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Michelle Rodriguez Workout Routine and Diet Plan

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Looking at Michelle Rodriguez, you can easily make out that she is not a couch potato for sure. Even if she is not training for a role, the actress, known for her Fast and Furious roles, keeps her diet and exercise regime top notch. She believes in having a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle to remain in bliss.

Although having a debut in an indie film, Girlfright, she slowly carved her way up into the mainstream films like Resident Evil, Blue Crush, S.W.A.T., and Battle in Seattle. Her most prominent role is in The Fast and Furious films as Letty Ortiz. You can also spot her in movies like Avatar. The 2010s were the most notable periods of her life which also got her films like Machete, Resident Evil: Retribution and Machete Kills. And that's probably because of the feisty energy she radiates from her roles on the big screen. That is also because it is something she follows in her real life too. She has a lean and athletic physique, all thanks to her healthy routine. She is almost 40 and it doesn't really show. All this can be credited to her enthusiasm and dedication towards following a healthy lifestyle. Not only does she eats right and work out consistently, but she also takes care of her mental health. She has a list of health rituals that she likes to follow.Her fitness routine involves not slouching on the couch for sure. She always likes to keep it moving whether or not n the gym. She loves to indulge herself in fun activities and is not dependant on the gym. She is definitely an outdoorsy person who loves outdoor activities and adventures. She does not follow any strict routine. When in Spain, one of her hot spots, she loves to ride on a paddleboard. She walks a lot no matter where she is. She loves to run too. She avoids having a sedentary lifestyle and keeps moving. However, she also makes sure to lift some weights in the gym and does cardio and resistance exercises too.

Besides that, she likes to keep her life balanced by following a clean and organic lifestyle.She eats whole foods and loves to indulge in meat as well. However, she makes sure she is eating free-range chicken and eggs along with fish to complete her protein requirement. She also has a lot of vegetables in her diet, like broccoli, spinach, and beetroots.You'd be shocked to know that Michelle was amongst the celebrities who tried the Master Cleanse, a cleansing diet that according to her "sucked'. Although it did leave her to feel lighter, she did not like the overall effect and restrictions she had to go through.This article focuses on Michelle Rodriguez's daily routine including her workout and diet plans and what tips she gives to her fans to maintain her look.

Michelle Rodriguez Body Stats

Height: 5'4"Weight: l30

Michelle Rodriguez's Workout Routine

Michelle Rodriguez trains hard for her roles on the screens. She even spends months training and amongst her favorite form of workouts is boxing. She sometimes goes surfing on the beach. She also loves yoga and pilates for flexibility and mobility.She definitely indulges in a lot of cardio and resistance training activities that burn a lot of calories and helps in shedding fat.She tries to work out for at least 45 minutes four 4 to 5 days a week. Before beginning any session, she likes to warm up too.

Dynamic Warm-Up

  • 1 minute of step touches
  • 30 seconds of jumping jacks
  • For a total time of 6 minutes


Punching CircuitLeft/Right Jabs to a count of four, followed by left/right jabs at double the time for 8 counts. Continue for 2 minutes. Don’t forget to move your legs in true boxer fashion – float like a butterfly –bring your leg forward (left leg/left jab; right leg/right jab).Right/Left Jabs to a count of four, changing your lead hand, followed by right/left jabs at double the time for 8 counts. Continue for 2 minutes.Left/Right Jabs to a count of eight, rest for 5 seconds and repeat for 2 minutes.

Jumping Rope/Skipping

Jumping the rope is one of the best ways to burn some calories. She makes sure to grip the rope from the wrist and not the whole arm. A jump must not be more than 2 inches off the ground. Make sure to land softly on the ground to avoid any injury to the knees.She also follows a lot of variations in her jump session. She shifts to the boxer's shuffle which involves alternate movements of legs and moving from side to side.A jumping session lasts anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes.

Strength Circuit

Boxer Twists – Balancing a stick on your shoulders with your arms wrapped over top, twist side-to-side, breathing out with every twist. Complete two sets of 30 seconds, stopping for 15 seconds in between.Squats – Start with no weights and hands on your hips, combining with light hand weights once you’ve built up your intensity. Complete 32 reps, retaining the last squat for 20 seconds. Halt for 15 seconds.Push-Ups – Complete as many reps as you can in one minute, then relax for 15 seconds.Dips – Utilizing a chair or a bench, complete as many dips as you can in one minute, then stop for 15 seconds.Boat Pose – Controlling your abs, maintain this pose for 1 minute, then cease for 15 seconds.

