Standing 6 ft 2 inches tall, strong and muscular, Ryan Lochte is an American swimmer prodigy. He started swimming right was he was just 5 years old and no wonder he has sufficient prestigious awards by now. He boasts of 12 Olympic gold medals, 51 international medals, and seven NCAA championships to his name. This swimmer is not just super fast but has a super chiseled body too.

His 6 pack abs and a super-toned physique with rippling muscles make everyone think that all he does is work out. Well, even if not at all times, we know that a frame like his is hard to achieve without dedication and consistent motivation. Being into swimming, his sport calls for him to have a lean and muscular frame that will allow him to swim through the water as fast as he can.His body is strong and very limber. But how does he do it? Let's take a look at Ryan Lochte's Workout and diet plan. However, here are his physical statistics before we begin.
Ryan Lochte Statistics
Ryan Lochte Height: 6’2’’ (1.88 m)Ryan Lochte Weight: 194 lbs (88 kg)

Ryan Lochte's Fall Out And Motivation
There is no doubt that with so many medals and awards that he has pocketed, Ryan Lochte Is America's greatest treasure. However, he was in the headlines a few years back when he made a false report that he and three other U.S. Olympic swimmers were robbed at gunpoint during the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. The video footage showed a completely different scene. It brought to light that it was Ryan Lochte and his mates who were captured vandalizing a Brazilian gas station.
With this in view, Ryan Lochte was given a 10-month suspension by the United States Olympic Committee and USA Swimming. He also forfeited the $100,000 in bonus money that went with his gold medal as part of the men’s 4X200 freestyle relay in Rio. was just two years later in 2018, that he was suspended again by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) because he was caught receiving vitamin B-12 infusion, a therapy that allows the vitamin to be injected directly into your veins, and which is also banned by the agency. ″[It] was a really dark time in my life and [my family] helped me keep fighting and keep pushing on it,” Lochte tells CNBC Make It, “I don’t know where I would be without them.”During his suspension, there were either things that went in the right direction. He married his wife, Kayla Rae, and had two children Caiden now 2, and Liv Rae, 4 months. As a new dad and a husband in addition to being suspended, his food habits started to slip away in the other direction. Without his training schedule, he started going into depression and gained 21 pounds as a result of that.

“I was going to fast-food restaurants because it was really quick and it was on the way,” Lochte says, admitting that his diet was never actually “clean” despite being a 12 time Olympic gold medalist. “I used to eat a lot of junk food and not gain weight,” he says.But all was good and sundry until he was young, but as he got older, he started noticing the weight gain which was becoming hard to lose. “If I eat a chocolate cupcake now, you can actually see the chocolate cupcake sitting in my belly,” he says.In August next year, after competing at the U.S. national championship, where he won a gold medal in the 200-meter category, he was shocked at the weight that he has gained. “After I saw that picture I was embarrassed. I was disgusted with myself and I was like what the heck just happened and how did I let that happened to me?” he says. It was an eye-opener and later when he got home that night, he made a pact with himself to change his diet completely and stick to a fitness routine. He reduced his calorie intake from a staggering 8,000 to 10,000 calories per day to almost half of it, that is, 4,000 calories. “Honestly, I just started eating healthy,” he says.
He started lifting more weights in the gym too. His goal was to make a comeback next summer in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. He also wanted to become a source of inspiration for his kids that no matter how much you get knocked down, there is nothing you can't do to get back up by fighting for it. Lochte Daily RoutineHe has made some changes in his daily routine lately, as it is very different from what he was following when he gained weight. Setting a routine really indeed helps to get a person in order and that's what happened with Ryan Lochte too. Take a look at his latest daily routine:6:40 a.m.: Ryan Lochte wakes up and takes his dog out for a walk. He then makes himself a protein shake and drinks some entry drink, specifically Gatorade for which he was also a spokesperson before his contract expired in 2014.8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: After his first meal of the day, he goes down to the pool to swim for at least 2 hours.10:00 a.m.: Lochte has breakfast, which typically consists of eggs, sausage, or pancakes. For this meal, he tries to keep his calorie count somewhere between 600 to 1,000.10:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.: Lochte heads to the gym for some strength training using heavyweights, where he follows the training program that he designed for Fitplan, a personal training app, in October.“I lift weights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and then I go pick up my son from school and feed him and try to put him down for a nap, which never works,” he says.

