift, bench, anything with a lighter weight. I’ll try to do as many reps as I can in the shortest timeframe. My workouts usually take 45 minutes at the most, and I’m dripping with sweat. Then I stretch, and I do cardio for 30-45 minutes. I have a recumbent bike and a regular upright bike. I do a little bit on the elliptical, but I prefer the bike."That was all about the workout routine that Mark Henry follows in his day. He also has some tips and tricks which he gives out to his fans and people who want to follow him in day-to-day life. They consist of the things that one can add to their workout routine to make the workout feel much better than before. Here are some of those tips that you can check out:
Mark Henry Workout Tips and Tricks

The workout routine Mark Henry follows is grueling and tiring, and depending on his circumstance may become more intense, but he also uses other tricks and times to increase the intensity of his workouts. Below are a few fitness and lifestyle tips from Mark Henry that he shares on his social media channels for being more effective in the field. Here's what you need to know.
- Change is necessary: You shouldn't focus too much on a particular muscle for too long because then your muscles will become accustomed to it. If you are starting, you can choose easily manageable weights.
- Warm-ups are essential: Before beginning your workout, make sure you warm up properly. The warm-up should contain both a full-body warm-up and the particular part of the body you will be targeting in that particular session.
- Attainable Goals: Ensure that your goals are attainable and not impossible to achieve. Ensure your diet is clean and your lifting is heavy.
- Combination of workouts: The many misconceptions about exercises include cardio and strength training, according to Mark Henry. It is important to understand, however, that these types of workouts must be combined for maximum results. You will not only be more effective with it, but you will also avoid the monotony of the routine. A run or a 15- to 20-minute jump rope session can be done after weight training.
- Do not rely too much on machines: Using machines during your workout can be great, but relying too much on them might not be a good idea. Therefore, you should try to skip them and instead lift weights, which will help you make your workout more effective. Using a machine to support your weight does not provide any benefit over lifting weights on your own. Your goals will be more easily achieved if you do this.
- Perfect breaks are important: There should be no too much or too little space between a set or exercise, which means that breaks should be just right. It's just a matter of watching the watch. If you are working out, you should take breaks according to the type of exercise you're doing. One to five minutes is the right amount of time for a break.
- Effortless switch: It is recommended that you do not pause when switching from one exercise to another. You can use it to improve your aerobic fitness while also saving time. Whenever you exercise, make sure that you are targeting a different muscle group each time. You will also feel less fatigued when you do this.
- All failures are not bad: The news you are about to hear might surprise you, but it is not the one you were expecting. Even though you may not want to fail, it might just help you achieve something better. It may seem that failure is not something you want, but research suggests that intending to fail can be more helpful than harmful. It is because failing means that your muscles are too tired to complete another workout while maintaining proper form; as a result, this will increase the size of your muscles.
- Keeping track is important: It's important to keep track of whatever you're doing to improve. To track your daily progress, either download an app or keep a journal. Your motivation will grow next time you exercise, so you will strive to be better.
- Include someone in your routine: When you work out with a friend or a member of your family, you will not only be able to hold yourself accountable, but you will also be able to have fun. The desire to exercise more is directly related to having fun.
Here are some tips and tricks that Mark Henry shares with his friends, family, and fans about his workout routine. The fun doesn't stop there! He reaches the top of his game thanks to his diet plan. To keep in perfect shape, he adheres to a strict plan, and we will read about that in the following section! See what you think.
Mark Henry Diet Plan
Mark Henry has had a truly impressive transformation which he did during his retirement from WWE. Ever since he has retired from the match, he has lost quite a lot of weight and he has looked quite amazing ever since. But Mark Henry is quite a beast of a man and has completed several strength sports in his day. He has also built a reputation for himself so that he could be quite a strong man on the planet. He has won many awards like the Strongman Classic, including powerlifting and weightlifting, in powerlifting, at the Olympic Games.

But it is so long that he can hold onto this kind of physique before it becomes a great problem. Being extremely massive could be quite a benefit in the game but in real life, it can be challenging. After his retirement, it only makes so much sense to keep on that kind of weight for your height to work in real-life situations.

But he did so much not just in his diet but also in his workout to make a lot of changes. He admits it wasn't at all easy for him to be there but he embarked on this fitness journey which will put him to be on a much healthier weight. He shared his progress with his followers on his social media account so that he could share his journey.

But Mark Henry has not stopped yet. He wants to lose some more weight and get into the normal weight zone by still being as strong as he was before. He wants to lose weight for longevity and an ability to be better in life in general. Taking in huge amounts of calories and food, in general, for his competitions, can be a huge feat because it is very complicated. Mark Henry shares his food on social media and we know for a fact that it can be quite tough. He has to balance it all out and with so much traveling as Mark Henry does, it is not as easy as it seems to be.

