Rai Benjamin Workout Routine and Diet Plan

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A professional sprinter and hurdler, Rai Benjamin is an American specializing in the 400 m and 400 m hurdles. He was born on July 27, 1997. Earlier this year, he set a personal best time of 46.17 seconds in the 400 m hurdles to become the second-fastest man in history. As a young man, he won a silver medal at the 2021 Summer Olympics and gold medals at the world championships, both in the 400 m hurdles, at his first Olympics and the same World Championships.

Rai Benjamin

Ben froze for the UCLA Bruins for three years and then shifted to the United States Commercial Service Trojans, where in early 2018 he was part of the team that set the world record in the indoor 4 × 400 m relay with a time of 3:00.77. When he ran his relay splits, his time of 44.35 seconds was the fastest ever recorded for indoor racing. In June of the same year, he helped establish the NCAA record for the 400-yard hurdles over open ground, running what was at the time the second-fastest 400-yard hurdles race ever timed in 47.02 seconds.We will discover everything about Rai Benjamin in this article, including how he headed to compete in several major competitions, including the most recent Olympics. Moreover, we would discuss the future goals he has in mind. During this conversation, he talked about his exercise routine, diet plan, and other tips and tricks he used to become in shape.

Rai Benjamin Statistics

  • Birth Year: 1997 (age 24)
  • Birth Date: July 27
  • Height: 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in)
  • Weight: 77 kg (170 lb)

Rai Benjamin Awards and Achievements

Olympic Games

Gold medal – first place

2020 Tokyo4×400 m relay

Silver medal – second place

2020 Tokyo400 m hurdlesWorld Championships

Gold medal – first place

2019 Doha4×400 m relay

Silver medal – second place

2019 Doha400 m hurdlesRepresenting

Antigua and BarbudaCARIFTA Games (U-20)

Silver medal – second place

2015 Basseterre400 m

Rai Benjamin

Rai Benjamin Workout Routine

Taking part in the 400-meter hurdles is one of the harshest events within the Olympics track and field, and Rai Benjamin understands that going into the race will be a challenging one. To maintain his sprinter's speed for the continuation of a full lap, his race requires cardiovascular and muscular systems that are efficient enough to maintain a sprinter. Furthermore, it is also extremely challenging and requires extraordinarily good machinists and coordination to clear ten hurdles evenly spaced around the track without losing speed.

Rai Benjamin

While the pandemic was transpiring, he had only one opening for training: that is running. The third-fastest 400-meter hurdler in history (his career-best time is 46.98 seconds) sometimes practiced at the University of Southern California track in Los Angeles. However, by May 2020, coronavirus lockdowns had prevented Benjamin from obtaining the facility. Consequently, he altered his strategy. The 400-meter standout Michael Norman and the veteran women's track athlete Kendall Ellis showed up for their training sessions, too. “We started practicing in the streets,” asserts Benjamin, who turns 24 in July.

Exercises for Benjamin's legs:

Barbell Squat

(4 sets of 6-10 reps, lighten the load after the first 2 sets)Make a hip-width stance with your toes facing somewhat outward. Support the barbell on the top of your trap muscles, chest up, and head facing forward.Bow your knees slowly, while driving them outside and keeping your back straightened. Hinge your hips and your knees will move forward. Make sure the bar moves in a straight line up and down.Slowly keep the weight on your heels and push up to go back to your initial location.

2. Leg Press

(4 sets of 8-10 reps)You will need to mount the machine and sit on the footplate with the feet (shoulder width) on the footplate in front of you. Ensure that your back is firmly resting against the backrest.The footplate's safety bar should be lowered all the way and your legs should be fully extended in a position where your torso and legs form a 90-degree angle. When extending the legs, remember to keep them bent slightly so as not to injure or fall.With each inhalation, slowly lower the footplate until you form a 90-degree angle with your upper and lower legs. Push the plate back to your starting position while placing the weight on your heels. Ensure that the safety pins are locked after you have completed your reps.Tip: Make sure you put your feet higher on the footplate to work your glutes and hamstrings. You should keep your hands on the safety bars at all times for your own safety.