12:00 p.m.: Lochte eats lunch as soon as he comes back from his gym session. Typically, he says he eats a ready-to-eat meal from the food delivery service called Freshly because the meals are about 500 calories.1 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: This is family time for Lochte, his wife, and two kids where he rests as well.5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.: Lochte heads back to the pool for his afternoon swim practice. he swims for about two hours again.7:00 p.m.: Lochte has another protein shake as he leaves for his home.7:30 p.m.: Lochte has dinner with his family, usually salmon or another type of fish with vegetables for protein and muscle repair.8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Lochte puts his kids to bed.9:00 p.m.: Lochte tries to go to sleep right after putting his kids to bed.“I don’t get recovery like other athletes because I have other obligations like being a dad, so I don’t have the luxury of taking naps or going to bed whenever I want. So I’ve been trying to focus on sleep a lot more,” he says.

He also says that his affinity towards swimming has grown since he became a dad. “When I was younger, I took it for granted. I would go out and party and still be able to perform in the pool, but now I can’t do that,” he says. For him, the 2020 Olympics would be extra special because not only will he go through some staggering transformation in his physique, but his whole family would be attending the event to cheer for him.
Ryan Lochte Workout Routine
Ryan Lochte has an awesome physique not because he has good genes. He has clearly worked day and night for this. He has put in some tremendous efforts losing all the fat that he gained during a matter of two years. e not only cut down his diet tremendously but also amped up his workout routine to look lean and chiseled. Since 2003, he has been working out under the guidance of his fitness coach, Matt DeLancey. fitness coach makes sure that his workouts impact not only his body but his mind too. It is a combination of mind and body coordination. Only a well-coordinated body and mind can give great results. This is something that has helped Lochte with his sport too. His arms and legs coordinating with his mind are very important for him to achieve optimal speed. These are some of the skills that have defined him to be one of America's greatest swimmers.The workouts that Ryan Lochte practices are extremely intense. He adds a lot of exercise variations like compound movements, strength training, interval training, HIIT, LISS, cardio, etc. His exercise routine also focuses on some ab training too which also helps him during his swimming practice. workouts are divided into two parts. The first three days consist of exercises like deadlifts, squats, rope swings, bent-over rows, weightlifting, interval training, tire flips, kettlebell workouts, etc., the rest three days of his workouts include squats, rope swings, bent over rows, CrossFit, burpees, etc. In his interval training he also runs for 100m, 200m, and 300 m, and some days, he swims for the same distance while reducing his rest period drastically to burn more fat and gain strength.
“My least-favorite exercise [I have to do] is running,” he confessed. “I hate running! I am definitely supposed to be in the water. My favorite is weightlifting. I love weightlifting. It’s fun — I like doing Olympic lifting and strongman lifts.”
He also gives some advice to people who do not like to go to the gym but can work out from home. He makes sure that he workouts when he is traveling in his hotel room too. “Because I travel a lot, I need to find moves and exercises I can do in hotel rooms. I do pushups, I do sit-ups, and free squats,” he said. “I’d suggest anything like that to help get your body going and moving.”
But his main piece of advice to those who want to get fit is to “make sure you have fun” working out. “That’s what life is all about,” he explained. “And make sure you go to each workout with a purpose. Anyone can walk into a cycling or yoga class, but you need to give it 110 percent. You have to go to each exercise or each workout with a purpose. Don’t be afraid to break a sweat. In the end, the payoff is great.”
This is his sample workout routine:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (Day 1,3 and 5)
- 3-4 sets of deadlifts of 10-12 reps
- 3-4 sets of farmer’s walks of 10-12 reps
- 3-4 sets of squats of 10-12 reps
- 3-4 sets of rope swings of 10 reps
- 3-4 sets of bent-over rows of 10 reps
- Sessions of weight lifting during the day
- Interval training in the pool
- Repeats of 100-meter swims
- Repeats of 200-meter swims
- Repeats of 400-meter swims
- 3-4 sets of kettlebells of 8-10 reps
- 3-4 sets of cross-fit of 8-10 reps
- 3-4 sets of tire flips
- 3-4 sets of keg tosses of 10 reps
- Lifting of metal logs in a session twice a week
- 5000-10000 strokes per 2 hours of workout
- 20 sets of sandbag squats, Thursday, and Saturday (Day 2, 4, and 6)
- 4 sets of squats of 10-12 reps
- 5-6 sets of rope swings of 10 reps
- 5-6 sets of bent-over rows of 10 reps
- 5-6 sets of tire flips
- 5-6 sets of keg tosses of 10 reps
- 5-6 sets of kettlebells of 8-10 reps
- 3-4 sets of cross-fit of 8-10 reps
- 3-4 sets of deadlifts of 10-12 reps
- 5-6 sets of farmer’s walks of 10-12 reps
- 2-3 sets of bent-over rows of 12 reps
- 2-3 sets of chest press on the back along with a weight plate of 10-12 reps
- 30 sets of burpees
Ryan Lochte Workout Tips
- One needs to be mentally fit too along with being physically strong. Ryan says that mental health is as important as physical health as one is not achievable without the other.
- Any workout regime must be decided to keep the weather conditions in mind as well.
- One needs to test his/her fitness time and again and needs to push harder for better results.
- Hard training sessions do not mean that one can be lenient about one diet. Training and diet are two important parts of looking fit.
Offseason Training
His offseason training is a bit different from when he is training for the season. His workouts include full-body training sessions like polymetric. It includes rapid and powerful movements along with some strength-improving exercises, for example, the box jump, ankling, and a squat variation. The workouts are finished by a strong core exercise routine which is very essential for gaining strength in swimming. The alternative days are used for unconventional workouts that do not involve getting to the gym. It includes skipping ropes and working out on the core.His routine on Sundays includes a lot of complex and hard strongman exercises. He explains, “We cycle the strength training and operate on three to four training cycles. We get heavier with weights for three weeks, unload, and go for another four weeks, and unload,” DeLancey explains. The exercises can range from two to five repetitions over six sets, such as two sets of five, two sets of three, and two sets of two. “For squat variations, we use five sets of five progressions,” says DeLancey. The two of them manage to keep the routine going despite Lochte’s swimming schedule, and his travel demands. “There are times when he is going to be traveling on a photo sheet or a meet, and we just use these as recovery days,” he explains.
Ryan Lochte Diet Plan
Since workouts without a proper diet are of no use, it is important to make sure that one must have balanced meals throughout the day for optimal results. Ryan Lochte was not always very mindful of his eating practices. He ate a lot of fast food and did not follow a set plan. His diet consisted of unhealthy foods such as potato chips, McDonald’s egg McMuffins, hashbrowns, pizza, fast foods, etc. but now that he has understood the value of healthy versus unhealthy food, he makes sure he is eating only wholesome foods. has made a lot of changes in his diet and does not consume the unhealthy and processed foods that he used to once upon a time. He swapped these processed foods for more wholesome ones.He also used to consume large amounts of calories before, which ranges from 8,000 to 10,000 calories in a day including unhealthy foods only. However, now, he consumes about 4,000-6,000 calories only. He makes sure that he is having unprocessed wholesome foods and he has noticed a change himself. He feels much better and energetic now.His diet includes 6 meals a day that includes fruits, veggies, scrambled eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, chicken wraps, whole grain pasta, grilled chicken breast, etc. Since his workouts are quite intense and he has a busy schedule, he makes sure to eat enough carbs throughout the day to maintain his energy levels. Besides carbs, his main focus is on protein which besides keeping him satiated, helps in muscle recovery too. His daily protein intake is much higher than that of a normal person considering his total calorie intake too.

