Rebbeca Rodrigues de Andrade was born on 8 May 1999. She is a Brazilian artistic gymnast and two-time Olympian. She has portrayed Brazil at the 2016 and 2020 Olympic Games. In addition to being the 2020 vault Olympic champion, the 2020 All-Around Olympian silver medalist, and the 2021 Pan American champion, she was a member of the crews that won gold at the 2021 Pan American Championships and silver at the 2018 Pan American Championships. In addition to being the first artist to acquire various medals at an Olympic Games, she is also the chief art gymnast to qualify as a person for the all-around championship of an Olympic Games.

There is a lot that it takes to be where Rebbeca Andrade is right now, which is why we have compiled a wholesome article about her fitness routine. We are going to discuss the workout routine that the top gymnast follows. But wait! There's more! In addition, we will investigate the player's diet plan in depth.
Rebeca Andrade Statistics
- Birth Year: 1999
- Birth Date: 8 May
- Height: 151 cm (4 ft 11 in)
- Weight: 46 kg (101 lb)
Rebeca Andrade Awards and Achievements
Olympic Games

2020 TokyoVault

2020 TokyoAll-AroundPan American Championships

2021 Rio de JaneiroAll-Around

2021 Rio de JaneiroTeam

2018 LimaTeamEvent1st2nd3rdFIG World Cup311FIG World Challenge Cup352Total663

Here, we will analyze what Rebbeca Andrade does in her daily workout routine to assure that she's fit as a fiddle. Thus, we would traverse each workout which she does and the types and regularity with which it is done. Here's what you require to know.
Rebeca Andrade Workout Routine
Rebbeca Andrade is quite a hard drive and solid gymnast who follows a strenuous workout routine to be at her level. She does not have a specific workout routine which she sticks too but most of her movements are focused on gymnastics and flexibility. There are different aspects to gymnastics which include,s strength, flexibility, and balance. Thus she does workouts that are related to all these facts.

Here is a sample workout plan that includes some exercises that he does in her routine. We will describe the workout and will tell how and why to do this workout if you too are practicing gymnastics. Take a look:
Banded Shoulder Dislocates
Why: Climbers and yogis especially need to increase their overhead coordination and shoulder strength, as well as correct their posture.How: Take grasp of the resistance band or towel in your hands so your palms are facing your body. Stretch your elbows straight up while slowly extending your arms. Having raised the band to your overhead position, shrug your shoulders to lower your arms behind you. Finish the motion by bringing your hands past your back legs while still holding the band. Then raise your arms and bring them over your head to finish your repetition. You will need to do 15 reps two times. You might want to bring your hands closer together if you want to make the move more challenging.

Straddle Overhead Side-to-Side
Why: For the development of powerful obliques, particularly beneficial for runners, cyclists, and climbers.How: You should begin in a seated straddle position. Take your hands off the weight and mount your arms overhead as you retain the weight with both hands. While putting your chest facing forward, widen your right side by bringing your arms up toward your left ankle or leg. Reassure yourself that your obliques are strong by lifting your thorax up back to the center and repeat on the other side. There are two sets of fifteen in total. Combining weight and rotating your body as you reach your armpit all the way to the inner thigh will make this exercise more challenging. For ease, seat in half straddles and don't use any weight. Twist the opposite leg and use no weight.
Dumbbell Bench Squats
Why: “These squats build glute strength while helping to mobilize tight Achilles from running and biking,” Hatch states.How: You should set a bench or chair about one foot behind you to make it easier. Step parallel to the floor with your feet hip-width apart, retaining two five- to ten-pound dumbbells close to your chest as you squat back, tapping the bench or chair with your rear end as lightly as possible. Your chest should stay up during the movement, and your core should stay firm. Ten to fifteen repetitions are recommended.
Kneeling Wrist Stretch
Why: This is done in order to neutralize the adverse effects of texting, driving, and typing on the wrists. Performing wrist stretches make sure that athletes are properly equipped for upper-body activities that involve the hands (like climbing), and they also support in reviving joint motion and mobility.How: Place your hands under your shoulders while you're on your knees. Keep your elbows straight, and stretch out your wrists while bending forward. Make sure your fingers are pointing towards you by turning your hands 90 degrees and 180 degrees. At least 30 seconds should be spent holding each position. By moving your knees farther away from your hands, you can achieve an even stronger stretch.