3. Dumbbell Walking Lunge

(3 sets of 10-14 steps on each side)With each hand holding a dumbbell, found standing with your feet hip-width apart.By bending your knees, lower your hips by setting one leg forward. You should dip until the back of your knee has almost brushed the floor. Keeping a straight posture and avoiding moving your front knee past your toes will help forestall injury.Then, step up gradually from the lunge, putting your weight on your front foot's heel. Replicate the process on both fronts.

4. Leg Extensions

(3 sets, 8-12 reps)As soon as the machine is ready, set the load, sit on the machine with your feet pinned under the footpads, and hold your hands on the sidebars. If you want to bypass undue stress on your knees, make sure your upper and lower legs form a perfect 90-degree angle. Maintain an even adjustment between your toes and your knees.Use your quads to lengthen your legs fully while exhaling. Maintain an upright position on the cushioned seat while you are moving. You may squeeze for a moment, pause, and then get back into your original position after a while.Keep repeating until every set is performed.

5. Romanian Deadlift(3 sets, 8-12 reps)

You should hold the bar with your hands facing down at hip level, keeping your shoulders evenly aligned. Your shoulders should be back and your knees slightly bent as you bow your back.During the lowering of the bar, drag your buttocks back as far as you can. Make sure the bar is at the right distance from your body and that you are looking forward while maintaining your shoulders back, chest out, and head forward. You can now lower the bar to about knee level, then drive your hips forward and return to the beginning position.

6. Lying Leg Curls

(3 sets 8-12 reps)Put your feet under the footpad a few inches below your calves while lying face down on the machine. You should hold the machine's handle while keeping your torso flat and extending your legs fully.When you exhale, curl your legs as far as possible while you keep your upper legs on the pad. Immediately after you have rolled your legs fully, pause for a moment. While you inhale, you should return to your original position.

7. Standing Calf Raises

(4 sets, 14-20 reps)Make sure that the calf raise machine is set to your height. Standing on the machine, your toes facing forward, your shoulders resting under the pads, conform to the desired pressure. Make sure that the balls of your feet are firmly located on the step, with your heels stretching over the edge.While exhaling, raise your heels to the height you can, observing the flex in your calves. Put your heels on the floor and rotate to the starting position after a moment.The experience reminded us that building speed and athleticism doesn't need a 400-meter loop and a ton of strength training accessories. It's just a matter of running. Benjamin & Co.'s morning routine often involved sprinting 200- and 300-meters on concrete alleyways downtown at daybreak. Some days they would run along the beach at their leisure, taking advantage of the sand's vulnerability to strengthen their ankles and challenge the muscles that regulate them. They learned to appreciate nature while practicing. “After you finish, you just sit on the sand and you hear the waves crashing,” Benjamin states. “You’re looking into the water, and it’s really serene, really peaceful. It kept things interesting.”

Rai Benjamin

This is an intriguing and challenging project. In addition to beach runs, Benjamin would consume an hour sprinting up a luxurious hill and walking down it, perfecting his sprint technique. “It was actually crazy what we were doing,” he declares. “But it was fun at the same time because we were in these West L. A. neighborhoods working out. People would come out and watch us.”

As part of the quad blast, the crew dust off their bikes and pedal as fast as they can up a hill. “You know that will never be something you ever do as a track-and-field runner,” Benjamin speaks. “But it was really fun. Every week it was something new.” The plan all worked, regardless of his shortage of obstacles for months and months. As a result of his first big race after more than 19 months, he clocked a 47.13, the 14th-fastest 400 hurdles time in history, at the USATF Golden Games last month.