First of all, this guy takes in 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day. “I don't get sick of it,” he said, talking about how much he can actually eat. “When I first started [professionally swimming], I was eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and now I've stopped. I was just constantly eating, and I was getting tired of eating. My jaw was getting sore. But I guess I've been doing it for so long—I've been doing it for 12 years—that it's eerie now. If I'm not eating, then something is wrong."
His meals begin with at least 5 to 6 eggs, some spinach, tomatoes, and ham. He also likes to have hash browns or some sort of potato dish to fill up on carbs. He also has pancakes and oatmeal. Apparently, he loves to have oatmeal every morning. His breakfast is not complete without some fruits. For beverages, his daily choice is a French vanilla coffee with a cube of sugar and some milk. He likes to have it cold.

He does not prepare his meals himself. He has a chef. “I behind the kitchen is not so good,” he said, “I'll burn down the place.” His chef for many years, Glenn Lyman, takes care of his daily dose of 4,000 to 6,000 calories. Lyman keeps the protein in his meals high and also tries to make things that Lochte really likes. What he does not like are beans.
“I really don't like beans," he said.
About a week before a competition, he carbo-loads. He spends an entire week eating all his favorite carb dishes- spaghetti, fettuccine Alfredo (“chicken alfredo is my favorite”), any other kinds of carbs, plus chicken, steak, proteins “like that.”
[caption id="attachment_617" align="alignnone" width="658"]