Cool Down

Triceps Stretch – Lift your arm above your head and bend at the elbow to cause your hand to be behind your back and stay for 30 seconds.Quad Stretch – Bending your knee, grasp hold of your foot, and stay for 30 seconds.Cobra – Resting face down, place your hands in line with your shoulders and smoothly raise yourself, holding your elbows bent, taking caution not to crank your back. Continue for 30 seconds.

Michelle Rodriguez's Diet Plan

Breakfast: Breakfast is a usual protein shake.

Lunch: For lunch, she has a small salad with tuna, some pretzels, and an orange.

Dinner: Dinner is a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats. It is usually baked chicken with red-skinned potatoes, green beans, and salad.

Snacks: The snacks include yogurt, rice cakes, or popcorn.

Some essential things that Michelle Rodriguez like to incorporate in her routine:

  • Fun-Filled and Adventurous Workouts

Michelle usually gets bored of following a single routine and so she adds a little fun to her routine by incorporating fun outdoor activities. She feels energized and does not let her get bored. She really enjoys activities like biking, skating, surfing, running, etc. That's the reason why she has great endurance and speed. She also loves to do yoga to maintain flexibility and a method to relax her mind.

  • Powerful Workouts in the Gym

For an amazing look in the action movies, Rodriguez follows an extremely grueling session in the gym. She takes various kinds of workouts to challenge her body. To condition her muscles and enhance her look, she indulges in boxing. She often likes to stick to some forms of exercise for a few months which she then changes. Once, she stuck to running 2.5 miles, lifting heavy weights, skipping, and adding loads of protein in her diet for 4 months. She also indulged in performing 40 to 50 pushups, multiple situps, jogging, and boxing with professional boxers. Her workouts are monitored by her personal trainer who makes sure that she is giving her best at all times. Besides this, he also guides her about the techniques, forms, and postures.

  • No Confidence in Detox Diet

Many celebrities delve into detox diets, but Michelle is no in for anything like that. She stays away from such diets and rather likes to follow other methods to detox her body and mind. She drinks a lot of water throughout the day to cleanse her system. She also keeps a track of what is going into her body. Interestingly, she has tried the Master Cleanse before but speaks strictly against it. For her, the detox diet "sucked."

  • Clean Diet

Michelle had some really bad eating patterns for a long time. After switching to whole foods, she found the immense benefits that it caused her. She now discards anything which has high fat and sugar content. She also avoids excessive sodium, carbs and incorporates high protein-rich foods and a lot of fruits and vegetables in her diet. It is through the combination of wholesome foods with her rigorous training that she can achieve lean muscles for her roles.She is not a vegan but she loves to have vegan dishes now and then. She makes sure her diet is quite eco-friendly. Although not a full-time vegetarian, she restricts her meat intake because she finds it quite difficult to purge it out completely.

  • Balance in Eating Habits

For Rodriguez, it is the balance that is the key to her health. She does not believe in any fad diets or diets which encourage people to eliminate certain food or food groups. She believes that everything in moderation is a good way to enjoy and sustain the diet. For example, she has not removed meat and alcohol from her diet completely. Instead, she likes to keep her portions small. That, according to her, helps her stick to the diet that she currently follows.

Healthy Tips for Fans

Michelle Rodriguez is very social on all her social handles and keeps on updating her fans about her health and fitness. She shares a lot of tips on how to keep fit and here are some of them:Avoid Excessive SodiumThe key to removing the water retention is to avoid sodium for a little time. Most processed foods are rich in sodium, it is important to avoid them too even in your daily routine. Avoid adding salt to things that do not really need it and add herbs instead.Check the Consumption of White CarbsJust like excessive sodium, white carbs would also make you look a bit bloated. Try switching to healthy alternatives like brown rice, quinoa, oats, and other whole grains. All these grains would prevent you to feel bloated throughout the day.Raw FoodsEating raw foods like raw veggies and fruits would make a lot of difference to your appearance. These substances are full of vital fibers that fill you up early and evades any cravings. This will, in turn, helps you not to consume unhealthy snacks,Select Fun ExerciseWhen you want to keep fit without indulging in the monotony of the gym, you must try to find some fun exercises instead of going to the gym. Pick the activities that you enjoy, like playing any sport, dancing, yoga, swimming, running, jumping ropes, etc. This will not only help in shedding weight but also let you stick with it.Intake of Vital SupplementsOne must take vital supplements in addition to their diet which they feel is missing otherwise. Keeping a tab on your vitamins and minerals would let you take better care of your body. You must include plant-based protein as a part of your diet that will help in building muscles and keep you full for a longer period of time.That's pretty much all about what Michelle Rodriguez does to help her keep fit for those action movies.

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