Benjamin says he was a bit awkward with his technique at that event, and he is now working hard to make it look more suitable. You can criticize his performance on the elongated time away from hurdle races and expect an improved performance in Tokyo. “I know my potential,” he declares, “and I know if I run the perfect race to the best of my ability, I feel like it’s going to be insane.”There are no rituals connected with his pre-game routine. Rai Benjamin probably embraced one during the current season. Before the meet, when they got to the hotel, his roommate and he watched Friends and Family Guy on TBS, and they still do so today. Even though it started late, he would say it is a ceremony. Also, he would say that he makes sure he relaxes and not keeps me up all night, going through the race in his mind before he sleeps.

Training During Covid 19

The epidemic that followed COVID 19 and the pandemic made training very difficult for athletes all around the world. They cannot reach tracks at the moment due to a lack of access. We've been experiencing such problems for the preceding two or three weeks. They have actually been running in the streets of some suburbs where traffic is less intense and we don't have to worry about accidents. About three to four times a week, they would try to maintain a specific level of fitness, but it's difficult because they are running on the street rather than on a track.

Rai Benjamin

It was hard to fund a grass field for training, and it caused quite a bit of disturbance. There aren't that many open areas with a lot of grass, so it's kind of hard to find. Being located in LA, he had trouble finding those areas because they are laborious to find. They really don't have access to much grass here because the major parks are mostly blocked in this city. In recent weeks, they have been forced to run on the streets, on the pavement, so that has become an everyday occurrence. On a dead-end street in the morning, it doesn't seem to be as energetic. He expects it to be about 400 meters long. There is a street there on which they will run sometimes.Running sprints on the street, that's something else. The restrained resources have caused him to practice hard, but he is executing his work. There are 300s, 200s, or whatever they want. There are a few hills scattered here and there as well as a street that is not very busy. The routine workouts that they are doing on the street are the same as the ones they did on the track.As a result of the solid surface, training on concrete should be extremely challenging. Still, they have taken steps to deal with the circumstances. You need training shoes. Here is Nike Epic's reaction. The cushions on those shoes are thankfully plentiful. Since we have those shoes it has been forgiving but at the same time it is not good to keep pounding on the concrete constantly because there is no give from it, it is not merciful. Nevertheless, it has been hard on some days, easy on others. What matters is that we must complete these tasks. In the present condition, we are powerless.It is important that they remain socially distant but still have the ability to train with a group if guidelines are followed. There are four people including him: Michael [Norman], Kendall Ellis, and Candace Hill. As they warm up, he says that they are keeping that distance between them and warming up in different spots. It's also possible for them to run with each other when they are running, but they are usually six feet apart because of the street. In other words, they will go one at a time depending on what workout they are doing.There is no doubt that they have accommodated. They did the blocks on a turf field they found that was still open, and while they were doing them we were about six feet apart. They have been making necessary adjustments and following the guidelines while also trying to do their best with what they have.Due to the pandemic, getting into the gym or weight room became quite difficult. There were some exercises they did at home during that time. In the past weeks, he has been doing a lot of exercises at home to strengthen his upper body. Because nothing here is open at all, they have been doing full-body circuits and ordering stuff online, like med balls and certain bands they can use during prehab. In other words, this whole time has just been about going to their homes and making the best of what's available.As difficult as it has been for them over the years to maintain a normal diet has been maintaining a diet for them. They have been ordering in and improving their cooking skills simultaneously. As far as Benjamin is concerned, he has been doing both. Still, he does go to Whole Foods about once a week, trying to keep that healthy balance. As things have become more restrictive, he has tried to minimize the trips I have been making to Whole Foods. The usual schedule is to go twice or three times each week, but now he goes once a week, goes shopping for the week, and then prepares meals. The only thing he can think of doing is to follow all the right rules. Since he hasn't strayed too far from the path, it's not too surprising. His theory is that once you establish a healthy eating routine, it's kind of hard to change.