United States' Ryan Lochte competes in a men's 200-meter individual medley heat during the swimming competitions at the 2016 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.[/caption]
Then, two or three hours before the competition begins, he will have another full meal. He does not have energy drinks, but just a caffeine pill after that morning coffee, which replaced his soda habit (“because my weakness is soda.”) If he gets hungry in between the events, he gorges on a peanut butter Kind bar that is always in his bag.
He has been quite experimental with his food too and getting to know what is in and what is not. He swaps his normal pasta for what he calls 'spiralized pasta', or as Lochte put it: “Instead of regular pasta, I had this cucumber pasta.”
Did he like it?!? “I was just like, oooh, when I saw it I was like, ‘Yeah, I'm probably going to vomit from this. This doesn't look good. Where's my other pasta?’” It was definitely good, he told me. “I would have it again, but I would want a big old steak next to it or something. I need something else than that.”
To replace his soda addiction, “ I've been drinking water with ... You know those little drops?” The "little drops" means lemonade-flavored MiO drops.
He also has one of the most trending food breakfast options during this decade. The avocado toast with different kinds of toppings on it (well, three or four of them)—He describes the meal as, “You get a piece of toast and then you put some avocado, mushed up avocado, and you spread it on the bread.” Plus, Lochte likes to add spinach, a sunny-side egg, hot sauce, and tofu sausage. “Anything tofu I'm just, I'm loving it.”
That said, he does not really miss favorite cheat meals on Fridays with his friends and family that includes pizza, wings, and Mountain Dew.“It's a family tradition and I've been doing it since I was eight years old, and I've only missed it six times in my life.” Asking about his favorite kind of dressing to go with his cheat meal, he says, “Blue cheese all the way.”

After a huge event, say, the Olympics, it’s more than pizza and wings for Lochte. “I'm going to a steakhouse and I'm getting a big, fat steak,” he said, “I love filets. Anything, really. The bigger the better. It's going down one tube, so I'm okay with that.” On the side “I'm eating French fries, I love sweet potatoes, cooked vegetables, broccoli.”
He is also very particular about his beverage choices. He was asked about his favorite hard drink and he said, “The Duckhorn Cab, that is hands-down my favorite. I've been to vineyards, I've been to all these different wine places. People try to get me to taste other wines. I taste it, but I'm like, "Nope, Duckhorn is still my favorite."
Ryan Lochte is not really too big on the desserts. He nevertheless, has them once in a while. “I don't really do desserts,” he said, “If I did it would have to be mint chocolate chip ice cream, the green kind, not the white kind.”
This is his sample diet chart along with the roughly calculated amount of calories it contains:
6 eggs, scrambled — 597 calories
-with ham, 1 slice — 46 calories
-with spinach, 1 cup — 41 calories
-with diced tomatoes, 1/2 cup — 25 calories
Hash browns, 1 cup — 413 calories
Pancakes, plain, 2 — 298 calories
Oatmeal, plain, 1 cup — 166 calories
Fruit — 1 banana — 105 calories
Total: 1,691 calories
Avocado toast:
-1/2 an avocado — 145 calories
-whole wheat bread slice — 69 calories
-with spinach, 5 leaves — 12 calories
-with an egg — 91 calories
-with hot sauce — 1 calorie
-with tofu sausage — 120 calories
Total: 438 calories
Fettuccine Alfredo — 950 calories
-with chicken — 282 calories
Water with lemon-flavored MiO drops — 0 calories
Total: 1,232 calories
Peanut Butter Kind bar, probably plus protein — 200 calories
Total: 200 calories
Lochte confessed he downs pizza, wings, and Mountain Dew every Friday.
Domino's Pizza, cheese, 3 slices — 870 calories
Domino's BBQ Wings, 4 — 960 calories
-with blue cheese — 240 calories
Mountain Dew, two 12-ounce servings — 340 calories
Total: 2,410 calories
Mint chocolate chip ice cream, 1 cup — 300 calories
Total: 300 calories
GRAND TOTAL: 6,271 calories
None of his food habits are restrictive or to be strictly shared. He says, “I just go with the flow, because I always thought if people that have rituals, say, something happens where your phone dies and you can't call your mom or something, and something gets out of the place where it's not what you're used to, you're going to get discouraged. You're going to start freaking out. That's the energy that I don't want to waste, so if I don't have a routine or a ritual, I just go with the flow, so anything that happens, it's new to me.”
That's all about Ryan Lochte's crazy diet and workout plans that helped him transform his life. He stands as a shred of evidence that without the dedication and hard work it is impossible to change. One must also have a positive mindset and one can achieve anything.