Ashok and Madhu Chopra, who worked as doctors in the Indian Army, were the parents of Priyanka Chopra, who was born in Jharkhand's steel city, Jamshedpur. Her parents' jobs have taken her to various cities for schooling, which has made her an actor, singer, and film producer. In the year 2000, Priyanka won the Miss World title which marked the start of her Bollywood career. As a result of winning the title, several offers came her way and she went on to have a successful career as an actress in Bollywood.
First, she recorded a song for a Tamil film, and then in 2012, she released her first single. After her performance in the National Football League (NFL), she was cast in her first English-language TV show, Quantico, and gained fame in Hollywood. Actress Priyanka Chopra, among many other professions, has received international recognition for her work in several movies and shows.In 2018, Priyanka Chopra married Nick Jonas but her love life has been more of a rollercoaster.It will be considered how Priyanka Chopra keeps herself fit with several different types of fitness routines and exercises that she incorporates into her daily life. Moreover, she keeps posting to her fans about her meals, which she considers healthy. In order to understand how she has such an amazing physique, we would check that out and view everything she does.
Priyanka Chopra Body Statistics
- Birth Year: 1982
- Birth Date: 18 July
- Height: 5 feet 5 inches 1.65 m
- Weight: 121 pounds or 55 kg
- Breasts: 35 inches
- Waist: 28 inches or 60.9 cm
- Hips: 37 inches or 94 cm
- Body Measurement: 35-24-34 inches or 89-66-94 cms
- Dress Size: 4 (US) or 36 (EU) or 8 (UK)
- Shoe Size: 8 (US) or 39 (EU) or 6 (UK)
Priyanka Chopra Workout Routine
Since her debut as an actor, Priyanka Chopra has taken on physically challenging movies and TV roles, both in her home country of India as well as in the United States.Her involvement in the Miss Universe pageant program and long-time success as a blockbuster movie star means that the 38-year-old is no newcomer to exercising.
In addition to her regular red carpet appearances and stunt-heavy on-screen roles, she must keep in good shape to perform her roles.
"I have to stay super active and agile because I do my own stunts," she explained to Women's Health magazine. "I do all my fights myself. I trust my body and my instincts."While Chopra has surprisingly realistic views about diet and exercise, she acknowledges she refuses to diet, indulges regularly, and prefers low-impact activities like yoga and extreme gym workouts.Do you know her mantra?"I don't listen to my body, my body listens to me."
We'd unmistakably be able to stick with a fitness and eating plan like this. Find out what Chopra does to keep her figure in check by scrolling down.Chopra says she's not necessarily an exercise junkie, and she works out as a way to stay fit rather than lose weight. "I am not a gym freak, but do work out regularly to keep the body well-toned. The idea is to keep fit and healthy and not shrink me by two or three sizes," she said in an interview with The Times of India, adding that she works out for an hour most days.During her workouts, Chopra prefers cardio (like treadmill sprints), spin classes, and yoga, states that these activities help her feel "refreshed and relaxed".Nick Jonas seems to be getting in on the action as well.
Although Chopra says she isn't too strict on exercise, she maintains that she doesn't put too much pressure on herself."I have great Indian genes!" she informed E! online. "You know, I'm lazy. I want to take advantage of the fact that I have a great metabolism. When I start getting [bigger] I'll work on it! I like food, and I don't like the gym, and as long as I look like this without doing anything, why bother?"She maintains her supermodel-like image by exercising regularly since her diet is relatively flexible. Although she exercises regularly, she does not go overboard. Priyanka says exercise helps her relax and makes her body feel like it is working at its best.In addition to doing stunts that require her to be fit and agile, another reason is that she does them herself, which I think is amazing. Being injured would make it impossible for her to do the stunts.As a result, she tries to work out as much as she can four days a week. She varies her workout habits from day to day, depending on how much time she has to burn off extra calories.
When it comes to cardio, Priyanka's routine frequently changes. Whenever she goes to the gym, she normally walks on the treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes to get in a good cardio workout. Her usual routine is to run outside if she plans to stay at home.Aside from spinning class, she also enjoys swimming when she gets the chance. Swimming and spinning classes are great workouts that challenge her muscles while building her heart rate.