Rai Benjamin

Among the meals, Benjamin enjoyed were some of the simplest. Basically, he will make something like teriyaki chicken or spaghetti, and he did some garlic shrimps the other day, and he will also make steak. It just depends on the situation. To make it unique, he would search for a recipe and then simply get the ingredients and have fun coming up with variations.As with everyone else, Benjamin has taken up any new hobbies and expanded on those he already had while sheltering in place. As well as reading a lot and listening to a lot of music, he claims to have been doing a lot of cooking. It's pretty much all there is to it. Sprucing it up a bit with a little Call of Duty. Furthermore, he was asked if he did any all-out race simulation, but since Benjamin was training on the street, he thought the answer was no, although it appears to be rare. In the last day or two, he thinks they have experienced that. Saturday was an all-out climb of 200 meters. Just to keep the tension high, stuff like that will be added. But it's not the same as being on the track, and it's not the same as being in a race. In the end, he feels you can work as hard as you like at practice, but being race sharp is a completely different ballgame. The ability to get it is just not something that one can get in practice. To race, you need to be fast.In the next section, we would talk about the workout tips and tricks that Rai Benjamin follows. Looking at his consistency during the pandemic and his ability to win over the Olympics, it seems that his workouts tips and tricks have been quite fruitful. We would thus look at a few of them below.

Rai Benjamin Workout Tips and Tricks

Here is a list of all the workout tips which Rai Benjamin did during and after the pandemic and to prepare for his Olympics match. He has come out of it quite greatly and thus one who is following his path can turn to these tips for better performance. Take a look at a few of them about what he says.

Crush the First 10

The 10-meter blowout is among Benjamin's chosen drills. He states that you should sprint as fast as you can for 10 meters. Don't overlook being mechanically sound while doing so. Maintain a slightly forward posture, then put your core in a locked position, and drive your knees high with each pace. Sets of 5 should be completed with 90 second rests in between.

Rai Benjamin

Learn to love bounding

The bounding exercises Benjamin does are created to build explosive strength, help him maintain balance, and develop the stabilizing muscles around his knees, ankles, and hips. Hop on one leg with both feet on the ground, then jump forward with both feet on the ground. You can then jump off that one leg onto the other leg, and then you can run off that leg again and land. During each touchdown and takeoff, you are forcing yourself to walk with one foot while taking spectacular sprint strides. Three bounds equal one set; perform five sets, separated by 90 seconds.

Breathe Easy to go faster

Sprinting involves intense and explosive movements, but if you want to get faster, Benjamin says you must be relaxed before you race. Therefore, he follows the 'four seven eight' breathing method prescribed by Andrew Weil, M.D. First, he blows out the air in his lungs and then breathes through his nose for four seconds. After holding his breath for seven seconds, he then blows an eight-second breath through pursed lips.

He Has A Unique Race Prep Method

In an interview with USC when he was a student, Benjamin said he was a sprinter in the beginning- but complications came about by accident after his track coach demanded extra points for the regional, and he volunteered to help. Additionally, he described a method he discovered for race preparation. He noted that as soon as he and my roommate arrived at the hotel the night before the meeting, they turned on Friends and Family Guy on TBS, and they have done that ever since.The limitations of COVID restricting Benjamin's use of the facilities usually used for training at the Olympics forced him to get creative in equipping for his Olympics presentation. During his recent interview with Men's Health, he explained his experience running throughout Los Angeles streets, alleyways, and the beach with his training partners. He said that what they were doing was really quite crazy. However, the experience was both fun and challenging. It was normal for people to come and watch them.

Benjamin Has A Passion For Competition

While a love of competition might seem like a requirement for track and field, Benjamin is also enthusiastic about the sport. They have always enjoyed running fast and competing and knocking other people, he told USC. Benjamin is often observed as someone who holds himself to the highest standards as he achieves personal best after personal best. Nevertheless, he has a different drive now, a different hunger, said Benjamin when he was interviewed by Team USA. It is important to him to win. He needs to be authoritative. With hard work and dedication, he has every prospect of becoming the best hurdler in history.

