The incredible physique is no more, Rich Piana was the greatest bodybuilder in the industry. Here we will see about Rich Piana's diet. Rich was a man who don't want to stick to the same routine.He was always making changes according to the season. The main thing is that there is no junk food only healthy and nutritious food. We also shared a perfect workout routine from Rich.
Rich Piana Bio
Rich Piana was a social media sensation, an actor, and a former bodybuilder. He made his name through a massive body presence. He was born and raised in the Sunshine State of California.He weighed over 290 pounds. The day was sad for everyone when Rich leave this world on August 25th, 2018. We all miss you, Rich.Rich Piana was idolized by many bodybuilders, and many of us followed his various YouTube programs, which inspired us to improve every day.
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- Nationality: American
- Profession: Actor, Bodybuilder, Social Media Star, Entrepreneur
- Year-of-Birth: September 26, 1971
Also Read: Justin Compton Diet and WorkoutRich was attracted to bodybuilding when he was nine years old. He used to go to his mother's gym, He also stated that she was her inspiration. Rich was strongly influenced alongside her by Bill Cambra, the bodybuilder of 'old school'.Rich struggled for some days in a coma before succumbing to his illness and passing away.
Rich Piana Accomplishments
- Sacramento Pro – 1st
- Border States Classic XXX Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships – 1st
- Border States Classic XXX Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships – 1st
- NPC USA Championships – 11th
- 1999 NPC USA Championships – 7th
Record Lifts
- Bench Press: 225kg (495lb) for 3 reps
- Squats: 265kg (585lb) for 2 reps
- Deadlifts: 265kg (585lb) for 1 reps
- Barbell Curl: 125kg (275lb) for 3 reps
If we want to have a good body, then we need to concentrate on our diet and a workout plan. Rich Piana followed his diet plan and workout plan very strictly.He began working out at a gym at a young age and quickly gained muscle and weight. So, if you want to make a big difference, stick to a diet and exercise plan like the Rich Piana plan.
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Rich Piana Stats

[su_table responsive="yes" fixed="yes"]Height6'1" (185.5cm)Weight275 - 285lbs (124.7kg - 129.3kg)Arm23.5 inchesChestWill Get SoonWaistWill Get SoonThighsWill Get Soon[/su_table]We must concentrate on our food and exercise if we want to maintain a healthy physical physique. He meticulously adheres to his diet and exercise routine. We must eliminate processed foods from our diets and focus solely on fresh, healthy foods.If you want to maintain a healthy physique, you must exercise control over the foods you consume. That means you must eat nutritious foods that provide your body with essential micronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats. You must strike a balance between the two.[incontent_ads]
Rich Piana Diet
When we examine nutrition statistics, we can observe that our health is influenced by two elements. The first is, what kind of diet we follow on a daily basis and The second factor is the type of activity we conduct on a daily basis.In your diet plan, you must consider calories as well as other aspects such as macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. You should be aware that eating and sleeping are the two most vital activities for fitness and healthy existence.When we look at Rich Piana's meal plan, we notice a lot of nice stuff and a lot of calories. It was, however, too expensive, and many people disapproved of it.Many people claim "$200 for one week?" in these forum postings. alternatively "if you have enough money, it has amazing macros for you and you can save a tonne of time cooking and meal prep."Rich Piana stated several times in his Bigger by the Day series that instead of relying on pills or protein powders, you should consume "Real Food" to get huge. Rich Piana was right in that you don't need supplements or anything to get as large as him. All you need to do is eat real food!
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Simple Motto and Rich Piana Motivation
"Eat Big to Get Big"
Because he enjoys eating, the kitchen is one of his favorite places. When you work out for a couple of hours a day, loving to eat is a fantastic thing. It simply transforms into muscle. Rich Piana's meal plan for his bodybuilding lifestyle. Rich Piana's diet was rich, and just 5% of his time is spent preparing meals.