Why: It is vital to have strong core muscles when you are active outdoors. Strengthen the muscles that attach your spine to your pelvis by working tuck-ups.“By building a solid core,” Hatch tells, “you’ll also alleviate back pain.”How: With your arms at your ears and your legs straight, lie on the ground and rest your head on your hands. You need to raise your back off the ground and bring both arms down to your sides while carrying your knees up to your chest to balance on your tailbone. You should be able to remove your upper body from the floor only with your lower back reaching the floor. Try to complete two sets of 15 at a time.
Jefferson Curl
As a result of the Jefferson Curl, the back and spine are more mobile and in precise, the lower back. Make sure you are standing on something towering, like a box or bench. Alternatively, you can arrange a lightweight dumbbell or kettlebell. You should retain it straight in front of you with straight arms. You should stand tall with your feet together, tuck your chin, then slowly bend your spine (turn back) from your head to your knees, one vertebrate at a time. Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed between your feet. As long as you have to lean back to counter the weight, you are going too heavy (remember this is a movement exercise to enhance the articulation and flexibility of the spine and the lower limbs, not a strength and conditioning exercise). Recapitulate to squat while keeping your legs straight, then reverse the movement to uncurl your spine one vertebra at a time. Ultimately, untuck your chin so you can stand tall once again. Perform 10 repetitions. Increase your weight gradually over the next year, finally reaching half your body weight. It is not uncommon for Sommer's elite gymnasts to sweat up to their full body weight.

Hollow Body Rock
As a gymnast, you need to build strong abs and obliques, but this activity, also found in CrossFit, makes sure that these muscles catch up to the front abs (which, let's be honest, are mainly the essence of your training). In this seated condition, you should hold your arms overhead as close to your ears as you can, your legs straight and pressed together, and your toes steered; your lower back and butt should be in contact with both the floor and your pelvis; your back should be wheeled. Continue to maintain the hollow-body form while rocking back and forth. For this induction, it's not unusual, to begin with perfecting your hollow-body form before moving on to rocking. You should be able to perform three sets of 60-second rocks.In the next section, Rebbeca Andrade shares her fitness tips and advice for people who are interested in commencing their own health program. This article provides some information on promoting fitness and strength through physical movement. Here is where you require to look.
Rebeca Andrade Workout Tips and Tricks
Concretely, this section addresses the things a person can do before, during, and after an exercise regime in order to accomplish optimal results. In order to cling to a regular exercise routine, certain exercises must be performed in a meticulous way. Therefore, these are some tried and tested know-how that Rebbeca Andrade follows:
- Building the Core
Performing core exercises is an enormous part of a gymnast's daily workout routine. In order to be victorious in gymnastics, one needs a strong core. Defining the abdominals and flattening the stomach is also feasible with core exercises.

V-sits are probably the most popular core exercise for gymnasts. The v-sit, the tuck, the straddle, and the pike come in a number of modifications. Each one challenges your core to some extent, but the pike v-sit is the most challenging one. You will have more substantial calves and an increased effort in your abs when you have longer levers (straight legs). By performing this exercise, you will strengthen your core as well as strengthen your hamstring flexibility. Within each session, she attempts to perform 3 sets of 30. Slow and controlled movements will help you work your core more productively.Among other exercises for core strength, dish holds can also be quite powerful. Holding your legs straight and your arms above your head while lying on your back, lift your hands and shoulders off the ground and hold for around one minute
- Being Consistent
It is vital to maintain consistency when training in gymnastics as well as in other types of sports. It is estimated that gym-goers train for 20 hours a week on average. They are so in shape because of their sheer consistency when it comes to training.

Fitness becomes an integral part of gymnasts' lives and becomes part of their routine. Whenever you want your body to change or you desire results for any goal, you must train consistently and make it a part of your life. Make a regime that you can realistically maintain by incorporating routines you enjoy.
- Prioritizing Recovery
Gymnastics can place an excessive load on your joints and muscles, so it is extremely necessary to give your body enough time to recover. The importance of restoration for any type of training cannot be overstated. If you don't allow time for recovery, you are settling yourself at greater risk of injury. Therefore, make certain that you do not overuse your muscles and rest them every day. In the gym, numerous people think that we build muscle, however, when you train, you create microtears that weaken your muscle tissue. You require ample rest to rebuild muscle after your muscles have been torn during training and exercises.
- Goal Setting
Gymnasts' daily workout is always focused on reaching a definite goal. Setting goals can help any athlete achieve his or her training goals, regardless of whether they want to increase their flexibility, strength, or arrange for a competition. It is shown in analysis that goal-setting may help to change behavior in terms of physical movement. It was more likely for people who set goals to deliver concrete outcomes.