Rai Benjamin

There's nothing more to say about the workout regimen Rai Benjamin consistently follows now that it's training period, regardless of off-season or in-season. Consistency is something he outshines at and he follows some tips that help him do so. Because he has a specified amount of strong-minded personality, he can stay on track. In addition to his mysterious diet plan, which we will discuss below, he also keeps a record of his eating habits.

Rai Benjamin Diet Plan

The sprinting events 400 meters and shorter are called short-distance running. While performing these short distances, muscular power and anaerobic metabolism will be important, and there is no submission required. A short distance runner will need to work on their strength 3-4 times a week as well as their speed through interval training and sprints. The strength of your legs can make a big difference when you're propelling out of the blocks.

Rai Benjamin

The power to weight ratio plays an important role for springers since they generally carry more muscle mass than average. Following a meal plan like this one is the best way to fuel your body for a normal training day. Carbohydrate loading before events is also recommended to maximize muscle and liver carbohydrate stores. Supplementing with sports supplements such as creatine monohydrates may also be beneficial.Breakfast:Porridge: 75goats + tbsp ground linseeds + 250ml skimmed milk + tsp sugar2 slices granary bread, toasted + olive oil-based spread + natural crunchy peanut butter1-2 boiled / scrambled eggs250ml fresh fruit juiceTea/coffeeMid Morning Snack:50g (dry weight) brown basmati rice + tbsp sweetcorn/peas + 100g tunaSmall handful mixed nuts & seedsItem fruitMug green tea


Sandwich made with granary bread + olive oil-based spread with lean ham/chicken or large mackerel fillet100g mixed nuts, seeds & dried fruitMixed saladLow fat, low sugar yogurtDrink

Mid Afternoon:

2 squares Easy FlapjacksLarge handful mixed nutsLarge bananaMug green tea

Pre Training:

2-3 oatcakes20g whey protein100g mixed nuts, seeds & dried fruitWaterDuring the run:

Drink abundance of water or isotonic drink where feasiblePost Training:

25g whey protein + 20g dextrose in water

Evening Meal/ Dinner:

Lean fillet steak or chicken breast or fish + herbs to tasteBoiled new potatoes or basmati rice or dry roasted sweet potatoes or wholewheat pastaLoads of vegetablesLow fat, no added sugar yogurtDrinkEvening Snack:

Unsweetened muesli + 200ml skimmed milkItem fruitDrinkPre Bed Meal:

25g whey protein in 150ml skimmed milk

In addition to maintaining a compatible diet, he also needs supplements and vitamins that supplement what he is already doing. His training schedule can really be arduous at times and he won't be able to meet his daily macro and micro requirements if he continues to eat the way he is now. Toward the end of this segment, we will discuss his supplements.

Rai Benjamin Nutrition and Supplements

Here is a list of supplements that Rai Benjamin takes daily. Sometimes his dietary requirement is not completed with the kind of diet he takes and he would need an extra punch of supplements to make things work for him. Thus take a look at the list of all these supplements given below:


What is it?A chemical ion called an electrolyte is essential for the body's regular functioning. Keeping hydrated, contracting muscles, and regulating the body's pH levels all contribute to this. The following chemicals are electrolytes:- Sodium- Potassium- Magnesium- Calcium- Chloride- Phosphate- and BicarbonateWhy Does Rai Benjamin Take it?Runners often get electrolyte imbalances because they sweat excessively, resulting in a loss of electrolytes. It is possible to experience fatigue, confusion, muscle weakness, cramps, and headaches as a result of an imbalance of electrolytes. Running long distances or training hard can cause lactic acid build-up. Taking electrolyte supplements can prevent this build-up, help you stay hydrated, and increase your endurance.


What is it?Known as the building blocks of proteins, amino acids serve as the building blocks of proteins. The BCAAS is a special type of amino acid and they stand for Branched-Chain Amino Acids. BCAAs must be consumed through dietary sources for your body to function properly. Among the six BCAAs, leucine is the most abundant followed by isoleucine and valine. Among the most important amino acids for restoring muscles is leucine.When Rai Benjamin takes it, why does he do that?Runners need to take BCAAs before and after training. As a result, they can provide a source of fuel for the muscles and prevent the breakdown of muscle during the training phase when glycogen levels are low. After training, they play an important role in muscle recovery and regeneration.

