The Markus Ruhl diet is the best way to increase muscle mass. He eats big to get a muscular and massive body size. After his success in bodybuilding, He eats 4 to 5 big meals of the day. Markus ate 600 grams of carbs and 500 grams of protein every day to maintain his massive physiques. He trained his body with different workouts. Stay connected to read in-depth about Markus Ruhl diet and workout plan.
About Markus Ruhl
Markus Ruhl is a former IFBB professional german bodybuilder and entrepreneur. He was born in Germany. Firstly, He didn't plan to become a bodybuilder. In his teenage, He used to play high-level soccer for his team in Germany. After that, he was injured in soccer and he started to weight lifting. After that, he trained himself every day in the gym.
- Nationality : German
- Profession : Professional Bodybuilder
- Date-Of-Birth : February 22, 1972
Markus told about his diet and workout via many interviews, Instagram chats, and other social media platforms like youtube. He has a successful bodybuilding career, He competes against some great bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler. He is the owner of a supplement & clothing company named Ruhls Bestes. [incontent_ads]
Markus Ruhl Body Measurement

Markus Ruhl Weight is 275 - 285lbs (124.7kg - 129.3kg). His Height in Feet is 5.10
- Height — 5'10" (177.5cm)
- Weight — 273 lbs (124 kg)
- Arms — 24 inches
- Chest — 60 inches
- Waist — 38 inches
If we want to have a good physique body then we need to concentrate on our diet and workout. He followed his diet plan and workout very strictly. He also cast some movies like "XXXL-Big Beyond Belief (2000)", "Made in Germany (2004)" and "Ruhling 4 Ever (2010)" etc. When Markus injured He has 120 pounds of body weight, He started workout six days a week for a speedy recovery from injury. After he sees the results, He decided to keep it on bodybuilding.
Markus Ruhl Diet

If we think about diet, all our body health depends on what type of diet we prefer to our body like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like, What should we eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is the most important factor in muscle building.[incontent_ads]Meal 1
- 6 whole eggs
- 3 cups egg whites
- 2 cups oatmeal
- Fruit
Meal 2
- 10-12 ounces chicken breast
- 3 cups brown rice
- Vegetables
Meal 3 (post workout)
- 3 scoops whey protein
- 2 bananas
Meal 4
- 10-12 ounces steak
- 3 cups white rice
- Vegetables
Meal 5
- 10-12 ounces chicken breast
- 3 cups sweet potato
- Vegetables
Markus has fabulous muscle mass and physique, He eats 5-6 meals and a bunch of calories within a single day. He has a different eating style from other bodybuilders. He has a broad approach to nutrition. When others take 6-7 tiny meals of the day, Markus having 4-5 meals each day. He says that It is not easy to eat thousands of calories. He takes calories from all clean food sources.Above all tells about Markus's meal plan and what he eats within a single day. If you can follow it according to your weight. He does not repeat food every day means He doesn't take the same food every day but keep approach alternative. He eats some foods on regular basis like Chicken, rice, eggs, and meat. Those can fulfill his calorie goal.
“Eat crap and you will look like crap. It’s not easy to eat so much good food all the time, but this is what it takes to get huge. Unless you do this, don’t bother wasting your time training hard, or else it will just be for nothing.” – Markus Ruhl
Markus Ruhl Workout

Before starting the workout routine or training routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. And don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out, because It’s helped you to do injury-free workout or exercise.
Chest Workout
- 5 sets & 8-15 reps — Hammer strength chest press
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Incline smith machine bench press
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Standing cable chest fly
- 5 sets & 15-20 reps — Incline push-up
- 5 sets & 15 reps — Pec deck machine
Arm Workout
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Single arm dumbbell curl
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Cable triceps push down
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Single arm machine preacher curl
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Machine triceps pushdown
Shoulder Workout
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Smith machine overhead press
- 5 sets & 12-15 reps — Reverse pec deck machine
- 5 sets & 12-15 reps — Lying cable upright row
- 5 sets & 12-15 reps — Single arm cable lateral raise
- 5 sets & 15-20 reps — Standing smith machine shrug
Back Workout
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Wide grip lat pulldown
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Single arm machine row
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Hammer strength lat pulldown
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Bent over barbell row
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Single arm dumbbell row
Leg Workout
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Seated leg extension (warming up before the leg press)
- 8 sets & 6-15 reps — Leg press 8 x 6-15
- 5 sets & 8-12 reps — Hack squat machine 5 x 8-12
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Lying hamstring curl 5 x 10-15
- 5 sets & 10-15 reps — Single leg leg press machine 5 x 10-15
- 5 sets & 15-20 reps — Seated calf raise 5 x 15-20
- 5 sets & 15-20 reps — Standing calf raise 5 x 15-20
Workout Split : Full Body
- Chest – Wide-Grip Bench Press
- Back – Front Wide-Grip Pulldowns
- Biceps – Rühl Curls, Concentration Curls
- Triceps – Close-Grip Bench Press
- Shoulders – Smith Machine Military Press, Bent Dumbbell Lateral Raises
- Quads – Leg Press, Hack Squats
- Hamstrings – Lying Leg Curls
- Calves – Standing Calf Raises
If you want to save pdf of these then simply press “Ctrl + P” on your Pc or Laptop.As we see you need to work hard to achieve bodybuilding like Markus Ruhl. So his diet plan and his workout plan and his daily routine inspire and motivate us. Read : Kali Muscle Diet and Workout