He has changed his eating patterns also because he is not that young anymore and he with age comes less digesting power. In his words, "You know, when I was competing, it was just like a [means to an] end, just like Brian Shaw, Bill Kazmaier, and all the greats. You had to eat at a level that was just not comfortable. It became work to eat. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve decided to not eat like that, and that’s resulted in me losing 110 pounds."He makes sure he is not putting something that is not good for him in his body which will ruin his digestion anymore. He says, "I do my best to limit what I’m eating, especially when it’s not good for me." However, there was a time when Mark Henry would eat a bunch of food and his powerful physique is a testament to the fact. To himself powerful or the training or the matches, he would eat what he calls his personal slay food. He does not stop eating until he is full-on with this diet. His meal consisted of mostly:- whole chickens- eggs- vegetables- protein shakes- pounds of potatoes
Mark Jerrold Henry What to Eat
A list of foods that Mark Jerrold Henry include in his diet:
- Natural Foods
- Fish
- Vegetables
- Salads
- Quality Protein
- Foods with pronounceable ingredients
Mark Jerrold Henry What to AvoidWhat Mark Jerrold Henry likes to avoid as much as he can:
- Refined Sugar
- Junk Food
- Artificial Ingredients
- Processed Foods
- Hydrogenated Fats
- Chemical Additives
That was all about what Mark Henry ate in his prime time and something which he completely avoided. Although he didn't really have any particular meal timings scheduled he would make sure that he is having enough protein, fats, and carbs to make his engine run for workouts and tough competitions. Moving on to some tips for his diet that Mark Henry gives to his fans.
Mark Henry Diet Tips
Besides just eating right, Mark Henry also gives out and follows the tips he has in his general lifestyle. He has many tips that he would like to give out to his fans which helps him make his meals quite the deal. Read on to know all about the tips that he follows in his own routine too.

Avoid Excessive SodiumAs sodium retains water, Mark Jerrold Henry doesn't consume too much. A good diet should limit sodium intake as much as possible. Sodium is found in high amounts in most packaged foods and processed foods. You should limit the amount of sodium in your daily meals. Instead of seasoning the food with artificial flavors, it is best to use natural herbs.Check the Consumption of White CarbsAlthough carbs are vital for your body to function normally, they should not be consumed in excess since this will cause bloating. Many healthy alternatives are popular such as brown rice, quinoa, cauliflower rice, and other whole grains that are better to consume.Raw FoodsThe difference between raw foods and cooked foods would also be a lot. The cereal will keep you full, replenish nutrients and vitamins, and will also make a great snack. Keeping away from unhealthy treats would also keep you healthy.Select Fun ExerciseThe key is to turn exercise into something that you enjoy and that you enjoy rather than just going to the gym every day. Mark Jerrold Henry, therefore, makes sure that he follows what he loves as that is important to stay true to that. Play any sport you like, or dance, do yoga, swim, run, or jump rope if that is your choice. Dropping weight and keeping it off can both be accomplished through this method.Intake of Vital SupplementsIf you have a busy schedule like Mark Jerold Henry, it is very important to add supplements to your diet. Your body would be better taken care of if you added supplements to your diet since they would fulfill your daily requirements. In addition, you would feel fuller for a more prolonged period of time.That was all about the tips and tricks that Mark Henry gives to his fans. Besides following a great diet, workout routine, and tips for eating and working out, Mark Henry also adds some supplements to his diet which makes him work even more efficiently. Some supplements are added so that he can perform well. Read on more to know all about his supplement intake.
Mark Henry Nutrition and Supplements
To obtain better nutrition and energy, Mark Jerrold Henry supplements his diet with supplements. According to him, the reason he reached the position he is in now is due to adding these supplements. Mark Jerrold Henry's popular supplements include BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), pre-and post-workout supplements, and muscle and mass gainers.
Additionally, he consumes whey protein throughout the day. Also, Mark Jerrold Henry is a representative for many sports brands and supplements - a company providing bodybuilders with clothing, accessories, and supplements. This pump increases citrulline and kills lactic acid with beta-alanine, so these are two of the most important substances he uses.
One of the most amazing supplements that Mark Henry uses is the multivitamins and fish oil to refill any lost vitamins and minerals during an intensive workout routine that can not be replenished from his regular meals.

Mark Henry likes to use the following items for his workouts:
- fish oil
- pre-workout
- MHP’s BCAA XL Energy
- Whey Protein
The other outer and inner influences that Mark Jerrold Henry has in his life add some more qualities and advantages that make the ball in Mark Jerrold Henry's court. Among the many things, Mark Jerrold Henry is thankful for is the devotion to the game and the desire to excel on the court that made him an extraordinary player of his day.