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The yoga routines that Priyanka runs through each day keep her in great shape, even though she enjoys cardio and traditional strength training sessions.Her workouts challenge each muscle group, putting them through their full range of motion every time while also helping her retrieve focus and boost her mental performance. This helps Priyanka maintain her flexibility, but it also strengthens her muscles and helps her gain strength.Bodyweight workouts are what yoga is all about. If you want to achieve lean and toned muscle but avoid bulky muscles, these routines are the best for you.During each of her yoga flow sessions, she includes a few of her favorite poses. Here are the ones she opts for every time:
- Tree pose
- Warrior pose
- Half Lord of the Fishes pose
As she performs these movements, she lengthens the muscles in her back while also building strength in her core.
The majority of her incredible toning comes from practicing yoga constantly. Although she's not afraid to lift weights or work out with her body weight at the gym, she does not hesitate to lift weights.Simple, practical, and easy to understand is how she does things.
- She exercises for one hour a day, four days a week. In order to prevent gaining excess fat, she complies with her routine strictly.
- Running on the treadmill for 15 minutes without stopping is how Priyanka begins her workout at the gym.
- Following that, she does pushups and reverses lunges in order to tone her body perfectly.
- Weight training does not fascinate Priyanka, but she values her fitness above her personal preferences. While at the gym, she performs weight training exercises. Biceps curls are among the exercises she performs.
- Her routine begins with 20-25 bench jumps followed by 20-25 reverse crunches. Priyanka then performs one minute of planking.
- Her favorite exercise is resistance training.
Additionally, to gym sessions, Priyanka enjoys running and spinning. Her fitness regime is enhanced by these activities.The world knows how much PC loves Yoga and asanas. These two exercises are an essential part of her fitness regimen and workout routine. When she practices yoga, she can relax and reduce stress. Among her favorite yoga poses are Warrior pose, Tree pose, Half Lord of the Fish Pose, and Pranayama.The power of meditation is also strongly valued by Priyanka. When she has free time in her busy schedule, she likes to meditate for a moment.It is Priyanka who believes you shouldn't skip your workouts because it may undermine your previous efforts.Usually, she combines her regular strength training routine with a bit of cardio or incorporates it into a HIIT routine. She typically does the following strength exercises:
- Push-ups – 20 to 25 reps
- Reverse lunges – 20 to 25 reps
- Reverse crunches – 20 to 25 reps
- Bicep curls – 20 to 25 reps
- Static plank – 60 seconds
- Repeat circuit three times
It's important for her to remember while she's exercising, regardless of whether she's preparing for a film or maintaining her weight, that she wants to feel good, not lose weight.
According to reports, the actress trained rigorously for 45 days to accomplish the physique and strength of a boxer in her 2014 film, Mary Kom, in which she played six-time world champion MC Mary Kom.Priyanka Chopra's fitness secret is now known to all of you. The diet and workout regime she follows is simple enough for anyone who wishes to lose a few pounds or become more fit.The workout routine that Priyanka Chopra follows in her day was covered in the previous paragraph. The demands of her job allow her to be somewhat flexible with her routine. Due to her frequent travels, she must be flexible about her schedule. It seems, however, that she is quite consistent with her schedule. This allows her to keep fit and maintain the body that she wants.
Priyanka Chopra Workout Tips and Tricks
Priyanka Chopra's approach to working out is as real as it gets. She doesn't enjoy working out in the gym but keeps herself fit, healthy and agile by doing it. The following is what you can learn from her current fitness routine as she tries new workouts to find one she really enjoys (swimming and skipping are currently her favorites).
Find a way to work out, even when you travel
Chopra's hectic schedule means that she may not be able to get regular gym workouts due to her travel schedule. However, does she likes to practice cardio while in a hotel room? Skip to the end. "I love skipping. I learned it really really well in school and then I learned it even better during Mary Kom, so I try to get my cardio in by skipping. It's easy to carry, you have your skipping rope in your bag, it's easy to do,” this is what she explained in a video interview.
Know your body, and exercise in accordance with it
Despite the actor's lukewarm approach to fitness, she prefers to attend workout sessions only when absolutely necessary, such as before an important shoot or for a particular role. “Honestly, I work out only when I need to. My body responds very quickly to exercise, so I don’t need too long to tone up and get into shape," she said to Vogue India. “I want to hit the gym but I work 15-hour days and I’m exhausted by the end of it,” she admitted. “I have to stay super active and agile because I do my own stunts. I do all my fights myself. I trust my body and my instincts,” In an interview, she confirmed the same.
