Jacques Berman Webster II who was born on April 30, 1991, and more famously known by his stage name as Travis Scott (previously stylized asTravi$ Scott), is an American rapper, vocalist, songwriter, and record producer. His style of music has been defined as related to hip hop, lo-fi, and ambient. Since the time he began his journey and till the current times, he has sold over 45 million records in the US. Naturally, he has a huge fan following and his social media is definitely booming with his fans.He has also been nominated for the Grammy Awards six times and has won Billboard Music Award too.

This amazing singer, songwriter, and rapper has a huge label when it comes to popularity and with this everyone is curious to know about what he does and how he lives his life. He has millions of fans on his social media who follow him to get inspiration and knowledge about his lifestyle.The most important thing that everyone wants to know is if Travis Scott even works out? He has a great 6 pack and he is pretty lean. This article is all about what Travis Scott does in a day, his workout routine, and of course his diet plan.But before we dwell deep into all this, here are his statistics for reference.
Travis Scott Statistics
Height1.78 MetersWeight67 KgsAge27 years
Travis Scott Workout Routine
Although Travis Scott hits the gym almost every day, there is not a lot that can be found on the internet about his detailed workout routine. He has spoken about his workouts in many interviews but that is not a comprehensive description. Anyway, it is still enough to give enough idea about what he does to keep himself fit and healthy.

Travis Scott likes to workout at least 5 days a week where he loves to mix things up and do different things to evade the monotony of doing weight training. He says that when he is on the stage, it is one of the best cardio. He keeps moving a lot and dances while performing so, it is a pretty great cardio workout in itself.He also likes to do weight training in the gym, and he is a big fan of MMA fighting. He is not a professional in this sport but likes to practice some moves that will help him stay fit and strong.Here is a little something to let you know what activities does Travis Scott includes in his workouts–
Weight Training
Travis Scott loves to do weight training with his fellow rappers in the gym. Weight training exercises are great for building muscles so he does a lot of repetition with contractions and holding postures. He trains each body part on different days and likes to do these exercises in an hour.

Here is a split of his weight training workouts throughout the week:
Travis Scott Monday Workout: Chest and Tricep
- Bench press
- Dumbbell press
- Incline dumbbell flyes
- Cable cross
- Chest press
- Dips
- Tricep extension
- Tricep pushdowns
- Skull crusher
- Tricep rope pushdowns
- Tricep dips
Travis Scott Tuesday Workout: Back and biceps
- Lat pulldown
- V-bar rows
- Bent over rows
- One-Arm dumbbell rows
- Deadlift
- Hyperextension
- Bicep curls
- Isolation curls
- Preacher hammer curls
- Wide grip and close grip EZ Bar curls

Travis Scott Wednesday Workout: Shoulder
- Arnold Press
- Sitting Dumbbell Military press
- Military press
- Lateral raise
- Front raises
- Delt flyes
- Shrugs
Travis Scott Thursday Workout: Legs
- Back squats
- Front squats
- Leg press
- Leg extension
- Lunges
- Stiff-leg deadlift
- Calf raises
- Sitting calf raises

Travis Scott Friday Workout: Core
- Crunches
- Cross crunches
- Incline bench Crunches
- Russian twist
- Planks
- Side plank
- Deadlift
- Hypertension
Travis Scott MMA Training
For his MMA training schedule, Travis Scott likes to do a lot of moves like kicking and punching which improves strength, and some agility moves which focus on power, stamina, explosiveness, and flexibility. Thus it is a pretty all-around exercise that focuses on all kinds of muscle groups.Thus MMA is the perfect training for anyone who is low on time and has a busy schedule like Travis Scott himself.That was all about Travis Scott's workout routine. Moving onto how he nourished himself to get the fuel for his workouts and hectic music schedule. Take a look at the Travis Scott diet plan below.
Travis Scott Diet Plan
Travis Scott is pretty healthy and since he has a lean frame, it is pretty easy to stay that way for him. He still eats 4 to 5 balanced meals in a day that have all the macronutrients and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals present to sustain his body.His plate is balanced in carbs, protein, and good fats and he does not believe in excluding any food group from his diet. He is also very careful about his water intake so he makes sure that he is drinking enough water to beat the fatigue and stay hydrated. It is also great for the detoxification of the body.

Although Travis Scott has not officially shared his exact diet in the media, here's a sample diet that he has to share:
Travis Scott Breakfast Meal
- Toast
- Oats
- Eggs
- Juice or coffee
- Fruits
- Protein shake

Travis Scott Lunch Meal
- Salad
- Chicken breast
- Rice
- Veggies
Travis Scott Dinner Meal
- Steak or fish
- Rice
- Salad
- Veggies
Travis Scott does like to have junk food too and he enjoys savory foods like burgers and fries or chips. One of his favorite foods is tacos. However, there's some kind of foods that he does not like at all and one of them is sour cream which he hates.Travis Scott told in an interview, the first time he met Kanye West in the studio, that he was offered a Doritos Locos Taco from Taco Bell which is one of his favorite things. He could not eat that unfortunately because it was loaded up with sour cream which he hates. Kanye asked him the reason because everyone except Kanye didn't know that Travis Scott did not like the sour cream. However, Travis still ended up eating it because he did not want to spoil the moment.

In Travis Scott's own words, he recalls the experience saying,“First thing he gave me was a Doritos taco from Taco Bell. He’s like, ‘Yo you want a taco?’ I was like, ‘Yeah!’ He gave it to me on this fancy-ass platter, like some Hermes shit. What’s crazy is, I don’t eat sour cream. So I opened it and that shit was loaded with sour cream! He’s like ‘Why aren’t you eating it?’ All my niggas know that shit would make me throw up. But I ate the whole shit! [Laughs.] I wasn’t going to be like, ‘No, I’m not fucking with this taco man. You put this shit on this nice plate, but I’m not about to eat it.’ That taco was so fucking disgusting. But man, I wouldn’t even notice it.”