- Keeping Up the Cardio
Gymnastics requires an intensive daily rehearsal, including cardio. The heart is a muscle, and it necessitates being powerful in order for blood to flow throughout the body. A lot of people don't acknowledge this. Cardiovascular training is a major component of the preparation of gymnasts. For them to be able to sustain high-intensity exercises, they must maintain their strength.If your heart is healthy, you will obtain adequate blood supply to all your muscles when you exercise. When I trained as a gymnast, I would run for 30 minutes as part of my warm-up. Aside from this, I would perform lots of high-intensity circuits, which included exercises such as burpees, sprints, and mountain climbers.
- Make Time to Stretch
Stretching is an essential part of gymnasts' daily exercise routine as it retains them injury-free. The gymnasts begin their workouts with a 20-minute stretching session and cool down with a third stretching concourse. By sticking to the same stretching regime you will become more flexible over time. Gymnastics aims to increase the length of the hamstrings and hip flexors in order to enable the athlete to perform splits.

As we move ahead, we'll take a look at what Rebbeca Andrade absorbs throughout the day so she can remain consistent and potent in the field as she does now. A healthy body is definitely a result of both workouts and diet, and therefore it must be maintained consistently. Now, let's get to the next segment for some valuable advice.
Rebeca Andrade Diet Plan
In order for a high-performance racecar to perform at its best, it needs the right fuel blend. A top-level athletic performance is also reliant on the consumption of high-quality nourishment. For the best nutritional results, gymnasts should eat a diet high in good quality carbohydrates, supplemented with an abundance of protein, and low in fat. The ordinary gym worker should consume 5-6 meals per day in order to meet their nutrition requirements(3 meals and two snacks). At each meal, a variety of foods from at least three different food groups should be eaten. Make the foundation of your diet healthy cereals(bread, cereals, pasta, rice), add protein, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydratesor "carbs"Athletes need carbs to fuel themselves because they provide glucose (blood sugar) to the body. These carbs are already in pasta, bread, cereal, rice, potatoes, fruits, milk, yogurt, and other foods. Energy stores, such as glycogen, are developed in the muscles and liver in response to excess glucose. A gymnast's muscles are made up of fast-twitch fibers, which make gymnastics a sport with recurred bursts of intense energy. The gymnast's body, therefore, relies on carbohydrate-rich foods to provide glycogen for the muscles. Whole grains (such as brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain bread) are much more beneficial for you than refined carbohydrates and simple sugars (such as white rice and white bread). In other words, whole grains supply athletes with both the energy they require to perform and the fiber and nutrients they need to stay strong. In order to recover more speedily from strenuous training, consuming carbohydrates just after the training might help replenish muscle glycogen.ProteinAmongst the many food sources of protein that gymnasts rely on are lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy, nuts, and legumes, as they contribute significantly to muscle building and performance. Also, muscle tissue is repaired. A research-based protein consumption for athletes is estimated to be 0.7-0.9 grams per pound of body weight per day. The majority of meals and snacks should contain protein. Protein Handout (See separate document)FatFish, nuts, and avocados are all good sources of healthy fats. These fats are helpful for energy, immune capacity, and recovery.

The following is a sample meal chart that Rebbeca Andrade follows in her daily routine, which includes all these macros according to her energy investment:
The large bowl of porridge + dried fruit + 250ml skimmed milk2 slices granary bread, toasted + olive oil-based spread + natural crunchy peanut butter250ml fresh fruit juiceTea/coffee
4-5 Oatcakes with low-fat soft cheeseHandful mixed nuts and/or seedsItem fruitDrink
Sandwich made with granary bread + olive oil-based spread with lean ham/chicken or large mackerel fillet100g mixed nuts, seeds & dried fruitMixed saladLow fat, low sugar yogurtDrink

30g whey protein powder in water1-2 oatcakesItem fruitDrinkOr 3-4 scoops Huel in water
During exercise
Sip plenty of water or electrolyte replacement sports drink throughout
Immediately post-exercise
25g whey protein powder + 25g dextrose in water
Evening Meal (45 mins later)
Lean fillet steak or chicken breast or fish + herbs to tasteBoiled new potatoes or basmati rice or dry roasted sweet potatoes or wholewheat pastaLoads of vegetablesLow fat, no added sugar yogurtDrink
1-hour pre-bed
100g cottage cheese/quark / low-fat natural yogurtItem fruitDrink
That was all about the advice Rebbeca Andrade gives to her fans about diet, and she also follows her own advice to stay in shape. Along with heeding a great diet plan and working out, sometimes she needs to fuel herself with something more as well. In those cases, supplements are necessary. As she has quite a rigorous workout regimen, here is a listing of supplements she practices. In the subsequent section, we will catch them.
Rebeca Andrade Nutrition and Supplements
Rebbeca Andrade y uses an assortment of additional supplements in her fitness routine as discussed in this section of the article. It is becoming increasingly obvious that simple meals are not sufficient to satisfy her daily nutritional requirements after discovering what an intense training day she has.

Following is the list of supplements that she usually takes:
- Whey Protein
- Huel
- Multivitamins
- Caffeine
- Sports Drink
- Dextrose