Try adding movement to your day
When Chopra is not working out on the mat, she continues to move throughout her day, whether it's going for a hike ("mother nature's medicine") or just parking further away from the house. “I try to be active in everyday life—I take the stairs instead of the elevators or walk instead of driving,” she revealed.
Figure out your motivation
As part of living a balanced and healthy lifestyle, Chopra exercises. “The idea is to keep fit and healthy and not shrink me by two or three sizes,” she talked about her exercise routine, which usually consists of yoga and resistance training. “I find that trend amongst celebrities disturbing since a lot of kids and teenagers strive to attain our kind of figures, but without proper guidance,” in her social media posts and communications, she states that she does not wish to propagate a particular type of body shape.
Find a cardio workout that serves as a stress-buster
Chopra normally works out at the gym performing cardio and resistance exercises (squats are a familiar part of her routine). In addition, Chopra enjoys swimming. “I also love swimming, it’s a full-body workout and I’ll try to do 10 laps continuously,” an interviewee shared her experiences. Besides building endurance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness through swimming, it is also a low-impact, high-intensity activity.
She's realistic about diet and exercise
While Chopra prefers to stay physically fit, she told Women's Health: "You don't have to kill yourselves in the gym to be in shape." In the same way, she doesn't think you should restrict your food intake. Women's Health interviewed her in 2016 and said she is all about balance when it comes to diet."You don't have to starve yourself," Chopra said in Women's Health. "I love having my pizzas and burgers and buffalo wings, on the side, for sure."Her Instagram account is filled with photos of her enjoying life with family, friends, and a dozen doughnuts, as she has been known to share pictures of her with food lovers.
She exercises to feel good, not to lose weight
During an interview with the Times of India in 2008, Chopra revealed that she works out for "about an hour" every day. However, "the idea is to keep fit and healthy, and not shrink me by two or three sizes."According to an interview with InStyle magazine published in 2015, she reiterated her relaxed stance on fitness and dieting, saying, "I don't believe in starving. Women should totally embrace their curves."
She enjoys swimming, yoga, and spin classes
Chopra's physique is clearly on performance as a boxer in the 2014 Bollywood movie "Mary Kom," and as an FBI agent in the ABC series "Quantico." It's evident that she hits the gym.In 2018, Chopra's trainer at "Mary Kom," Samir Jaura, reportedly went into more detail about her fitness secrets in "Fitness Secrets of the Stars" by Ram Kamal Mukherjee and Devyani Ghosh. "I have not yet witnessed someone as flexible as Priyanka Chopra," said the celebrity trainer in a chapter titled "Priyanka Chopra: Bold and Beautiful." Chopra attributes her flexibility to yoga, which she has been practicing for a long time.
Rediff reports that Jaura discusses in her book that she loves "the tree pose, half lord of the fishes pose, and warrior pose," as well as pranayama and meditation, both relaxing breathing exercises.In his book, Chopra describes his approach to cardio as intense. Before doing exercises that combine strength training and cardio, she likes to run on the treadmill for about 15 minutes. Her top workout picks include pushups and reverse lunges, as well as a series of twenty to twenty-five reverse crunches, bench jumps, and bicep curls with light weights before moving on to 60-second planks.Also, she is known to run and take spinning classes "from time to time," and fitness experts agree that you need to change up your routine to keep your muscles and brain challenging since they get bored doing the same exercise routine repeatedly.In order to get the most out of her workout routines, Priyanka Chopra incorporates these tips and tricks into her schedule. Her hectic schedule makes it challenging for her to stay on track each time, so these tips help her stay on top of it every time. In her internet section, we will find some of her diet plans that she discovers energizing.