- Meal 1: 10 eggs white or 2 scoops of Whey, 4 packets of oatmeals
- Meal 2: A Shake with 2 to 4 scoops of Mutant Mass, 2 scoops of Whey (can add oatmeal, bananas, and peanut butter if he tries to put weight on)
- Meal 3: 3 Chicken breasts, 2 cups of brown rice
- Meal 4: Post-workout shake 3 to 4 scoops of Mutant Mass, 2 scoops of Whey, 1 or 2 bananas
- Meal 5: Steaks or Fish or lean pork, maybe turkey, 2 cups of brown rice
- Meal 6: His favorite snack 1 or 2 times a day, A whole container of Greek yogurt, 2 scoops of chocolate Whey, 80 gr of protein, and fat-free.
- Meal 7: Dinner go-to restaurant eating Mexican food, Thai food, Burgers, or whatever he wants.
- Meal 8: Ben & Jerry Chocolate Fudge Brownie. He got to have them every single night before he goes to bed.
Rich remarked that by eating 10 or more meals each day he didn't like to torture himself. He liked to eat what his body wanted instead.In this way, he kept in mind the choice of his meals; meaning that most of the time, he had a full-blown cheat meal here and then, and he would eat wholesome and nutritious food.
“I have never had a written in stone meal/diet plan since stepping away from the competitive bodybuilding stage. “
Rich Piana Workout sure you stay hydrated throughout workouts by consuming water or energy drinks before you begin your workout or training program. Also, remember to warm up by exercising and cool down by stretching your muscles out, as this can assist you to avoid injury during your workout or exercise. The following is Rich Piana's workout.Rich describes his training in like: ”I very much train by feel. Let’ssay I do wide grip pull-ups and after 2 sets I’m not feeling the exercise and don’t have a good pump, I might move over to lat pulldowns and find it works great, so I kill 10 sets!”Rich disliked having a defined workout plan and instead preferred to come up with fresh ones every week.
Back Workout
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Single Arm Dumbbell Rows & Two Handed Dumbbell Rows
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Reverse Cable Fly
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Lat Pull-Downs
- 4 sets & 12 reps: T-Bar Rows
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Bent Over Barbell Rows
Chest Workout
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Incline Chest Barbell Press
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Flat Bench Barbell Press
- 6 sets & 16-20 reps: Cable Fly’s
Legs (Hamstrings and Quads) Workout
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Lying Leg Curl Machine
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Isolated Single Leg Curl Machine
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Stiff Legged Dead-Lifts
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Leg Extensions
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Leg Press
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Hack Squats
Cardio Workout
Rich admitted that while cardio is important for elite athletes who need to keep in shape, he did not follow traditional cardio regimens.Instead of jogging on a treadmill for an hour, he would do something like MMA or weight training with short break times.
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Shoulder and Traps Workout
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Dumbbell Lateral Raises
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Machine Shoulder Press
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Reverse Fly
- 4-6 sets & 12 reps: Machine Trap Raises
- 4-6 sets & 12 reps: Barbell Front Trap Raises
Arms Workout
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Single Arm Isolation Cable Bicep Curls
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Dumbbell Bicep Curls
- 5 sets & 12 reps: Reverse Fly
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Incline Dumbbell Curls
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Machine Seated Triceps Push Downs
- 4 sets & 12 reps: Overhead Rope Triceps Extensions
- 4 sets & 10-12 reps: Close Grip Bench Press
“My arms and chest were always the hardest for me!! I obsessed over my arms for 32 years! I did everything to bring them up, for 2 years I did mini arm workouts every night before bed! This was on top of training them twice a week at the gym and getting arm massages for recovery 3 times a week! I actually stopped training back and legs for 3 years cause I hated the way I looked with a huge back and legs, and weak arms and chest!”
It's not easy to become like him in a day or two. But he had to work hard for years to achieve his shredded and muscular physiques. After looking at Rich Piana's diet and Rich Piana's workout, we can conclude that if we want to be like him, we must work hard for it, and his daily routine inspires and motivates us to achieve a healthy body.
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