The Samir Bannout diet is great for build up muscle for bodybuilding. He has simple rules about eating. He would often eat meat, fish and chicken. That's his favorite meal. He has a great knowledge about nutrition that he cut out carbohydrates from his diet plan. That can help him build muscles that he wants there is no interruption in his preparation. Here you can read about Samir Bannout workout routine and diet.
Who is Samir Bannout?
Samir Bannout is a professional bodybuilder. He was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. He is also a Mr. Olmpia winner. He is also known as his nickname called "The Lion of Lebanon". He is one of the famous and greatest bodybuilding in his era of the sport. Since he was 18 years old, He started his career in bodybuilding and participated in many bodybuilding competitions. He won his first trophy in 1974 named Teenage Mr. Universe.
- Nationality : Lebanese
- Profession : Professional Bodybuilder
- Year-Of-Birth : 1955
Franco told about his diet and workout routine via many interviews, Instagram chats, and other social media platforms like Youtube. As we see that Samir won his first trophy in 1974 that It made him motivated and he decided to move USA for going professional in bodybuilding field. Where he want to compete with athlete and want to defeat them. He achieved that and becoming famous IFBB bodybuilder.[incontent_ads]
Samir Bannout Stats
Samir Bannout Weight is 205–215lbs (88.5 – 93.0kg). His Height in Feet is 5 ft 7 inches.
- Height — 5’7″ (170cm)
- Weight — 205 – 215lbs (88.5 – 93.0kg)
- Chest — 52 inches
- Biceps — 21 inches
- Waist — 31 inches
If we want to have a well physique body then we need to concentrate in our diet and workout. He follows his diet plan and workout very strictly. At early age he was passionate about sculpt massive physique. He always attract for bodybuilding. After his determination about bodybuilding. At the age of 16, He was entered in gym and started weight lifting. There his fitness journey was begun.
Samir Bannout Diet

If we think about diet, all our body health depends on what type of diet we prefer to our body, like you need to take care of calories in the diet and many factors like, What should we eat? You must need to know that eating and sleeping is the most important factor in muscle building. Here is the sample of Samir Bannout diet.
- Meal 1 : 3 eggs, 1 fruit, Large glass of orange juice, Yogurt with milk and granola cereal, Mineral water with a vitamin and mineral supplement.
- Meal 2 : Fresh vegetable with oil and vinegar dressing, Cooked vegetable, Protein, fish, chicken, lamb or liver, Wine or mineral water.
- Meal 3 : Cheese and fresh fruit.
- Meal 4 : Fresh vegetable with oil and vinegar dressing, Cooked vegetable, Protein, fish, chicken, lamb or liver, Wine or mineral water.
- Meal 5 : Small dish of the fresh, raw milk yogurt.
Above all meal tells what Samir eats within a single day. He includes all macronutrients that helps him and making muscles like protein. He loves to eat vegetables that it make him fresh and fueled him all day. He has a simple rule about diet that He lower the food intake and calories when the next shown come closer. This diet plan help you in make muscle like Samir but you have to adjust it according to your weight.[incontent_ads]
Samir Bannout Workout Routine starting the workout routine or training routine, make sure you stay hydrated during workouts by drinking water or energy drinks. And don’t forget to warm-up exercising and make sure to cool down by stretching your muscles out, because It helps you to do injury free workout or exercise.
Split Workout
- Day 1 – Chest & Back
- Day 2 – Legs
- Day 3 – Shoulders & Arms
- Day 4 – Rest
- Start 3-day split again
Back Workout
- 4-5 sets & 10-12 reps — Wide-Grip Chins
- 4-5 sets & 10-12 reps — Seated Cable Rows
- 4-5 sets & 8-10 reps — Nautilus Machine Pullovers
- 4-5 sets & 8-10 reps — Behind-the-Neck Pulldowns
- 4-5 sets & 10-15 reps — One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Shoulder Workout
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Front raises with barbell or dumbbells
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Lateral raises with dumbbells
- 4 sets & 8-14 reps — Bent over laterals on cables
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Behind the neck press
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Upright rowing with a barbell
Chest Workout
- 6 sets & 8-10 reps — Bench press
- 6 sets & 8-12 reps — Incline press:(increase weight each consecutive set)
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Flys (inclines or flats)
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Dumbbell pullover across bench
- 4 sets & 8-15 reps — Parallel bar dip with weights
Samir moved from his birthland to USA only for bodybuilding. The risk he take we never forget that we can learn from him. We can evaluate that after take a look in Samir Bannout diet and Samir Bannout workout routine that If we want to be like him then we need to work hard for it and his daily routine inspire us and motivate us about get healthy body.Instagram : @officialsamirbannoutAlso Read : Halsey Diet and WorkoutHere is our Question & Answer Forum