Priyanka Chopra Diet Plan
Chopra discusses her genetic predisposition for having a good metabolism publicly."Fortunately I do not have a tendency to put on weight and can get away eating as much as I want to, which is a blessing in this industry," she informed The Times of India. Because of this, she doesn't diet."I don't really have a diet. I wing it by the seat of my pants," she explained to ELLE US. "It's such a girl thing to do like if I feel, 'Ughh, I put on a few pounds and I feel gross about [myself] I suddenly start eating salad, protein, and soup. Otherwise, if I am feeling like I am in the great shape I am okay with cheeseburgers and pizza. So, when someone asks me about my diet I feel terrible saying that I don't really have one."When she indulges, Chopra has a few favorite staples that she reaches for. "You don't have to starve yourself," she said to Women's Health. "I love having my pizzas and burgers and buffalo wings, on the side, for sure." Although Chopra generally eats well during the week, she admits to "indulging" her taste buds on weekends. She indulges in "chocolate, cake, and tandoori".Harper's Bazaar quoted the actress as saying that she always starts her day with a Nespresso and that one of her favorite snacks is a cheese sandwich with chili pickles.
Chopra's daily diet revolves around vegetables, fruit, and plenty of water, and she stays away from "oily food."."My daily diet consists of regular food like chapati, vegetables, soups, salads, rice, dal, and lots of fruits," she reported in The Times of India. "Also juices and water are very high on my intake list. In fact, water is a must for everyone, at least 10 glasses a day. I often overshoot that, but it does wonders to your skin."
Priyanka does not enjoy getting up in the morning, however, she does start her mornings with a healthy breakfast. During the morning, she enjoys an omelet or avocado toast as her breakfast. She drinks coffee before a workout and avocado toast for breakfast. Whenever she feels like eating Indian food, she opts for idli, dosa, or poha. In India, she loves to devour parathas when at home!
She shares that she loves eating Indian food for lunch at home when she is a true blue desi girl."I am eating Nachni rotis (ragi rotis) these days. They are healthy and taste good as well. Since I am going all vegetarian these days, I love bhindi, dal, aloo gobi. I always need curd, achar (pickles) and salads are very important. I eat roast fish, veggies, fresh salads."If her schedule is hectic or if she has a shoot, she energizes herself with a grain or vegetable salad, something her personal chef prepares every day for her.
In the same way that Kareena Kapoor Khan loves makhanas (foxnuts), Priyanka Kapoor loves foxnuts as well. Her favorite cheat meal is chaat, which she eats whenever she can
- Breakfast: 2 egg whites or oatmeal with a glass of skimmed milk
- Lunch: 2 chapattis, dal, veggies, and salad
- Evening snacks: Turkey sandwich or a sprout salad
- Dinner: Soup with grilled chicken or fish with some sautéed veggies
When she gets home from work, Priyanka likes to eat more calorie-dense meals, like soups or leftovers from lunch. For dinner, she prefers something boring, like leftovers from lunch.
Priyanka does not believe in actively avoiding or eliminating certain foods from her diet. She believes in finding a balance and allowing yourself to indulge in moderation.She does, however, attempt to avoid fried and oily foods whenever possible. Her eating habits include avoiding foods with processed ingredients and those that aren't nutrient-dense.Although she is generally healthy and likes to eat healthily, she has a sweet tooth and loves burgers and fries. Her favorite foods include pizza, burgers, wings, and even donuts.Those indulgent treats should be eaten with some moderation for her because she takes good care of herself.Because she has a naturally high metabolism, Priyanka is able to indulge whenever she wants. Even though she might keep weight off due to her high metabolism, it isn't enough to keep her healthy.She makes it a point to eat healthily as often and as often as possible because of this.Keeping hydrated is important for her as well, drinking at least ten cups of water per day. Among her favorite beverages are coconut water, red wine, and peach ice tea.Among the snacks she loves on set, she shared the following with Elle:
Catering service is always my favorite part of a movie set—any set. On Baywatch we had every unhealthy thing you could imagine: fried chicken, Doritos. Whenever I needed a salad, it was a run that someone had to make because on set, they gave us all kinds of soul food, which none of the cast ate.
She even chose this as her first choice of "Beach Food":
I love ice cream on the beach. I am not even someone who likes ice cream that much, but on a beach, I don’t know why, I feel the need for ice cream. Ice cream and margaritas. I discovered this new thing while I was in Miami called spicy margaritas—they’re made with jalapeño and they’re really amazing by the beach.
In an interview with Women's Health, she said:
“You don’t have to starve yourself. I love having my pizzas and burgers and buffalo wings, on the side, for sure.” While Chopra says she typically eats healthy during the week, she admits to “indulging her tastebuds” on weekends, when she “binges” on “chocolate, cake and tandoori”.