Rai Benjamin


What is it?The building blocks of muscle are proteins. Supplementing with protein powders increases dietary protein, as well as muscle recovery and synthesis.What motivates Rai Benjamin to take it?To recover after running, runners must consume protein. For the body and muscles to recover efficiently so that they can train faster and longer. Get a combination of nutrients, protein, and carbs to ensure your health. The hardest thing after a long run might be eating a balanced meal to maximize your ability to recover and consuming enough protein for the day. If you want to increase your protein intake, a protein powder is an excellent choice because it can boost your intake by around 25 grams per scoop and is easy to take. Furthermore, most blends also contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to enhance performance and wellbeing.


How does it work?Among the essential nutrients in the body, magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and muscles. Magnesium is mostly found in muscles and bones, and a deficiency in this mineral would negatively affect overall health and performance.When Rai Benjamin takes it, why does he do that?Magnesium deficiency can affect the body in several ways. Athletes and runners may experience a decreased level of fitness after completing this challenge. In addition, deficiencies can result in fatigue, exhaustion, low bone mineral density, insomnia, depression, and others symptoms. Magnesium is recommended for runners at a dose of 800mg a day. Taking a quality supplement will help you achieve your running goals by providing an adequate bioavailable dose.


What is it?Omega 3 is made up of three fatty acids that are crucial to the body and should be included in the diet. Three of the fatty acids are ALA, DHA, and EPA. Dietary sources of these healthy fats include oily fish, nuts, and seeds.When Rai Benjamin takes it, why does he do that?In addition to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, Omega 3 supplements are good for general health and cardiovascular function. An omega-3 supplement can be beneficial for runners for joint health, as well as reducing inflammation and encouraging recovery. It can be difficult to obtain the recommended levels of omega 3 from diet alone despite its presence in oily fish and nuts. Adding supplements to your running routine makes sense.


What is it?Amino acids such as glutamine are semi-essential. This means it can be produced in small amounts by the body, but it may still be necessary to consume enough through the diet.How does Rai Benjamin get his hands on it?Running and endurance athletes benefit from glutamine supplements. You'll benefit from recovering, boosting your immune system, and promoting digestive health. An inadequate supply of glutamine may contribute to runners getting sick during intense training sessions. Between workouts, muscle recovery can be boosted by consuming glutamine.


What is it?The amino acid acetyl l-carnitine is used to create energy in the body. The supplement is taken to help with fat utilization and using fat stores as energy.Then why does Rai Benjamini take it?Among those looking to lose weight, acetyl-L-carnitine is popular, but it can also be beneficial for endurance athletes. It is thought that this supplement can increase performance pre-training and can also help with muscle recovery because of its role in energy production and oxygen capacity.

Rai Benjamin


What is it?A nutrient essential to the body, calcium plays an important role in bone health and muscle function.Why Does Rai Benjamin Take it?The sport of running can have a serious impact on your bones, your joints, and your energy levels. Runners, particularly those who are bent over, need to maintain their bone health to prevent stress fractures. To prevent bones from deteriorating and to prevent the negative effects of low calcium, it is important to take a sufficient amount of calcium. For Benjamin, vitamin D is essential


Is it what it seems to be?Multivitamins are a great way to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals that may otherwise be lacking in them. As a general rule, multivitamins contain water-soluble vitamins B and C and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. The minerals they usually contain are magnesium, zinc, and iron. Multivitamins sold in supermarkets are mostly concentrated in vitamins B and C with fewer minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.What is Rai Benjamin's reason for taking it?Exercise and running can cause the body to undergo a lot of stress and require us to consume more nutrients. Take a multivitamin to make sure that you get the vitamins you need from various sources. As well as digestive enzymes, a good multivitamin may also contain nutrients that are important to supporting digestion and absorption.

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