Sandy Riddell was a female bodybuilding icon from the 80s and early 90s.
Born on November 23, 1959, in Long Branch, New Jersey, Sandy earned many titles during her lifetime. After a courageous battle with cancer, Sandy passed away surrounded by her family on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 at the Douglas Memorial Hospital at the age of 60.
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: BlondeEye Color: Grey

Family & Ethnicity
Sandy Ridell was caucasian.
Parents & Siblings
She had three sisters Debbie (Don) Desantis, Judy (Tim) Mayne, Susan Hannon, and Donnie (Lynne) Riddell.
Relationship, Husband & Children
She had two children, Shannon (Jamie) Gale and Julie (Matt) Richardson. Her grandkids were Thomas, Travis, and Annabelle.
Sandy Ridell started working out as a convenient option for herself to get into the fire department by passing the physical entrance exam. She said that got into competing because at that time, everyone in her gym was competing and they just "talked me into it." Originally from Scottsdale, Arizona, she competed at Ms. Olympia on four occasions between 1989-1992. Although she never managed to win the big prize at the Olympia, she came very close in 1989 – placing as the runner-up behind Cory Everson.[caption id="attachment_9216" align="alignnone" width="395"]

Sandy Riddell in a photoshoot after almost defeating Cory Everson[/caption]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPn3VzBHd0MHowever, she is thought to have had her best year ever in 1991. When she walked on the stage that year, everyone was astonished by her incredible physique and posing. Sandy had a ripped figure, but she was also extremely powerful. She had been rumored to be able to bench 350 pounds.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLDsqIVHN7oTo prepare for her competitions, she says that she did not believe in lowering her calories but to eat better and cleaner. She lowered her fats to the maximum possible that she could and consumed loads of carbs for energy. As for her training, she trained hard and workout out intensively for 2 to 3 weeks before she took a break off. People knew her as a person who never shied away from giving interviews to bodybuilding magazines.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPn3VzBHd0MFor Sandy Riddell, lifting heavy was an integral part of shaping her competitive physique. The exercises included bench press and squats, and she gave each muscle group her full attention. The longer she worked out, the more calories she burned. This also meant she didn't have to do much cardio during the off-season. She still did cardio every day during her show prep, however, so that she could get into the best shape. In terms of nutrition, her off-seasons were all about bulking up, which means gaining quality muscle on her weaker areas. She would then cut out all the high-calorie meals during the cutting phase and replace them with raw and lean foods like vegetables, blueberries, egg whites, chicken breast, and sweet potatoes.
- 1989 Ms. Olympia, 2nd place
- 1991 Ms. Olympia, 4th place
- 1992 Ms. Olympia, 4th place
- 1993 Ms. Olympia, 6th place
Body Builder: Mike "The Freak" Matarazzo.
- Sandy Riddell had achieved great heights in her career. Although she was never able to grab the elusive Ms. Olympia title, she remains one of the best female bodybuilders from the 80s and 90s for many of her fans.
- Sandy Ridell started as being a firefighter.[caption id="attachment_9214" align="alignnone" width="395"]

- Sandy Riddell on the covers of Ironman Magazine with a firefighter costume[/caption]
- Only after five of her competitions, she was invited to compete in the Olympia and she gave a wonderful performance!
- During her Olympia debut, she missed by 3 points to defeat the five times Olympia champion.